
  • 网络site levelling
  1. 论述总图运输设计中选择竖向布置方式的问题。

    Discuss the selection of vertical arrangement in plot plan design ;

  2. 石油化工企业厂区竖向布置设计规范

    Code for design of vertical arrangement in plant-site for petrochemical enterprises

  3. 浅析平遥古城的竖向布置山区水泥厂竖向布置的探讨

    Discussion on vertical arrangement of cement plant in mountain areas

  4. 唐山新华大厦结构平面和竖向布置均较复杂。

    The structural plane and vertical arrangement of Tangshan Xinhua mansion are complex .

  5. 两种竖向布置界限值的确定

    Determination of Marginal Value of Two Vertical Arrangement

  6. 高层建筑结构的布置包含平面布置、竖向布置以及变形缝设置。

    The structural arrangement contains plane arrangement , vertical arrangement and the set of joints .

  7. 支撑体系竖向布置的一些优化

    Optimization of vertically arranged supporting system

  8. 本文对天然气流量测试中心工程的选址、总平面及竖向布置内容作了简要介绍。

    This article briefly introduces selection of station location , general plan and vertical arrangement of the natural gas flow metering test centre .

  9. 文中提出了建筑设计中的主要抗震设计问题,如:建筑体型,建筑平面和竖向布置要有利于建筑抗震。

    In this paper , some main problems of building seismic design are presented , such as configuration of building , horizontal and vertical planing of building .

  10. 当结构形式沿竖向布置差异较大时,就需要在结构布置沿竖向改变的部位设置转换层。

    When structure system and layout along the vertical direction has great discrepancy , transfer layer is needed in the position where structure layout changes in the vertical direction .

  11. 本文探索常青乐园&坡地建筑园林化的总体布局,建筑造型、平面组合,竖向布置及空间组织的特色。

    This paper is approaching the overall arrangement of hilly architectural horticulture , architectural modelling , plan combination , vertical arrangement and the feature of spacial organization of " Changqing Paradise " .

  12. 在框架-剪力墙结构设计中,首要的工作是结合建筑使用要求,确定剪力墙的数量和布置,包括平面布置和竖向布置。

    When beginning a design of frame-shear wall structure , it is preliminary that we decide the quality and location of shear wall , which includes deciding the planar and vertical arrangement depending on architectural function demand .

  13. 据我所知,本厂的总平面不知由贵方承担,你能告诉我总降布置在什么地方么?石油化工企业厂区竖向布置工程施工及验收规范

    I am told that general layout of this plant will be done by you , could you give me some ideas about the location of power sub-station ? Code for construction and acceptance for yard paving layout engineering for petrochemical enterprises factories area

  14. 从场地选择、结构的平面布置、竖向布置等方面,介绍了在砌体结构设计中结构布置运用的抗震概念设计方法,以有效地提高其抗震能力,满足三不准的设计原则。

    This introduces the method of anti seismic concept design used in the structural arrangement in masonry design from site selection , structural plane arrangement , vertical arrangement and other aspects in order to efficiently improve earthquake resistance of masonry structure to meet the design principle of three level .

  15. 由于建设场地条件的限制,以及使用功能的需要,使得建筑的平面和竖向布置日益复杂,在结构适当部位加设阻尼器的减震方法是近年来出现的一种新型的消能减震结构形式。

    Due to the restrictions on construction site conditions , and the need to use features , making increasingly complex plane and the vertical arrangement of the building , to structure appropriate parts add damping method of damper is emerging in recent years a new form of energy dissipation structures .

  16. 在此基础上,运用验证过的非线性程序,对影响抗剪强度的竖向预应力布置参数如竖向预应力的大小、竖向预应力筋的间距等进行了参数分析,研究了不同参数下箱梁的受剪性能。

    On this basis , using validated non-linear process , the parametric analysis is carried out to study the box girder shear properties with the different parameters , which select the vertical prestressed strength and spacing of vertical tendon as factors .

  17. 因此,在结构设计中,应该对竖向不规则布置填充墙的做法予以避免。

    Therefore , in the structural design , decorating infill walls in the vertical irregular should be avoided .

  18. 介绍哈尔滨绕城公路松花江斜拉桥主塔锚固区环向预应力、锚固钢横梁及预应力、竖向预应力的布置情况及有关的预应力施工工艺。

    The distribution of ring pre-stress , anchoring steel beam and pre-stress , vertical pre-stress of the anchoring zone of the main tower in Songhuajiang cable stayed bridge are introduced and the corresponding construction technologies are clarified in the paper .

  19. 在墩柱模板施工中利用墩柱外形的棱角线条进行模板竖向拼接缝布置,按最大模板设计高度加工模板以减少模板水平拼接缝,通过模板背楞及模板拼接节点的设计保证模板刚度;

    In pier column formwork construction , engineers used edge lines of the pier to arrange vertical formwork joints , manufactured formwork according to the maximum designed formwork height to avoid horizontal formwork joints , and designed proper rear ribs and joints of formwork to ensure its rigidity .

  20. 主要阐述了竖向规划在整个居住区规划中的重要性,竖向规划与平面布置、空间环境以及管线规划的密切联系。

    The paper mainly elaborates importance of vertical plan in overall populated area plan , the close connection between vertical plan and plane layout , space environment , pipeline plan .

  21. 提出在现有竖向设计理论的基础上,还应按照街区宽度与街区整平坡度关系的界限值来考虑竖向设计方案,并提供一个选择竖向布置方式的重要判别式。

    Propose that the vertical design should be made according to the marginal value of the relation of block width and block leveling slope , as well as the existing vertical design theory .