
  1. 淮南矿区8煤层始突瓦斯参数确定方法及应用研究煤与瓦斯突出后对防突风门破坏的数值模拟

    Study on the Methods of Defining Gas Parameters of the First Outburst and Its Application of No.8 Coal Seam of Huainan Mining Group

  2. 通过对这四方面深入的研究,最终考察确定出鹤壁矿区严重突出矿井的始突瓦斯含量临界值为9m3/t,并且经过现场工业性试验检验考察结果是可靠的。

    Through these four in-depth research , final inspection to determine gas content critical value of 9 m3 / t on the least outburst depth , and the results are reliable by industrial tests on mine .

  3. 始突瓦斯参数的选取包括:瓦斯含量、构造煤厚度、瓦斯涌出量及其变化幅度以及日常预测指标等。

    Gas parameters of the first outburst include the following : gas content , tectonic soft coal thickness , volume of gas emission and its range of variation , working face prediction indexes and so on .

  4. 论文以鹤壁严重突出矿井为研究基地,通过历史资料收集、突出事故分析、现场跟踪考察和实验室实验,对鹤壁矿区严重突出矿井始突瓦斯含量临界值进行考察确定。

    Papers in order to Hebi serious outburst mine as a research base , through the historical data collection , outburst accident analysis , on-site follow-up investigations and laboratory experiments , to investigate and determine gas content critical value of the least outburst depth at Hebi serious outburst mine .

  5. 三软煤层采煤工作面煤层注水消突治理瓦斯、煤尘技术井下煤层隔水底板注浆堵水加固技术

    Technology of Gas Outburst Elimination , Gas and Coal Dust Management with Water Injection in Coal Seam at Coal Face in " Three Soft " Coal Seam

  6. 根据淮南矿区高突煤层瓦斯赋存和瓦斯事故的实际状况,研究了掘进迎头和掘进巷道瓦斯涌出的主要特点,提出了针对性瓦斯防治思路和防治方法。

    The author conducted research on the main features of gas emission in heading face and roadway according to the actual situation of gas occurrence and gas accident in serious outburst seams in Huainan Coal Mining Area and advanced directive gas prevention and control ideals and methods .

  7. 高突工作面瓦斯综合抽放方法的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Comprehensive Gas Drainage Techniques for Outburst Face

  8. 煤矿突水和瓦斯突出是渗流系统失稳的表现,是由系统的非线性机制决定的复杂动力学行为。

    Water inrush and gas outburst in mines are exhibitions of instability of seepage flow in wall rock , and their complicated dynamic behavior is governed by the nonlinearity in their control equations .

  9. 采矿活动必然造成地下岩体应力的重新分布和岩体的破裂损伤,这种损伤极大地改变了围岩的渗透性,从而导致了矿井突水和瓦斯突出等安全事故。

    Mining activities inevitably leads to redistribution of stress of underground rock and fracture and damage of rock mass , which has greatly change the permeability of surrounding rock , thus caused water inrush in coal mine and gas outburst accidents .

  10. 煤矿安全的突出问题之一是突水事故、瓦斯突出。

    Among the safety problems of coal mines the goaf water and gas outburst are main problems .

  11. 土城矿14129工作面防突及回采期间瓦斯综合治理

    Gas Outburst Prevention and Comprehensive Control During the Extraction of the No. 14129 Coal Face at Tucheng Mine

  12. 隧道属于地下建筑工程,施工中常遇到各种不良地质地段,突泥、突水、瓦斯突出、岩爆等灾害性地质现象(即隧道地质灾害)时有发生。

    Tunnel belongs to the underground construction engineering , during the construction , we often meet multifarious geological hazard , such as dashing out the mud , water , gas and the rock outbursts .

  13. 在对隧道施工安全重大危险源进行识别时,特别是对塌方地段、突水、突泥地段、瓦斯爆炸、岩爆、高地温、地段等特殊地质的危险源进行重点识别。

    In this paper , the tunnel construction safety at major hazard identification , Especially for cave sites , emergence of water , sudden mud lots , gas explosion , rock burst , high temperature , location and other special focus on geological hazards identified .