
chuān yī jìng
  • full-length mirror;dressing mirror;wardrobe mirror
穿衣镜 [chuān yī jìng]
  • [full-length mirror]用来修整衣冠、端正仪表的大镜子

穿衣镜[chuān yī jìng]
  1. 她在出门前喜欢在大穿衣镜面前照照。

    She likes to look at herself in a full-length mirror before she goes out .

  2. 然后,我站起身,走向穿衣镜,照了照镜子。

    Then I stood up and went to the full-length mirror and peered into it .

  3. 两扇窗子之间有一个大穿衣镜。

    There was a large pier-glass mirror between the two windows .

  4. 她站起身,对着穿衣镜上上下下照了一遍。

    She stood up and surveyed herself in the pier-glass .

  5. 放在穿衣镜下的矮桌。

    A low table set below a pier glass .

  6. 快看这个椭圆的穿衣镜,放在你的大厅里真是美呆了!

    Look at that oval mirror . It 'll look fantastic in your hall .

  7. 我们宿舍里没有穿衣镜,饭厅门口倒是有一面。

    Our bedroom has no full-length mirror . There is one at the canteen entrance .

  8. 你看这个矩形的穿衣镜怎么样?

    How about this rectangular one ?

  9. 卧室小一点,不过放一张床和穿衣镜还是放得下的。

    The bedroom is a little small but there 's room for a bed and a dresser .

  10. 研究表明,商场里大量的落地穿衣镜让女性购物者感到很不舒服。

    The study reveals that a high number of mirrors on the shop floor make female shoppers feel uncomfortable .

  11. 我房间的上下推拉窗总关不严,所以夜里我的大穿衣镜上会凝结水汽,第二天早上,就会在镜子下方看到两个小手印。

    The sash window in the room I stayed in would never close fully and condensation used to build up on my full length mirror .

  12. 林白小说中的落地穿衣镜是展现女人真实生命体验,揭示女人真正面目的异度空间。

    " The full-length mirror " in Lin Bai 's novels is the difference space unfolding the female real life experience and promulgating their genuine features .

  13. 忽然之间感觉自己又回到了大学时代,站在穿衣镜前不知所措了起来。

    All of a sudden felling the oneself returned to the university ages again , standing to frightened into inaction to get up before dressing mirror .

  14. 女孩的家里怎么能没有穿衣镜呢,而且一定要和衣橱紧密挨着,否则生活岂不要少了很多漂亮和乐趣?

    How can there be pier glass in the girl 's home , and must be next to cheek by jowl with almirah , live not to want otherwise a lot of less beauty and fun ?

  15. 我们宿舍里没有穿衣镜,饭厅门口倒是有一面。每当我穿上一件漂亮的新连衣裙,我就禁不住暗暗地想往镜子里瞧瞧自己。

    As there is a full-length mirror at the entrance of the dining hall rather than in our dormitory , when I had an attractive new one-piece dress on , I would always wish to look at myself in the mirror .