
  1. 她穿衣打扮要用好长的时间。

    It takes her forever to get dressed .

  2. 她穿衣打扮的品位实在糟透了。

    Her dress sense is appalling .

  3. 我怎么穿衣打扮,约翰总是照着做。

    John always copies the way I dress .

  4. 2013年的一项研究发现iPhone用户更虚荣,他们比黑莓和安卓用户花费更多时间在穿衣打扮上。

    A study in 2013 found that iPhone owners are vainer and spend more on clothes and grooming than those who have BlackBerrys and Android phones .

  5. 博主赛克斯(PandoraSykes)擅长穿衣打扮。

    Blogger Pandora Sykes is great at getting dressed .

  6. “灌输”工作甚至还扩展到了给乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克穿衣打扮上。

    The imputing even extended to gussying up Jobs and Wozniak .

  7. 关于我怎麽穿衣打扮,我希望你别找碴了。

    I wish you 'd stop carping about the way I dress .

  8. 冬日早起不等天亮,穿衣打扮借着烛光。

    In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light .

  9. 你在冬天会吃的有所不同吗?你的穿衣打扮在冬天会如何不同?

    Do you eat differently in winter ? How do you dress differently ?

  10. 然后花点时间为孩子穿衣打扮。

    It takes time to get the kids dressed .

  11. 教师们是怎样穿衣打扮的?

    What is it with teachers and clothes ?

  12. 女人喜欢穿衣打扮。

    Women love clothes and dressing up .

  13. 大家都很清楚姥姥是如何对你们的新潮发型、穿衣打扮指指点点的吧?

    You know how grandma 's always criticizing your new haircut or choice of clothing ?

  14. 她起床,穿衣打扮,照料她的家和孩子们。

    She rises , and dresses , and sees to her household and her children .

  15. 我喜欢打扮以及教他们如何穿衣打扮。

    I enjoy dressing up and I teach them how to match clothes and wear makeup .

  16. 而且,贝拉是一个非常朴素的女孩&一不化妆也不注重穿衣打扮。

    Also , Bella is a very natural girl – not one for makeup or fixating on clothes .

  17. 她是新来的,爸爸想让我跟她谈谈她的穿衣打扮。

    She 's new , and dad wants me to talk to her about the way she dresses .

  18. 你的穿衣打扮直接影响人们是否会认真对待你。

    How you dress directly affects how people perceive you and whether or not they will take you seriously .

  19. 他说,在他的公司里,人们不会试图用穿衣打扮去掩盖任何东西。

    In his workplace , he says , 'we 're not trying to hide anything with our clothes . '

  20. 早早起身的父母们只有55分钟的时间可以用来洗澡穿衣打扮和吃早餐。

    After rising early , the average working parent will spend a total of55 minutes showering , dressing and eating breakfast .

  21. 从6岁起,她妈妈开始给她买芭比娃娃收藏玩偶,并且照芭比娃娃的穿衣打扮风格为她打扮。

    When she turned six , her mum started buying her collectible Barbie dolls and enthusiastically dressing her up like one .

  22. 我想知道她和丈夫是否出去吃饭了,就餐的地点和她的穿衣打扮。

    I wondered if she and her husband ate out , and where they dined , and what she was wearing .

  23. 从前她穿衣打扮是为了她自己,为了让自己漂亮,讨人喜欢;

    At one time she used to dress for her own sake , in order to look well and be attractive ;

  24. 很多时候,穿衣打扮之所以乐趣十足,并非只是因为一条短裙或是一件运动夹克那么简单,而更多的在于配饰。

    Sometimes , more than the skirt or the blazer , it 's the accessories that make dressing up so much fun .

  25. 第二天早晨,托尼带着围裙,给她端来了早餐,然后问她是否需要帮忙穿衣打扮。

    On the second morning Tony , wearing an apron , brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing .

  26. 然而,完全让我忘掉她并不可能&尤其当我穿衣打扮的时候。

    It was impossible to get her entirely out of my thoughts , though & especially when it came to the way I dressed .

  27. 这时,伯德伍德也在房里穿衣打扮。他正在试穿刚刚送到的一件新上衣。

    At the same time , in his farmhouse , Boldwood was also dressing He was trying on a new coat which had just been delivered .

  28. 我自己更偏好于在我的健身器材上运动因为很方便不用外出,也不用为了外出运动穿衣打扮。

    I , myself , prefer my elliptical bike because of the convenience of not having to leave the house and get dressed properly for exercise .

  29. 嘉莉微微吃了一惊,不过她要女个仆下去说,她马上下来,一边加紧穿衣打扮。

    She started slightly at the announcement , but told the girl to say that she would come down in a moment , and proceeded to hasten her dressing .

  30. 在参加过就业培训或者技能发展项目之后,女性们就开始为获得成功而穿衣打扮。这得感谢来自个人、公司和服装厂商的慷慨捐助。

    After completing a job training or skills-development program , Suited for Change women are ready to be dressed for success , to donations from individuals , companies and manufacturers .