
  • 网络SPACE LANGUAGE;spatial language
  1. 空间语言&人体信息生发与诉求的依托

    Spatial Language : Backing of the Development and Appeal of the Human Body Information

  2. 从自然、历史的角度出发,认为水是宁波最动听的空间语言、城市发展最亲近的见证;

    This paper in the perspective of nature and history indicates that water is a dulcet spatial language and familiar witness of the urban development .

  3. 论中、西空间语言差异

    On the Differences of Space Language in Chinese and Western Cultures

  4. 身体语言由表情语言、动作语言、空间语言三个部分构成。

    Body language contains expression language , movements language , posture language .

  5. 感悟现代城市雕塑的空间语言

    The space language of modern city sculptures

  6. 空间语言不仅影响我们的交际活动,而且有时甚至具有超过言语的作用。

    Proxemics not only influences our communication activities , but also plays a more important role than in verbal ways .

  7. 空间语言是存在于三维空间的任何物质,交流或传递信息的最基本的语言方式。

    Space language is the most basic language method of communication which lies in any matter of the three-dimensional space .

  8. 在非言语交际中也存在着各种各样的性别文化差异,本章主要讨论身势语、空间语言及触摸等方面的性别文化差异。

    Gender differences are various in nonverbal communication , this chapter focuses on gender differences in kinesics , proxemics and touch .

  9. 浅谈中国当下纪念碑雕塑的空间语言表达&由罗丹《加莱义民》说起

    Superficial Discussion of Space Language Expression About the Present Chinese Monument Sculpture & Speaking from Rodin 's The Burghers of Calais

  10. 公共雕塑以它独有的空间语言、材质和造型结构让人们能感受到它的形式美感和审美内涵。

    We can feel the form of beauty and aesthetic meaning through the public sculpture in its own space 、 material and structure of language .

  11. 实验1考察在有空间语言线索提示下南、北方被试空间认知的差异。

    Experiment 1 inspected the spatial cognition of South China university students and North China university students under the conditions that provided spatial word cues .

  12. 空间语言有鲜明的社会性、民族性,因此,对空间语言的选择就意味着对生活方式与生活质量的选择。

    Spatial language possesses distinct sociality and nationality , so a choice of spatial language means a choice of ways of living and quality of living .

  13. 此外,本文还提出空间语言的使用也会受到性别,人际关系以及心理等因素的影响。

    Moreover , the author in the thesis proposes that proxemics using is also influenced by other factors such as gender , personal relationship and psychology , etc.

  14. 空间语言把知觉空间和想象空间联系在一起,是研究认知和知觉系统间相互影响和作用的理想方式。

    Spatial language which links the perceptual space to the imagined space is an ideal way to study the relationship of interaction between cognitive and perceptual systems .

  15. 结果表明,当给予空间语言线索提示时,南、北方被试都更多地以所提示的空间参考框架定向。

    The results showed that both Southern and Northern students oriented more according to the cued spatial frame of reference when the spatial word cues were given .

  16. 空间语言是人体对所处空间、距离的反应和诉求。它与人类的生存、生活息息相关。

    Spatial language is the reaction and appeal of the human body to the space and distance , and it is closely related with the survival of man .

  17. 第4章,运用空间语言等相关理论,对航站楼的空间设计和交通流线组织进行了系统剖析。

    The 4 ~ th chapter explodes into the systematic dimensional design and transportation flow organization of airport terminals on the basis of " space languages " and relevant theories .

  18. 首先,利用建筑空间语言将八卦符号图形化,由阴阳两种具有不同种能量的空间生成八卦空间。

    First , the use of the building space language Eight Diagrams symbol graphical Eight Diagrams generated by the yin and yang are two different kinds of energy space space .

  19. 非言语交际方面,作者通过分析具体的事例,论述了身势语、副语言及空间语言三方面出现的跨文化交际障碍对口译质量的影响。

    On the other hand , in the aspect of nonverbal communication , the author discusses how the intercultural communicative barriers affect the quality of the interpretation by analyzing concrete cases .

  20. 将水墨的黑白空间语言应用到植物空间的设计中来,最简略的植物空间感受借助水墨语言可以得到很直观的解释。

    Apply black-and-white space language of Chinese ink painting to the design of plant space , ocular explanation can be received simple plant space experience by language of Chinese ink painting .

  21. 如何在从建筑到建筑的学习之外,引入对其他艺术形式的文本阅读与研究,培养学生形成自身独特的空间语言创造力和思维方式是近几年来在教学实践中探索的一个方向。

    At the aim of stimulating students to find their own way to create form and space , the author introduced studying other art forms in the training in the last four years .

  22. 其原因终在于一个事实,即是说空间语言可作为探求空间概念深处世界一个切入,而单纯观察人类的其它行为很难达此目的。

    The reason lies in the fact that spatial language can provide researchers with an access to the inner world of spatial concepts , which are difficult to investigate by mere observation of other human behaviors .

  23. 结果:非语言艺术在健美操教学与训练中包括服装与形体语言、手势语言与肢体语言、面部表情与视线接触语言、空间语言、音乐与动作语言、队形与配合语言等特性。

    RESULTS : Non-language art included costume and body language , language of gesture and limb , facial expression and eye contact language , language of space , music and action language with formation and matching language , etc. in teaching and training of calisthenics .

  24. 时态空间查询语言及时态空间GIS结构模型

    Temporal-spatial Querying Language and Its GIS Reference Model

  25. 利用该模型扩充了标准SQL语言的关系代数,实现了混合维定性空间查询语言MQS-SQL。

    We improve the algebra of standard SQL with this spatial relation model , design and implement a multi-dimensional qualitative spatial query language MQS-SQL .

  26. 混合维定性空间查询语言MQS-SQL

    Multi - Dimensional Qualitative Spatial Query Language MQS - SQL

  27. 在其他未提供正式名称空间的语言中(比如PHPV5.2以及更早版本),人们常常通过在类或函数名中使用特定的命名约定来发挥名称空间的作用。

    In other languages without formal namespaces ( such as PHP V5.2 and earlier ), people would often emulate namespaces by trying to use a specific naming convention within the class or function names .

  28. 雕塑作为景观空间的语言&对加州情景园的设计评析

    Sculpture as a Language of Landscape Design-Analysis of the California Scenario

  29. 对西方现代绘画空间形式语言的思考

    An Exploration into the Spatial Formal Language in Western Contemporary Painting

  30. 分布式计算环境中的空间查询语言全局解析机制

    An Approach to Geographic SQL Global Parsing under Distributed Computation Circumstance