
  • 网络Air conditioning engineer;HVAC Engineer;air conditioner engineer
  1. BACnet协议于1995年由美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师协会制定并成为美国国家标准.此协议规范了楼宇自动控制系统实现互操作的方法,已成为楼字设备通信的标准。

    BACnet protocol , which was adopted by ASHRAE in 1995 , standards the way of mutual operation of Building Automation and Control system and has become the standard of the communication between building equipments .

  2. MERV系统由美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会创立,来单独证实一个空气过滤系统的空气清洁性能。

    The MERV system was created by the American Society of Heating , Refrigerating , and Air Conditioning Engineers ( ASHRAE ) to independently verify how well an air filtration system really cleans the air .

  3. 空调工程师可以得到,而无需在手持式仪器(如德图工业服务)发送校准探头。

    The air conditioning engineer can get the probes calibrated without having to send in the hand-held instrument ( e.g.at Testo Industrial Services ) .

  4. 随着变频技术的发展和变频器在水泵上的广泛应用,变流量的空调水系统成为工程师设计空调水系统的首选,而且在实践应用中已经取得了很好的节能效果。

    Along with the development of of variable frequency technique and the application of variable frequency machine to the water pump , the variable air conditioning water system is the first choice of the engineers . In practice , the variable air conditioning water system has saved energy .