
  • 网络spatial;spatiality;extensity
  1. 交易数据库中带有空间性约束的关联规则采掘

    Ming of Association Rules with Spatial Constraint in Sales Database

  2. 公共政策的空间性与城市空间政策体系

    Spatial attribute of public policies and urban spatial policies system

  3. GIS数据模型的核心在于空间性,基本上是静态的,因此GIS工具只能有限的处理过程知识。

    Since GIS data model is spatial at the core , GIS is limited when dealing with process knowledge .

  4. 中国民间舞中节奏的作用及空间性

    The Function and Space Perception of Rhythms in Chinese Folk Dances

  5. 监狱也是一个物质体系,是一个场性的构造,从时代性、空间性、动态性、矛盾性的结构上,具有场性性状。

    Prison is also a substantial system and forms a field structure .

  6. 就业特征呈现明显的区域性、集聚化、空间性。

    Employment characteristics show significant regional agglomeration , space .

  7. 事物作为现象存在,其空间性、时间性是主观的;

    4 , the space and time of a phenomenon of a thing are subjective ;

  8. 考虑实际钢框架中梁柱节点的空间性,基于有限元模型验证,对四种全焊接空间节点进行了非线性有限元分析,得出节点的温度-转角曲线。

    Based on finite element model validation , the fire resistance of four welded joints for spatial steel frames are simulated and the temperature-rotation curves are obtained .

  9. 从作品的叙述结构即外部结构看,但丁将空间性叙述结构与时间性叙述结构相结合从而弥补了单一叙述结构的不足。

    Seeing from the structure of predication of the work , Dante make up the deficiency of single structure of predication by combining spatial narrative structure with time narrative structure together .

  10. 由于它包含了暂时性、互动性、可变性以及空间性等特点,使得它即有其他的艺术形式的表现力又较之在表现形式上有着更突出的能力。

    Because it contains temporary , interactive , variability and spatial characteristics , so that the performance of the other art forms and the ability to have a more prominent than in the form of performance .

  11. 通过对公共政策不连续性与连续性的对比分析,得出公共政策的不连续性有八大特征:时间性、空间性、相对性、条件性、两变性、辨证性、统一性、转换性。

    Through analyzing the public policy discontinuity and continuity of comparative analysis , the public policy discontinuity has eight features : time , space , relativity , conditioned , syndrome differentiation , degeneration , dialectical unity , conversion .

  12. 区域旅游资源地域性、空间性特征,决定了区域旅游资源的整体开发和综合开发的必然性和必要性,同时也决定了旅游业的发展必然要与相应的空间地域结构联系。

    Characteristics of regional and spatial regional tourism resources not only determines the inevitability and necessity for the overall and comprehensive development of regional tourism resources , but also determines the connection between the development of tourism and the corresponding spatial structure .

  13. 《聊斋俚曲》作为一部代表特定历史时期、具有特定地域方言特点的历史文献,其研究价值远不止于它的历史时间性,也许它的历史空间性更应引起我们的注意。

    Liao Zhai Folk Tune as a representative of a particular historical period , with specific geographical dialect features of the historical documents , the value of their research is distant not stopping in its history temporality , its history space maybe responds to paying attention to arousing us more .

  14. 基于GIS和地统计学的农田土壤养分空间变异性研究

    Spatial Variability of Farmland Soil Nutrients Based on GIS and Geo-statistics

  15. 具有空间重叠性的双波长TEACO2激光器研究

    A Dual-wavelength Oscillation-amplify TEA CO_2 Laser with Space Overlapped Pulses

  16. 以甘肃省榆中县为研究区域,应用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法对该县的土壤有机质的空间变异性进行了分析。

    Geostatistic method combined with GIS was applied to analyze the spatial variability of soil organic matter in Yuzhong County in Gansu Province as example .

  17. 将随机场理论引入边坡可靠性分析,将插值法与SVM法结合对边坡进行可靠性分析,得到考虑参数空间变异性的可靠性分析结果。

    Random field is introduced into slope reliability analysis and implemented by coupling interpolation method with SVM . In this way , the spatial variability of soil can be included in the reliability analysis .

  18. 生物的扑翼飞行本质上是一种具有时间和空间对称性的节律运动,由中枢模式发生器(CPG)所产生和控制。

    The flapping-wing flying of living things is essentially a kind of rhythmic movement possessing the symmetry of time and space and is produced and controlled by central patterned generator .

  19. 海马结构的CA3、CA4区和齿状回与空间辨别性学习记忆的关系密切。

    The CA3 , CA4 subregion and the dentate gyms are correlated with the spacial learning and memory .

  20. 当供水负压为1cm,盘径为14.4cm(小盘径),导水率和宏观毛管上升高度的空间连续性没有表现出来。

    When tension was 1 cm and disc diameter was 14.4 cm , the spatial structure of hydraulic conductivity was not displayed .

  21. 采用2m×2m均匀栅格取样方式和等级次序地统计学方法,研究了面积为200m2褐土耕层土壤机械组成的空间变异性。

    Regular square grids with 2 m spacing was adopted to study the spatial variability of the cinnamon soil mechanical composition in a 10 m × 20 m plot .

  22. 采用SPSS软件,对重庆主要植烟区土壤的各项基础环境信息数据进行处理,计算出各项基础环境的相应统计学参数,并分析其在不同尺度上的空间变异性。

    Tobacco-growing soil basic environment information directly effects on tobacco 's growth , yield and quality . The author tries to analyze the data collected on the main tobacco-growing area in CHONGQING with the software SPSS and work out their corresponding statistics indices .

  23. 利用SPSS(11.0)软件对实验数据进行了统计、分析和比较,研究了两个样地及灌丛样地两种生境各种土壤养分的平均含量、空间异质性和相关关系。

    Have been done statistical work , analyzed and compared these experimental data using the SPSS ( 11.0 ), studied the mean concentration 、 spacial heterogeneity and correlation relation of each soil nutrient of the two studied sites and two living surroundings of shrubland .

  24. 对于玉米现实生产力而言,由随机性因素引起的空间异质性占总空间异质性的38.9%,且主要体现在5km以内的小尺度上;

    For the actual productivity of maize , the proportion of spatial heterogeneity caused by stochastic factors were 38.9 % of the total spatial heterogeneity , and was found at scale less than 5 km .

  25. 地统计学在湿地土壤养分空间异质性研究中的应用

    Application of Geo-statistics in Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Nutrients in Wetlands

  26. 东莞林科园土壤水分的空间异质性

    Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture Content in Dongguan Forest Experimental Park

  27. 土壤水分空间变异性对灌溉决策的影响研究

    Effects of spatial variability of soil water on irrigation schedule

  28. 甘肃灌漠土土壤肥力的空间变异性典型研究

    Spatial Variability of Irrigated Desert Soil Fertility in Gansu Province

  29. 岩体强度参数空间变异性分析

    Analysis on spatial variability of strength parameter of rock mass

  30. 梁子湖湿地土壤养分的空间异质性

    Spatial variability of soil nutrients in wetland of Liangzi Lake