
lán tú
  • blueprint;blue print drawing;positive print
蓝图 [lán tú]
  • (1) [blueprint]

  • (2) 通常用铁氰化和铁盐敏化的纸或布,曝光后用清水冲洗显影晒成的蓝底白图的相纸,特别供晒印地图、机械图、建筑图样用

  • (3) 一个详细的、各部分完全协调的计划或行动规划

  • 建设蓝图

蓝图[lán tú]
  1. 这份报告被宣称是未来运输的蓝图。

    The report is being heralded as a blueprint for the future of transport .

  2. 文件内附有一张核装置的设计蓝图。

    The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device .

  3. 该国总统会向代表们展示他构想的国家未来发展的蓝图。

    The country 's president will offer delegates his blueprint for the country 's future .

  4. 这张蓝图有点不准。

    There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint .

  5. 当时我们没有什么蓝图可以作依据。

    We didn 't have any blueprints to go by at that time .

  6. 人们对城镇化蓝图的构筑范围不断扩大,从新的商业区发展到经济开发区,再发展到地图上从未有过的新城市。

    The scope of urban ambition today ranges from new business districts to special economic zones to entirely new cities never before on the map .

  7. 除了更多地接触她所吃的食物之外,另一种快乐来自于将这些知识和对美食的渴望传递给她的孩子:"影响他们,告诉他们你的观点,即不仅要注意我们所吃的东西,还要理解更大的蓝图,"她说,"那就是:如果我们都不照顾地球,那就没有人会了。"

    In addition to being more in touch with the food she 's eating , another joy comes from passing this knowledge and this desire for good food to her children : " Influencing them and telling them your opinion on not only being careful what we eat but understanding   the bigger picture , " she said , " that if we don 't take care of the earth , no will . "

  8. 明了神的蓝图,将使你的烦躁转为灵感

    Understanding God 's big picture can turn irritations into inspirations .

  9. 蓝图搞好了吗

    Have the blueprints been worked out ?

  10. 研究人员分析了超过7.2万人的人体蓝图——基因组。

    Researchers analysed DNA - the blueprint4 for the human body - from more than 72000 people .

  11. 要研究制定“十四五”时期国家知识产权保护和运用规划,明确目标、任务、举措和实施蓝图。

    China will create a national plan for IPR protection and application for the 14th Five-Year Plan period from 2021 to 2025 , specifying for innovation .

  12. 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。

    The " dual circulation " development paradigm for China 's development in the next five to 15 years , which is under review at the " two sessions . "

  13. DNA堪称是所有生命体体内均具有的一张“蓝图”,正是在它的“指引”下各种不同的基因沿着特定的路线逐步发育成长,最后便形成了诸多互不相同的个体。

    DNA is the internal blueprint for life that carries the genes that develop into each individual .

  14. 模板是JavaScript函数和对象在一个context中的蓝图。

    A template is a blueprint for JavaScript functions and objects in a context .

  15. DNA作为生命的遗传蓝图,必须被解码或被“阅读”,甚至在被紧密“打包”放进核小体的时候也是如此。

    As the genetic blueprint of life , DNA must be deciphered or " read ," even when densely packed into nucleosomes .

  16. Notes最初的蓝图包括在线讨论、电子邮件、电话簿和文档数据库。

    The original vision of Notes included on-line discussion , email , phone books , and document databases .

  17. 在此阶段中,更新了项目列表(ProjectList),详述了实现计划(ImplementationPlan),并且将蓝图传递给了实现团队。

    In this phase , the Project List is updated , the Implementation Plan is detailed , and the Blueprint is handed to the implementation teams .

  18. DNA含有编码信息-好象计算机一段程序-怎样释放出你的生命的蓝图设计。

    DNA contains the coded information - as if a program in a computer - the blueprint about how your life plays out .

  19. 与现有的MasterDataManagement蓝图相比,增加的关键技术包括收集、处理和共享序列化的产品转移信息。

    The key pieces of technology above and beyond an existing Master Data Management blueprint include the technologies to collect , process , and share the serialized product movement information .

  20. 这种用RationalROSE来分析评估一个待开发的软件系统,对于开发人员在合理的时间内开发和管理高质量的应用程序,能起到“蓝图”的作用。

    Applying Rational Rose to analyze and evaluate a developing software system can be used as blueprint to improve the software developing efficiency .

  21. 这都要求提供随需应变的业务,但是在IT基础设施中,SOA还仅仅只是一个概念或者说是一个蓝图。

    It is all about on demand business ; however , SOA is just a concept or blueprint for IT infrastructure .

  22. RNA分子在一旁表示为核糖体的蓝图,这是一种功能类似于全能工厂的蛋白质。

    This RNA molecule is next presented as a blueprint to the ribosome , a protein that behaves like an all-purpose factory .

  23. 通过提供公共的蓝图语言,UML减轻了本行业中常见的有专有联系的开发人员的负担。

    By offering a common blueprinting language , UML relieves developers of the proprietary ties that are so common in this industry .

  24. 这个步骤也就是大家所熟知的蓝图(blueprint)阶段,这时决定了服务准备情况。

    This step is also know as the blueprint stage , as service readiness is determined .

  25. 似乎总要在制作最后蓝图时有所参与(乔治B.梅里)

    Seems almost sure to have a finger or two in crafting the final blueprint ( George B. Merry )

  26. 文末,利用扩展的活动图表达了质量管理中一个典型的过程&不合格品的控制过程。第三章详细介绍了选课子系统的基于UML的设计蓝图。

    The extended UML activity diagram is used to illustrate the defective product control process which is a typical process of quality management .

  27. 其实,它们是与地球更新和重塑自己的能力相对应的,某种意义上成为新地球的DNA模板和蓝图。

    Indeed , they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself , becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth .

  28. 通过支持定义装配内的任意边界,这个架构蓝图支持B2B。

    This architecture blueprint supports B2B by enabling the definition of arbitrary boundaries within the assembly .

  29. 作为软件的蓝图的SA(软件体系结构),为人们宏观把握软件的整体结构和软件演化提供了一条有效的途径。

    It 's an availability approach for people to grasp whole macroscopical architecture and evolution of software based on SA .

  30. 布托在题为《退出欧元:实用指南》(LeavingtheEuro:APracticalGuide)的这份114页报告中为成员国退出这一共同货币联盟时应当采取的步骤绘出了蓝图。

    In a 114-page report , " leaving the euro : a practical guide , " Bootle delivered a blueprint for the steps a nation should take in exiting the common currency .