
  1. 其侵犯的客体是国家的税收分配关系,在客观方面表现为双重违法性,主观方面为直接故意,要求行为人具有违法性认识。

    The object of crimes against taxation is state taxation and revenue sharing relation . The objective aspect of crimes against taxation is dual illegality and subjective aspect is direct intent which requires the offender 's cognizance of illegality .

  2. 税收是一种分配关系的体现,直接涉及纳税主体的切身利益。

    Tax Revenue reflects the relationship of assignment and refers to the profit of taxpayers .

  3. 然而,国际税收管辖权的分配关系到一国在国际社会中所享有的税收利益。

    However , international taxation jurisdiction concern about the attribution of taxation benefit around the world .

  4. 税收是一个分配范畴,税收分配关系是国家参与社会产品分配所形成的一种经济利益关系。

    Taxation belongs to the category of distribution , is one kind of economic benefit relation .

  5. 税收制度作为规范国家和纳税人之间税收分配关系的法律制度,在现实经济生活中具有十分重要的意义。

    Revenue , as a legal system which can conduct the tax distribution relationship between the nation and taxpayers , is of great significance in our society .

  6. 涉外税收法律制度是调整具有涉外因素的税收分配关系的法律规范,对一国吸引利用外国资本有着重要的调节作用。

    Foreign taxation is a legal system which adjust the distribution of tax of foreign-related factors , and play an important role for a country to attract foreign capitals .

  7. 税负与税收的关系是:税负不等于税收,而是税收分配关系的数量体现。

    As a matter of fact , tax burden and taxation is not the same thing .

  8. 地方税收作为国家税收的一个组成部分,反映的是中央与地方的税收分配关系。

    Local taxes , as a part of national revenue , reflecting the central and local tax revenue distribution relations .

  9. 税收负担,简称税负,是指纳税人承受国家税收的状况或量度,反映一定时期内社会产品在国家与纳税人之间的税收分配数量关系。

    Tax burden , which is the measure of taxes borne by taxpayers , reflects the tax distribution in respect of social product of a certain period between the government and the taxpayers .