- empathy

Empathy and altruism are powerful instincts that define our species , but they can also be shut off or amplified by a number of situational factors .
Empathy was once thought to be a uniquely human trait .
The feeling of empathy makes you want to help them .
Characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy .
And the door into this emotion shift is empathy .
It 's perhaps the first stage toward the development of empathy .
Consolation is rarely seen in animals , possibly because it may require empathy .
On Translator 's Empathy in Literary Translations
In order to meet these requirements a mixture of empathy and ego-drive is required .
On Culture and Empathy in Language Communication
The analysis of his four novels and several shorts is to clarify Fitzgerald 's literary empathy .
Therefore , business advertisement must be an ideal combination of its informative value and emphatic function .
Cultural sensitivity , or cultural empathy , is awareness and an honest caring about another individual 's culture .
But it does happen that emotional & that this sort of empathy does lead to moral concern and action .
To develop such empathy , many universities in China have organized campus events to popularize knowledge about mental health .
Now , empathy is the affective resonance or cognitive resonance that tells you , this person is joyful , this person suffers .
The British researchers chose hens and chicks for the study because empathy is assumed to have evolved to help parents look after their young .
Adam Smith , who is often falsely viewed as a proponent of selfishness and hardheadedness , was quite explicit about the pull this has .
Jean Decety is a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago who studies human empathy , or how we share and understand the feelings of another person .
Human emotion and color are interactive in many ways , such as illusion and so on . Illusive Rhythmic Movement & Viewing the Basic Illusion in Calligraphy from " Momentum "
When the going gets tough and they begin to notice the tug on their harnesses they slack off , turn around and look at you , or start playing with their neighbors .
If we do an experiment and we induce you to feel empathetic to somebody , we get you to feel what they 're feeling , you 're more likely to be nice to them .
Also , according to Dr. Paul Zak , seeing movies or hearing stories about others causes us to feel empathy and prompts our brains to release oxytocin , which increases our feelings of caring .
In all kinds of teaching the electronic teaching plan has its own aesthetic standard such as the function of moving the feeling , the inner imitation in aesthetic sentiment and the harmonious unity of form and content .
The early formation and development of Chinese flower culture in history was connected with pleasant sensation of human beings for colorful and fragrant flowers and effects of removing feeling to the flowers as well as the inner imitation .
From the perspective point of view , in the process of synaesthesia metaphor , the empathy of embodied mind precipitates the production of imagination between two or among many different aesthetic feelings and drives the formation of synaesthesia metaphor .
Stemming from this , it is normal that this arouses feelings of empathy for the people we may have harmed , which tend to turn into feelings of guilt when we recognize that we are responsible for their suffering .
It can arouse empathy among pupils and their English teacher that has obvious influence on pupils ' English learning results .
But , moral sentimentalism does not understand the relation between reason and sentiment correctly just as moral rationalism , so it naturally can not effectively demonstrate moral requirements of moral sentimentalism to put emphasis on the role of empathy .
There exists an essential difference between the Occidental empathy theory and the aesthetics of Chinese classical poetics , which might result in different aesthetic statures .