
  1. 本文所要讨论的,就是作为一种虚构意识形态生产的文学及其活动所隐含的、比审美更为丰富,也更为复杂的蕴意。

    This paper discussed as a fiction , is the ideology of literature and activity production implied , more abundant than aesthetic and more complex lasting .

  2. 第二章将分别从意识形态生产理论的文学、语言与意识形态、虚构与意识形态三个方面阐释马歇尔的文学虚构与意识形态理论问题。

    In chapter 2 , we will separately from the production theory of ideology of literature , language and ideology , fiction and ideology of the three aspects of literary fiction explains Marshall with ideological theory problems .

  3. 文学生产本质上就是意识形态生产,当政治意识形态统治走向商业意识形态统治时,文学生产机制也相应变革,主要体现在以下三个方面:一、在文学背景上由一体化转向全球化;

    In essence , the production of literature is that of ideology to commercial ideology , the production mechanism of literature should change with it . This change is embodied in three spheres : 1.in literature , from integration to globalization .

  4. 本论文主要由六个部分组成:第一章意义的确立,主要是研究革命历史小说与国家意识形态生产之间的关系,从而深入剖析革命历史小说的述史动机与意义旨归所在;

    The first chapter , " The Establishment of Meaning ", mainly studies the relationship between the revolutionary historical novels and the formation of the national ideology so as to anatomize the motivation with which these novels narrate the history and the referents of the signified of these novels .

  5. 艺术的本质特性是审美的、创造性的意识形态和生产形态。

    The essential characteristics of art is its aesthetic and creative ideology and productive formation .

  6. 中国文学从传统向现代的转型,最大的变化是一种意识形态化生产体制的逐步确立。

    When the Chinese literature transformed from the classic to modem stage , the biggest change was the establishment of a ideological production system .

  7. 意识形态是以生产劳动为基础的,它因各种不同的物质社会生活产生了各种不同的形式。

    Ideology is based on the production of labor , it produced a variety of different forms which was due to a variety of different substances social life .

  8. 意识形态与文学生产的相互作用以及藉此进行的对意识形态批判的人文本体论意义的思考无疑是有很大的现实意义。

    The article undertakes an interplay between the theory of ideology and the production of literature , and explores the ideology criticism based on the significance of humanity ontology .

  9. 在艺术生产理论的指导下,我们得以确立戏剧产品的商品属性,并进而分析了其作为一种意识形态在艺术生产和艺术消费中的特殊性。

    Under the orientation of the Art Production Theory , we can ascertain the commodity character of drama products , and further analyze its ideological particularity in art production and consumption .

  10. 商业意识形态统治下文学生产机制的新变

    The New Change of Literature Production Mechanism Under Commercial Ideology

  11. 这意味着我们更倾向于把文学解释成一种再现社会生活的意识形态,而没有把文学视为一种虚构的意识形态生产。

    This means that we tend to take literary interpretation into a reappearance of social life of ideology , and no literature as a fictional ideology production .

  12. 他认为:种族主义和媒体直接涉及的就是意识形态问题,媒体的主要运转意义就在于其对意识形态的生产、运转和输送,对媒体种族建构的干预就是对意识形态领域的干预。

    As he said : " Racism and the media are directly related to ideologies . The major significance of operating the media lies in its production , operation and transmission to ideologies . The intervention to the construction of media races equips the intervention to the ideological field " .