- 动commend;speak approvingly of

Diligence obligations , also known as obligation or duty of good management , is the company responsible person must be diligent , dutifully perform their duties .
And Jesus said to him : Why dost thou call me good ?
Ming Shi has long been regarded as elaborately written , the process of which was under the care and guidance of Emperor Kang Xi .
In addition , that the gods call some things good and other things evil tells us nothing about the nature of good and evil .
Buddha 's words are called " Kind Advice " because they are virtuous , authentic , meaningful , and can lead us to the Absolute Reality .
As we have seen , Kant developed a specific set of rules of morality by which one could determine whether an action can rightly be called " good " .
They shared common faith in the " Mizong School " of Buddhism with admiration for Molichitsian Bodhisattva , and both of them had a religious name as " Fushan " .
While experts say recognition is not a key motivation for people to give , some say it would not be a bad thing if philanthropy became more of a badge of honor among the rich .
The notion of " Golden Mean " was deemed as the " Greatest Virtue " by Confucius , and the " Sublime Good " and " Supreme Beauty " by Arisotle .