
  • 网络Technological Capability
  1. 发展中国家的经济增长需要有科技能力。

    The economic growth of developing countries requires the acquisition of technological capabilities .

  2. 大规模的外商直接投资势必会对我国本土企业的科技能力造成影响。

    Large-scale foreign direct investment is bound to affect the technological capabilities of local enterprises in China .

  3. 随着服装行业科技能力的提高,三维服装CAD系统成为服装设计的必然趋势,这就决定了做为基础的人体建模的重要性。

    With the development of technologies in the garment industry , 3D-garment CAD is becoming the trend of garment design , which means the importance of the mannequin modeling .

  4. 特别是我国加入WTO后,医药跨国公司将携雄厚的资本、先进的科技能力和管理经验进军中国市场。

    With the entrance of WTO , the multinational of pharmaceutical will enter the Chinese market with the rich capital , advanced ability of science and technology and experience of management .

  5. 我国西部地区科技能力评价

    Evaluation on S & T Competency in Western China

  6. 六是努力提高西部地区的科技能力。

    Sixth , striving to enhance the ST capacity of the western region .

  7. 并开发了基于FCM-WMRS方法的区域科技能力综合评判系统;

    Then , to develop the system of the region technology ability evaluation of China .

  8. 提高学生科技能力,培养信息技术创新人才

    Increasing student 's ability of science and technology , training creative talents of information technology

  9. 鉴于我们拥有强大的科技能力,我们自然以为自己能够掌控命运。

    Given our technological prowess , it 's become natural to think of ourselves as controlling our destiny .

  10. 我国农村劳动力要素流动与城乡协调发展科技能力是一个系统概念,它的根植性和不完全流动性使其具有区位要素的特征。

    Chinese Rural Labor Migration and Coordinative Development between Urban and Rural S & T capability is a systematic concept .

  11. 提高以农业劳动者素质为核心的科技能力,是解决非洲国家粮食问题的根本出路。

    The key method to solve African countries'food problem is to promote the scientific and technological capacity of African farmers .

  12. 对每个省份进行总量科技能力的对比和评价,涉及因素众多。

    Appraising and contrasting " the total scientific and technical competency " of provinces involves a good many factors which have the complex relationships .

  13. 文章在借鉴科技能力内涵和实地调研的基础上提出了县级科技能力的基本内涵及其构成,并且构建了县级科技能力评价指标体系。

    In this paper , the basic connotations and its composition are described and an evaluation index system of county-level science technology capacity is established .

  14. 西部地区科技能力之所以增长缓慢主要是由于科技条件支撑能力和科技转化能力增长缓慢所致。最后,本文就十五期间西部地区科技能力建设提出了两点建议。

    The relatively slow growth rate of Scientific Technological capability in West China is mainly caused by slowly increased condition-supporting capability and transformation capability of Science Technology .

  15. 为了全面提高应对气候变化的科技能力,中国14日发布了《应对气候变化科技专项行动》的方案。

    In a move to strengthen its strategies to cope with climate change , China yesterday ( 14 June ) released a scientific and technological action plan .

  16. 研究目的:随着社会的发展,现代运动竞技比的不仅是一个国家的竞技实力,同时更是一个国家的现代科技能力。

    Research objectives : With the development of society , the modern sports not just depend on competitive strength of country , but modern science and technology capacity .

  17. 在美国取消对印度军事研究部门的制裁仅仅数小时之后,印度就公开了首款国产战斗机,突显出其日益增长的国防科技能力。

    India has highlighted its growing defence technology capabilities by revealing its first domestically built fighter jet just hours after the US lifted sanctions on its military research establishment .

  18. 量化分析其对区域经济发展所起的作用并剖析东北老工业基地的科技能力特征是从战略上实现东北振兴,从而最终达到区域可持续发展的重要途径。

    Quantifying it can help to analyze its function . To get the ST capability of the Northeast industrial base can waken this area strategically , thus realize its sustainable development .

  19. 企业必须学会更果断地使用新的科技能力(中国、印度和新加坡等新兴亚洲经济体已经正在这样做了)。

    Firms must learn to use new S & T capabilities more assertively . ( The emerging Asian economies such as China , India and Singapore are already doing this . )

  20. 本文在借鉴众多专家研究成果的基础上,设计了一套包含四个层次、十二个指标的省际总量科技能力评价指标体系。

    Based on drawing lessons from a great deal of documents , this paper designs the indicators system of the total scientific and technical competency of provinces , which includes 4 levels and 12 indicators .

  21. 其实我们以更加平等的方式在完成这个任务,虽然你们一些人依旧在意时间的因素,但是你们到时候可以更容易的放松,因为我们的科技能力能够处理依赖于我们的需求。

    We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you , but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us .

  22. 针对区域科技能力评价体系中的指标赋权问题,提出用均方差进行定量分析的方法,并以实例验证了其方法的可行性。

    This article present a stint analysis which using the mean square to give the weight to the index of regional scientific and technological capacity , and through a case prove the feasibility of this method .

  23. 由于历史的原因,西部地区的智力支持系统和科技能力发育程度比较低,旅游资源的开发利用还有一个资金积累和市场发育过程。

    Because of the historical problem , intelligence supporting system and the level of science and technology are still very low there , and also a market development is needed in the exploitation of tourism resources .

  24. 文章主要论述多媒体技术在中学物理教学中的应用,从而优化教学结构,改进实验教学,培养科技能力,创新能力,提高学生素质。

    The role of multimedia technology in physics teaching of middle schools is discussed so as to optimize teaching structure , improve experimental teaching , and cultivate students ' capacity of study on sciences and of creation , then enhance their quality .

  25. 本文通过分析十五期间青海省工业科技能力建设取得的成绩和存在的问题,提出了进一步提高工业科技创新能力的目标、建设任务和保证措施。

    This paper by analyzing on the achievement and existent problems in industrial scientific technique capability of Qinghai province during " tenth five-years ", put forward the target 、 construction obligation and ensuring method of further improve scientific technique innovation capability in industry .

  26. 认为,实现农村信用社可持续发展应注重制度能力、科技能力、人力资源能力建设和外部环境培育,以提高农村信用社持续经营系统的协调能力和持续能力。

    We believe that , expecting to realize sustainable development to rural credit cooperatives , we must pay great attention to the ability to perfecting System and technology , human resources construction , and externally environmental cultivation , thus enhances coordinated and continually-developing ability to rural credit cooperatives .

  27. 论文建立了基于复合DEA方法的科技支持能力评价模型。

    The thesis designed appraisal model based on compound DEA method .

  28. 基于模糊AHP模型的公路交通科技创新能力评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of Highway Traffic Scientific and Technological Innovation capability Based on Fuzzy AHP Model

  29. 建立基于复合DEA方法的科技支持能力评价模型,对我国15个副省级城市进行评价,提出加强哈尔滨市科技支持体系建设的对策建议。

    Designed compound DEA model , appraised 15 vice-provincial cities , and put forward suggestion on strengthening Harbin 's support system of science & technology .

  30. 加强科研事业单位绩效管理提升科技创新能力

    Strengthens the scientific research Institution achievements management promotion scientific innovation ability