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  • surface visibility
  1. 0~2km的气溶胶消光与地面能见度有关。

    However , the aerosol extinction in 0 ~ 2km was related to surface visibility .

  2. 应用MODIS数据对新疆北部大雾地面能见度和微物理参数的反演

    Utilizing MODIS Data to Retrieve the Visibility and Microphysical Properties of Fog Happens in the Northwest China

  3. 大雾区域地面能见度、垂直总水汽含量、雾滴有效半径等因子是对大雾进行有效监测的重要参数。

    The visibility , effective radii and liquid water path ( LWP ) of fog are the fundamental parameters for fog monitoring .

  4. 由于发现地面能见度的变化与总辐射的变化非常一致,而地面能见度与大气气溶胶具有很好的相关性,初步认为大气气溶胶含量的变化是地面太阳辐射变化的主要原因。

    For the high correlation between surface visual range and aerosol loading , the variation of aerosol loading is probably the main cause for the changes of surface solar radiation .

  5. 光学厚度与地面水平能见度不呈简单的对应关系。

    There is no simple one-to-one correspondence between optical depth and surface horizontal visibility .

  6. 地面气溶胶(能见度和气溶胶类型)对天空背景Tb有明显的影响,必须加以订正。

    The influence of aerosol ( visibilities and aerosol types ) above the ground on the sky Tb cannot be neglected , which must be corrected .

  7. 冷锋型地面风速与能见度的反相关性优于蒙古气旋型,且锋后气温下降较蒙古气旋型显著。

    The anticorrelation between wind speed and visibility in cold-front sandstorm is higher than in Mongolia cyclone sandstorm ; and the post-frontal temperature in cold-front sandstorm decreased more apparently than in Mongolia cyclone sandstorm .