
  • 网络scientific and technological activities
  1. 课堂教学作为STS教育的主渠道,社会实践和科技活动作为STS教育的补充和延续。

    Teaching in class is the main channel of STS education , while social practice and scientific and technological activities are regarded as supplements and continuing of STS education .

  2. 大学生课外科技活动的实践探索

    College Students ' Extracurricular Scientific and Technological Activities : An Exploration

  3. 由西方经济发达的国家首先开展研究,如今的STS教育,从目标到课程,从校内课堂教学到校外科技活动,都在向着一个更高的层次发展。

    The western developed countries are the first to study the STS Education .

  4. 研究与开发(RD)活动作为科技活动的核心,是科技发展的基础,在科技发展战略中有着十分重要的地位,各国都加大了对RD经费的投入。

    As the core of science and technology activities , Development and Research ( R & D ) activities is the basis of technological development and has a very important position in the technology development strategy .

  5. 比如奥斯汀每年举办的“西南偏南”音乐节(SouthbySouthwestfestival)最开始是一项纯粹的音乐活动,后来衍生出了一个小型多媒体峰会,去年仅其科技活动便吸引了20000人参加。

    Consider this : the annual south by Southwest Festival , which started as a music event and later spawned a small multimedia summit , attracted some 20,000 attendees last year to its tech affair alone .

  6. 1986年哥斯达黎加成立了科学技术部(MICIT),以统一协调及管理全国科技活动。

    The Ministry of science and technology ( MICIT ), established in1986 , is responsible for Technology Management in Costa Rica .

  7. 分析了政府干预科技活动的必要性,由此提出了目前我国实施科技发展政策的必要性。

    The necessity of government interference in scientific activities is analyzed .

  8. 化学科技活动课师资培训教学探索

    Explores the Teachers Training of Chemical Science and Technology Activity Course

  9. 康熙帝的科技活动和管理举措

    Emperor Kangxi 's Activities and Managerial Behavior in Science and Technology

  10. 投入产出分析法在科技活动的应用实例

    Application of input-output analysis method in the science and technology activities

  11. 校外科技活动的深远意义

    The Profound Significance of Science and Technology Activity in Spare Time

  12. 开展化学科技活动培养学生创新能力

    Developing Chemical Science and Technology Activities Fostering Students ' Innovating Ability

  13. 中学课外科技活动的存在问题及对策

    Extracurricular scientific and technical activities at middle school : problems and countermeasures

  14. 南京青少年科技活动中心蓄能中央空调及湖水冷却系统

    Thermal Storage and Lake-water Cooling System in Callan Science Center of Nanjing

  15. 构筑科技活动大平台培养青少年创新能力

    Constructing the Platform of Technological Activity and Training Teenagers ' Innovation Ability

  16. 论创新教育与大学生课外科技活动

    On Innovational Education and College Students Extracurricular Activities of Science and Technology

  17. 高校学生科技活动在大学生个体社会化中的作用

    The Role of College Student Scientific Activities in Socializing College Student Individuals

  18. 大学生创新精神与课外科技活动

    Innovative spirits of college students and the extracurricular scientific and technological activities

  19. 依托农业科技活动开展的农业科技旅游越越来越受到人们的喜爱。

    Tourism related to agricultural science and technology is getting increasingly popular .

  20. 在生物课外科技活动中加强素质教育

    Strengthening the Education of Quality in the Extracurricular Activities of the Biology

  21. 学生科技活动的策划与组织

    Planning and organization of student 's scientific and technological activities

  22. 美国著名大学学生课外科技活动及其经验借鉴研究

    Students ' Extracurricular Research Activities at Famous American Universities and Their Experience

  23. 中学生物科技活动研究

    Study on Bio-Science & Technology Activities in Middle School

  24. 医学科技活动中的投入产出分析

    Studies on Input and Output in Medical Scientific Research

  25. 浅谈高校学生科技活动的开展

    Study on Students ' Technological Activities in the University

  26. 以科技活动为载体推进创新教育

    Regard Scientific and Technological Activities as the Carrier and Move Innovation Education Forward

  27. 大学生课外科技活动中专利文献的利用

    Utilization and Education of Patent Literature on Extracurricular Technological Activities for College Students

  28. 内部风险的受体主要是科技活动的直接主体。

    Receptors of internal risk are participant of scientific and technological activities directly .

  29. 对大学生科技活动的探索与思考

    Exploration and Reflection on the Undergraduates ' Scientific Activities

  30. 2003年度海南省高校科技活动研究报告

    A Survey of Scientific and Technological Research at Colleges of Hainan in 2003