
  • 网络technology service
  1. b.天麻培植面积小,科技服务体系尚未完善,产量低等现实问题严重影响天麻产业的发展。

    B. cultivating Gastrodia size , technology services system has not been perfect , practical problems seriously affect the low yield of Gastrodia industry .

  2. 电子商务巨头亚马逊首次进入汤森路透2015年全球创新百强名单,而世界上最大科技服务公司IBM却未能上榜。

    Online marketplace Amazon.com Inc made its debut in the 2015 Thomson Reuters Top 100 global innovators list , leaving International Business Machines Corp , the world 's largest technology services company , out of the list .

  3. EMS技术在国家举重队奥运攻关与科技服务中的应用研究

    Research on Application of EMS Technique in Tackling Key Problems of Olympic Games in Chinese National Weightlifting Team

  4. 为了拓展业务,搞好医药科技服务,成立了XXX药品研究服务中心。

    To further develop the business and do a good job in medical scientific service , XXX Provincial Medicine Research and Service Center is established .

  5. 做为石油天然气工业的油田化学品产品提供商,HH公司遇到了难得的发展机遇。HH公司作为民营中小型企业和油气田科技服务型企业,也存在相当大的危机。

    As a supplier of oilfield chemical products of the oil and natural gas industry , Honghua Company is confronted with uncommon development opportunities . Honghua , as a medium and small private enterprise and an enterprise of oil-gas field scientific and technological service , also faces serious risks .

  6. 更重要的是,他推动了公司向科技服务领域发展。

    More importantly , he pushed the company into technology services .

  7. 关于长治市农村科技服务体系建设的思考

    Considerations about the Construction of Changzhi 's Rural Sci-tech Service System

  8. 科技服务业系统功能分析

    Analysis for the System Function of S & T Service Industry

  9. 地方工科院校科技服务工作的定位

    Location of Service of Science and Technology in Local Polytechnic College

  10. 第四,完善新型农业科技服务体系。

    Fourth , improve the system of new rural technology services .

  11. 江西省花卉苗木产业科技服务体系建设调研报告

    Investigation on Flowers and Trees Industry in Jiangxi Province INFORMATION

  12. 陕西农业科技服务网站的设计与实现

    Design and realization for Shaanxi Agriculture Service Website of Science and Technology

  13. 上海市科技服务业发展的特点、问题与对策

    Features , Problems and Countermeasures of Scientific and Technological Services Development in Shanghai

  14. 社会化现代农业科技服务体系的地位和作用

    Position and Function of Socialized Service System of Modern Agricultural Sciences and Techniques

  15. 业务重点为软件产品、行业解决方案及信息科技服务。

    The business focus encompasses software product , industry solutions and IT services .

  16. 吉林省新型农村科技服务体系建设的思考

    On Construction of New Rural Scientific and Technological Service System in Jilin Province

  17. 白城市林业科技服务体系建设的调查

    Suggestions on construction of forestry sci-tech service system in Baicheng City of China

  18. 牡丹江市科技服务平台的开发与建设

    Exploitation and Construction of S & T System Service Platform in Mudanjiang City

  19. 公共科技服务平台的功能定位与组织模式研究

    Function Position and Organization Modes of Public Technological Platforms

  20. 南京科技服务业发展问题研究

    The Research on the Problems of Developing Science and Technology Service Industry of Nanjing

  21. 建立辽宁省民族地区农民科技服务协会的思考

    On the Establishment of Peasants'Association in Liaoning Province

  22. 加强中国水产学会建设,提升水产科技服务水平

    Strengthening Construction of China Society of Fisheries , Upgrading Aquatic Science and Technology Service

  23. 吉林省农村科技服务体系创新研究

    Study on the Innovation of Rural Science and Technology Service System in Jilin Province

  24. 重构农业科技服务主体。

    At last , the main body of agricultural technology service should be rebuilt .

  25. 大学科技服务社会,在中国有其特殊的含义。

    There is a unique meaning for university 's technological service to society in China .

  26. 并坚持销售创新,以周到的科技服务,促进科技成果产业化。

    It insists on marketing innovation and promotes the industrialization of technology by circumspect services .

  27. 农村科技服务问题已成为战略性重要课题。

    Service of science and technology has already become an important strategic subjects in China .

  28. 经济欠发达地区科技服务业发展研究

    The Strategic Research on the Development of Science and Technology Service Industry in Underdeveloped Areas

  29. 河北省平原地区科技服务新农村建设的路径

    The Ways of Science and Technology Service for New Countryside Construction in Hebei Plain Area

  30. 气象科技服务的当前形势分析

    The Current Situation of Meteorological Service