- 名scientific thesis;scientific conclusion

On the Philosophic Foundation of the Scientific Thesis & Three Representatives
That new scientific thesis is the result of deepening the research to the socialist labor and labor axiology .
The New Generalization Of The Party 's Class And Mass Foundation
The presentation is of great significance to theory and reality .
The scientific judgment overall and deeper reveals grandness meaning of the foundation of social market economy system .
This scientific discussion has a un-negligible theory guide meaning for getting rid of the dilemma of philosophy education .
Many contemporary philosophers , for example , have made much of the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning .
This decision is a scientific judgment and profoundly significant strategic decision based on correct appraisement of domestic and international situation .
His speech revealed the tremendous effects and great significance of national spirit to the advance , development and prosperity of China .
This scientific conclusion is the new summary of Marxism 's science as well as the basic demand of Marxism 's theoretical innovation .
It is a brief expatiation about Chinese Communist Party must active in the range of the constitution and the law Which science thesis 's binging and gestations and processes .
This scientific thesis not only overcome between the " human nature " and the " Human Nature " on the antinomy , but also criticized forcefully the " selfishness of human nature " theory .
Struck by the difference between scientific and ethical reasoning , he proposed that ethical statements , such as " abortion is wrong ", be considered as expressions of emotion , rather than assertions about the world .
Under the new situations , this scientific conclusion will be of momentous guiding significance in how to strengthen Party building , to consolidate the Party 's position of governance , to accomplish the Party 's historical mission .
The practicality the openness and the guiding functions of Marxism , as an interpretation of the basic Marxist theories , can be regarded as the philosophical bases of the scientific statement of " proceeding with the times " .
At last , we denied the scientific thesis of the principal contradiction in the Eighth National Congress Meeting and formulated a series of policies which divorced from the reality . It caused the great losses for the party and the country .
From 1956 to the first half of 1957 , the Party made a scientific thesis that intellectuals are a part of the working class . On basis of this , the Party had the " Hundred Flowers " policy for implementation .
The scientific judgment of the Theory of One State with Two Different Systems not only founded the political basis on the great practice for peacefully uniting China and made a best model , but also enriched and developed Marx - ism on varieties were significances on the theory .
He says : " the essence of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces , productive forces , the elimination of exploitation , eliminates polarization , finally achieve common prosperity . " The scientific theory , including the very rich content , is a hierarchical structure system .
Only the comprehensive and accurate historical , can best . I words more objective and scientific judgment .
Polanyi presents some insightful assertions on scientific knowledge , but his program is less fruitful in extensive empirical research and cannot indicate research directions more clearly .
The Party 's Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central first clearly proposes the scientific thesis and important issue on'the promotion of scientific construction of the Party ' .
Scientific development concept is the master of the Marxist philosophy in China and a scientific thesis by the Chinese Marxism .
Based on the deep understanding of the limitations of science and the purpose of promoting Buddhism , Wang compared with them each other , and considered Buddhism as pure science .