
  1. 他不许他的信徒给君主上贡,大人!

    He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor , consul !

  2. 它们不仅是较为重要的宴请、赠送、上贡物品,也是为一种重要的实物税和商品。

    They were used for banquets , gifts , tributes , commodities and tax paid in kind .

  3. 军事评论家说,季度例会还是一个机会,为军政府下属对于上峰进行上贡,以便保障未来提升希望。

    Critics of the military said the junta meeting was also a venue for subordinates to pass gifts to their superiors in the hope of currying favour and gaining promotions .

  4. 他为人类的不屈前行而献上的贡任与良心、痛苦与欢欣、理想与寄托让人尊敬。

    His conscience and sense of responsibility , his anguish and joy , his dream and hope for the incessant advance of human beings , is respectable .

  5. 土贡制度虽然起源得很早,但是严格意义上的“土贡”则在汉代初期贡、赋分离之后才出现。

    The " Tu-gong " system didn 't come into being before the early Han Dynasty when " Gong " separated from " Fu " although the " Tu-gong " system stemmed very early .