
  1. 大部分成功将取决于自然科学的贡献。

    Much will depend upon the contribution of the hard sciences .

  2. 她对英国科学的贡献一直没有得到认可。

    Her contribution to British science has never been recognized .

  3. 玛丽居里因她对科学的贡献而闻名。

    Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science .

  4. 老师:请列举一些托马斯·爱迪生对科学的贡献。

    Teacher : Name some of Thomas Edison 's contributions to science .

  5. 哥仑布发现美洲及对海洋地理科学的贡献

    The Contribution of the Discovery of America by Columbus to the Marine Geography

  6. 刍议假说对测绘科学的贡献

    Preliminary Discussion on Contribution of Hypothesis to Surveying Science

  7. 非洲社会一直没有充分接触到科学的贡献。

    African society has not been thoroughly exposed to the contributions of science .

  8. 陈自明对中医产科学的贡献

    Chen Zhiming ′ s Contributions to TCM Obstetrics

  9. 论贝尔纳的情报交流思想及其对情报科学的贡献

    Bernal ′ s Thoughts on the Communication of Information and His Contribution to Information Science

  10. 试析李大钊对马克思主义历史科学的贡献

    The analysis of Li Da - zhao 's contribution on the historical science of Marxism

  11. 1909年,科学家首次认识,并开始讨论达尔文对科学的贡献。

    Scientists first came together to recognize and discuss Darwin 's contribution to science in 1909 .

  12. 历史地理学巨擘侯仁之&试论侯仁之先生对地理科学的贡献

    Hou Ren-zhi A Giant of Historical Geographer On Hou Ren-zhi 's Contribution to the Construction of Geography Discipline

  13. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦因他对科学的贡献被《时代》周刊称为世纪先生(1901-1999)。

    Albert Einstein was named the Person of the Century ( 1901-1999 ) by Time magazine for his contributions to science .

  14. 日本学者石川馨的一生与对质量科学的贡献惟德者馨&欧阳中石先生的学术人生

    Research on the Life of Japanese Scholar Kaoru Ishikawa and His Contributions to Quality Science The Academic Life of Ouyang Zhong-shi

  15. 如果翻译成英文的话,格劳伯对科学的贡献是将光学领域拖进了现代量子世界中。

    Dr Glauber 's contribution to science , translated into English , was to drag the field of optics into the modern , quantum world .

  16. 他对我国教育科学的贡献是全方位的,在教育原理、教学论、比较教育,甚至教育技术学等方面都有理论的创新和突破。

    He has made innovations and breaking-through in many educational sub fields , such as educational foundations , comparative education , learning theory and even educational technology .

  17. 聪明的学生老师:列举一些托马斯?爱迪生对科学的贡献。学生:如果没有爱迪生的话,我们就只能点着蜡烛看电视了。

    Smart student teacher : name some of Thomas edison 's contributions to science . student : if it weren 't for him , we 'd all be watching television by candle light .

  18. 他在科学上的贡献为祖国增了光。

    His contributions to science do honour to our country .

  19. 为希腊对古代科学做出的贡献。

    Greece for its'contribution towards ancient learning .

  20. 为了提高以前穆斯林学者对于健康和现代科学业绩的贡献的现阶段意识。

    To enhance current generation awareness of previous Muslim scholars'contribution in health and modern science achievements .

  21. 伽利略因为推广哥白尼学说以及他的其他对于科学思想的贡献而被囚禁。

    Galileo was imprisoned for popularizing the Copernican theory and for his other contributions to scientific thought .

  22. 该指数使用的一个关键指标是“份额”,即一个城市对本国科学出版物的贡献。

    A key metric used by the index is " share " - a city 's contribution to science publication in its own country .

  23. 本文释析了潘光里先生的“位育”学术思想是对社会科学的重要贡献。

    The writer of this essay presents an interpretation of Mr Pan Guangdan 's academic idea of'Weiyu ' , a great contribution to social science .

  24. 拜托,如果他们要重新把猩猩送上太空,那就是她对科学唯一的贡献。

    Sheldon : Oh , please . The only way she could make a contribution to science would be if they resumed sending chimps into space .

  25. 本文通过认识并论证这一点,揭示了马克思主义理论对人类文明史和现代系统科学的特殊贡献。

    Through understanding and discussing the point , the author discovers that Marxism made a special contribution to the human civilization and the modern science of system .

  26. 一些专家认为,国际空间站的价值从来就不是其对科学作出的贡献,甚至也不是作为探索太空的中转站。

    Some experts argue that the value of the ISS has never been in its contribution to science , nor even as a staging post for exploring space .

  27. W·H·布拉格对科学学的重要贡献

    W · H · Bragg 's Important Contribution to Science of Science

  28. 以上工作是中国学者对于发展复杂性科学所做的贡献。

    These works are contributions of Chinese researchers to complex science .

  29. 中世纪经院哲学对近代西方科学的形上学贡献

    Metaphysical Attributions to Modern Science by Scholasticism in Middle Ages

  30. 建构主义对科学教育理论的贡献与局限

    On the Contributions of Constructivism to the Theory of Science Education and Its Limitations