
  • 网络Science Fiction;scienc fiction;scientific fiction
  1. 很少的科学小说故事描绘人类像一个消极的人种,允许自然潮水的力量淹没镇静。

    Very few science fiction stories picture humanity as a passive species , allowing the tidal forces of nature to flow unperturbed .

  2. 尽管《分裂的王国》和《温柔》讲述的是科学小说的故事,尽管汤姆森局限于小型的写实文章,但他依旧是一名有才华的作家。

    Though the latter two tell tales that border on science fiction , he remains an able storyteller even when heeding the constraints of the small and the real .

  3. 以前科学小说中提出的很多想法已经变成了科学的现实。

    Many science-fictional ideas from the past have subsequently became scientific realities .

  4. 论文第一章探索“科学小说”这个词诞生的源流。

    The first chapter explored the origins of the word " scientific romance " .

  5. 罗兰·巴特符号游戏视域下的鲁迅科学小说翻译

    The Study of Lu Xun 's Science Fiction Translation Based On Roland Barthes ' Semiotic Game

  6. 第二、三章分析“科学小说”在晚清时的使用情况。

    The second and the third chapters show the usage of " scientific romance " in the late Qing .

  7. 在小说类型上,由传统小说类型之外增加了政治小说、科学小说、侦探小说和教育小说;

    About fiction type , political fictions , scientific fictions , detective fictions and educational fictions came up besides traditional fictions .

  8. 晚清科学小说翻译热与日本的影响&以梁启超和鲁迅的中译本为例

    Science fiction translation in late Qing Dynasty and influence of Japan & taking Chinese versions of Liang Qichao and Lu Xun as examples

  9. 恶意批评者声称,他们的预言大多以科学小说作为其科学基础,也许永远无法成为现实。

    Their predictions are grounded as much in science fiction as science , the detractors claim , and may never come to pass .

  10. 通过分析这些作品和他们的论述,我们会发现他们对于“科学小说”的认识和主张有很大的区别。

    Through analysis of these works and their discussions , we will find their knowledge and ideas of " scientific romance " were quite different .

  11. 作为一种反映社会现实的文学体裁,晚清科学小说记载了近代中国学习西方科学的心路历程。

    As a literature type to reflect society realistic , the science novel in late Qing recorded the mind experience of modern China to study western science .

  12. 硕士毕业论文《1902-1912:“科学小说”命名及其背后的意义》从发生学的角度对晚清“科学小说”进行了全面系统地梳理。

    Her master 's thesis is " 1902-1912 : Naming of'Scientific Romance'and the Meaning Behind . " It sorted out late Qing scientific romance from a generic point of view .

  13. 清末科学小说与世纪末思潮&以两篇《世界末日记》为例

    Scientific Fictions in the Late Qing Dynasty and thoughts of the End of the World : A Case Study on Two Fictions of " The Last Days of the Earth "

  14. 科学小说故事的英雄--新的神话的上帝--勇敢地与黑暗抗争,不管它是整个行星的地质毁灭还是贪婪的政客的邪恶。

    The heroes of science fiction stories the gods of the new mythology struggle manfully against the darkness , whether it 's geological doom for the whole planet or the evil of grasping politicians .

  15. 这三种“科学小说”各有缺陷,随着时代的发展逐渐走向衰落,或失去所依凭的外在环境而消失,或被其他文类所吞噬。

    The three kinds of " scientific romance " had their own defect , they were on the wane , disappeared through the lost of dependable external environment , or devoured by other genres .

  16. 近代小说文体的变革主要表现在:小说类型扩大,出现了政治小说、侦探小说、科学小说等;

    The literary styles of modern novels changed greatly from the following aspects : The types of novels were extended , and there were political novels , detective stories , scientific novels and so on ;

  17. 他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。

    His science fiction was quite a hit in the states .

  18. 从图书馆借来的书不全是科学幻想小说。

    Every book borrowed from the library was not science fiction .

  19. 科学幻想小说是兴起于现当代西方的一种文类。

    Science Fiction is a literary genre originated in contemporary western countries .

  20. 说真话,我对科学幻想小说很有乐趣。

    To tell the truth , I 'm rather keen on science fictions .

  21. 他很喜欢看科学幻想小说。

    He 's a great reader of science fiction .

  22. 科学幻想小说是一种新兴的文学类型。

    Science fiction is an emergent literature style , which combined science and fantasy .

  23. 赫·乔·威尔斯的科学幻想小说的现实意义。

    And ( 3 ) the particular realistic significance of the science fiction of H. G. Wells .

  24. 他所穿的宇宙服,甚至在制成之前,科学幻想小说中就有这个叫法了。

    The space suit he wears had a name in science fiction even before existed in reality .

  25. 这也许就是我们在科学幻想小说里经常读到的那种死光。

    Perhaps this is the " death ray ", which we often read about in science fiction .

  26. 本文将着重探讨以下几个问题:(1)科学幻想小说的定义;

    This thesis is mainly focused on the following issues : ( 1 ) The definition of science of science fiction ;

  27. 科学幻想小说与现实的关系(即科学幻想小说何以能够与现实有关);

    The relationship between realism and science fiction ( in other words , in what way does science fiction have to do with reality );

  28. 对几十年来一直期待着出现激光的科学幻想小说迷来说,1960年激光器的发明原是意料中之事。

    The invention of the laser in 1960 held no surprises for dedicated science fiction buffs , who had anticipated its advent for decades .

  29. 科学界定小说概念,应遵循四个原则,即叙事原则、虚构原则、形象原则和体制原则。

    A scientific definition of novels should conform to four principles , i.e. , the principle of narration , the principle of fiction , the principle of characterization and the principle of structure .

  30. 他没有在他充满科学幻想的小说中预言过未来,这是他的坚持。

    He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction , he insisted .