
zhǒnɡ mǎ chǎnɡ
  • stud farm
  1. 有人提到“种马场”吗?

    Did someone say " stud farm " ?

  2. 一座种马场和训练设施正在兴建当中,如果出问题,吴先生将损失惨重(93名在地方大学学习赛马专业的学生也同命相连)。

    With a stud farm and a training facility under construction , Mr Wu has a lot to lose ( as do the93 students who are studying for a degree in horse racing at a local university ) .

  3. 如果您正在寻找一匹障碍马或舞步马,位于荷兰的VDL种马场则是您不可错过的地方。

    The VDL Stud in Holland is the place to be if you are looking for a show jumper or dressage horse .

  4. 我现在是种马场的饲养员。

    I 'm now a horse keeper at the stud farm .