
qīng xīn
  • fresh;pure and fresh;delicate and pretty
清新 [qīng xīn]
  • (1) [pure and fresh]∶清爽新鲜

  • 一股清新的空气

  • (2) [delicate and pretty]∶清美新颖

  • 气调清新

清新[qīng xīn]
  1. 雨后空气清新。

    The air was pure and fresh after the rain .

  2. 空气清新,沁人心脾。

    The air was pure and fresh ; it refreshed my soul .

  3. 在清新空气中散散步会使你精神振奋。

    A walk in the fresh air will pep you up .

  4. 空气清新,天空碧蓝。

    The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue .

  5. 空气清新而纯净。

    The air was sweet and pure .

  6. 使用漱口液可以使口气清新。

    Using a mouthwash freshens the breath .

  7. 下雨使空气变得清新了。

    The rain had freshened the air .

  8. 她的房子光线充足,空气流通,清新整洁。

    Her house is light and airy , crisp and clean .

  9. 这些房间有湿黏土散发出来的清新泥土气息。

    The rooms had the clean earthy smell of wet clay .

  10. 空气清新,有那么一会儿她感到恢复了活力。

    The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived .

  11. 房顶有3个洞,所以空气很清新。

    The air was fresh , courtesy of three holes in the roof

  12. 微风凉爽、清新,令人精神振奋。

    The breeze was cool , brisk and invigorating .

  13. 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。

    The air was thin and crisp , filled with hazy sunshine and frost

  14. 过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。

    The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes .

  15. 彻底刷牙有助于口气清新。

    A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth

  16. 他能闻到粪臭和清新的干草味。

    He could smell muck and clean fresh hay .

  17. 他认为这一演讲堪称典范,简洁流畅,清新自然。

    He thought the speech a model of its kind , limpid and unaffected .

  18. 我吸了一大口清新的空气。

    I gulped a breath of sweet air .

  19. 这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。

    The lotion cools and refreshes the skin

  20. 在清新的空气中轻快地散散步,会让你心情愉快,一扫冬日的抑郁。

    A brisk walk in the fresh air can lift your mood and dissolve a winter depression

  21. 护理工作的首要原则是要保持室内空气像室外一样清新。

    The very first canon of nursing is to keep the air inside as fresh as the air outside .

  22. 初秋的天气格外明朗清新。

    It is bright and fresh in early autumn .

  23. 雨水净化了空气,青草闻起来清新芳香。

    The rain had cleared the air , and the grass smelt fresh and sweet .

  24. 文章清新秀逸。

    The prose is written in a refreshing and elegant style .

  25. 画报的版面清新活泼。

    The layout of the pictorial is fresh and lively .

  26. 相形之下,罗宾逊·杰弗斯的加州冷冰冰的虚无主义反而给人以清新兴奋之感。

    By contrast , the chilly Californian nihilism of Robinson Jeffers was a refreshing tonic .

  27. 人们往往以让街道上的一切保持清新诱人而自豪。

    People tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting .

  28. B:也许吧,但我可以欣赏美丽的景色和清新的空气。

    B : Maybe , but I can enjoy the beautiful sights and the clean air .

  29. 现在市区没有车辆通行,空气清新!

    Now the downtown area is car-free zone and the air is clean !

  30. 劳拉认为早上起得很早很可怕,而塔拉坚持认为早晨空气清新,熬到半夜对她很难。

    Lara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning , while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight .