
qiū liáng
  • autumn grain crops
秋粮 [qiū liáng]
  • [autumn grain crops] 秋季收得来的粮食

秋粮[qiū liáng]
  1. 随着国务院工作部署得到落实,无论是夏粮还是秋粮都能得到很好的保障。

    China 's food consumption mainly depends on domestic production , and both summer grain crops and autumn grain crops will be ensured with the implementation of the work plan of the State Council .

  2. 甘肃省雨养农业区气候变暖背景下秋粮生产脆弱性研究

    Climate vulnerability of autumn grain crops in rainfed farming areas of Gansu Province

  3. 干旱气候对白银市秋粮生产的影响

    Influence of Drought Climate on Autumn Grain Production in Baiyin

  4. 在残损的宋陵雕像后收获秋粮的农民。

    Some farmers are harvesting behind the destroyed statuary of Song Mausoleum .

  5. 黄土高原地区秋粮作物生产潜力模拟研究

    Simulation of autumn grain crop productive potential on Loess Plateau region of China

  6. 旱地秋粮双保险栽培技术研究

    Research on the Cultivation Techniques of Two-Ensurance of Autumn Harvest Food Crops in Dryland

  7. 陕西省秋粮产量历史演变特征分析

    Characteristics of Fall Crop Yield Variations in Shaanxi

  8. 甘肃省秋粮气候产量变化特征的因子分析

    Factor Analysis on The Variation Features of Climatic Yield of Autumn Grain in Gansu Province

  9. 近40年中国东部地区夏秋粮作物农业气候生产潜力时空变化

    Temporal and spatial variation of climatic potential productivity for grain crops in eastern China within forty years

  10. 贵州夏季降水场与秋粮产量的交叉谱分析

    A cross spectra analysis of precipitation field in the summer and autumnal cereal yield in Guizhou Province

  11. 农业生产形势较好,秋粮预计增产较多。

    The situation of agricultural production was good and a dramatic increase is expected for the output of autumn grain .

  12. 早稻、棉花和烤烟面积有所减少,但秋粮面积增加较多。

    While the area planted to early rice , cotton and tobacco has decreased , that for autumn grain increased considerably .

  13. 春荒是指朝鲜用完了上年的秋粮,然而夏收作物尚未收获的这段时间。

    This is when North Korea runs out of the last bits of the previous year 's fall harvest but before summer crops can be harvested .

  14. 砂姜黑土基本生产力随种植时间延长而渐降,土壤对秋粮大豆或玉米的供肥能力高于小麦。

    With the time prolonging , the basic productivity of Shajiang Black Soil is declining , and the soil supplies more nutrient for maize or soybean than wheat .

  15. 华南夏粮和秋粮均以水稻为主,其中广东的蔬菜瓜果的种植成数高达29%;

    Rice is major crop of summer and autumn crop in the southern China , and in which the proportion of vegetable and fruit of Guangdong province is up to 29 % .

  16. 气温上升对以小麦为主体的河西地区夏粮种植影响较大,同时使秋粮产量增加。

    Temperature rising have done great impact on the summer food planting structure which is mainly made up of wheat in Hexi region , and it have enabled a increased yield of autumn crops .

  17. 通过对夏粮、秋粮和油料作物降水的增减产效应分析,找出了降水对产量影响的关键时段。

    The drop 's key period of time for yield are found by analyzed the drop 's effect of increase and reduce for crops , it include summer grain crops , autumn crops and oil crops .

  18. 本文利用交叉谱分析方法,研究了贵州地区夏季(6&8月)降水场与秋粮气象产量序列周期振动间的相互关系,讨论了各序列的功率谱分布特征。

    Based on a across spectral analysis , the relationship between the periodic fluctuation of the precipitation field during June to Aug. and autumnal cereal yield is obtained , and the distribution features of the power spectra are discussed .

  19. 依据此方法对全国26个秋粮主产省份2004年单产进行预测,并将最终的预测结果与国家统计局数据进行对比分析,两者之间的误差在-4.9至11.59之间,相关系数为0.947。

    The models were used to predict the autumn grain yield of different province in China and the differences are-4.9 % to 11.59 % by comparing with the yield data of the National Statistic Bureau , the R Square is 0.947 .

  20. 西南地区的秋粮以中稻和夏玉米为主,其中云南省的棉麻糖的种植成数高达19%,说明云南省仍然是中国的烟草大省。

    Middle rice and summer maize are the major crops of autumn crop in the southwest region , in which the proportion of cotton , flux seed and sugar of Yunnan province is up to 19 . Tobacco of Yunnan province ranks first in China .

  21. 在分析冬春小麦、秋粮、经济、瓜果、特种作物生态气候条件的基础上,将17种作物进行生态气候适生种植区的划分,并提出提高气候资源利用途径。

    Base on analysis of ecoclimatic conditions of winter wheat , spring wheat , autumn grain , melon and fruit and other economic crops , ecoclimatic suitable planting regions of 17 kinds of crops were delimited , and the utilization way of climatic resource was raised .