
xià liáng
  • summer grain crops
夏粮 [xià liáng]
  • [summer grain crops] 夏天收获的粮食

夏粮[xià liáng]
  1. 随着国务院工作部署得到落实,无论是夏粮还是秋粮都能得到很好的保障。

    China 's food consumption mainly depends on domestic production , and both summer grain crops and autumn grain crops will be ensured with the implementation of the work plan of the State Council .

  2. 通过模型的求解,可得出计算区的最佳灌溉面积、夏粮种植比以及水库的优化调度图。

    According to the proposed model , we can obtain optimal irrigated area , scale of summer grain crops and scheduling diagrams of reservoir .

  3. 夏粮、夏油获得较好收成。

    Good harvest is registered in the production of summer grain and summer oil-bearing crops .

  4. 官方表示,由于粮食产量的增加,中国今年的夏粮有望大丰收。

    Officials say China is expected to see a bumper summer grain harvest this year increasing crop yields .

  5. 官方表示,夏粮生产大丰收为今年稳定的粮食生产奠定了坚实的基础。

    Officials say the bumper summer harvest has laid a solid foundation for stable grain production this year .

  6. 初步调查,全国夏粮比上年增产500多万吨。

    According to preliminary survey , the output of summer grain increases over 5 million tons over that in the previous year .

  7. 目前,夏粮主产区苗情正常和较好的比例占到93%左右,夏粮生产可望有所增长。

    At present , crops of 93 percent of the summer grain-producing areas are doing well , predicting increases in total summer grain output .

  8. 实践证明:对露天储粮实行系统的综合治理,能有效地控制度夏粮温保持30℃以内。

    The results showed that the integrated control for open-air stored grain could effectively control the grain temperature and keep it below 30 ℃ in summer .

  9. 这一降水低谷引起土壤水分低值槽现象,造成夏粮作物的卡脖旱,严重影响产量。

    This precipitation valley leads to the low value of soil water , which usually results in the critical drought of summer crops , and reduces the yield .

  10. 官方数据显示,今年中国夏粮产量超过1.4亿吨,创历史新高,较去年增长近1%。

    Official figures show China 's summer grain output reached a historic high of over 140 million tonnes this year , up nearly 1 percent from last year .

  11. 并通过对干旱累积效应的分析,确定了近525年发生特大旱的次数、持续时间、等级及其对夏粮的影响。

    Also the analysis of accumulative total drought effect shows the relation of 525 year top grade droughts with tmies , duration , degress and influences on summer yields .

  12. 华南夏粮和秋粮均以水稻为主,其中广东的蔬菜瓜果的种植成数高达29%;

    Rice is major crop of summer and autumn crop in the southern China , and in which the proportion of vegetable and fruit of Guangdong province is up to 29 % .

  13. 气温上升对以小麦为主体的河西地区夏粮种植影响较大,同时使秋粮产量增加。

    Temperature rising have done great impact on the summer food planting structure which is mainly made up of wheat in Hexi region , and it have enabled a increased yield of autumn crops .

  14. 免耕地施水播种是春旱严重时夏粮抢种保苗的重要手段,对西部旱区农业增产具有积极作用。

    The no-tillage farmland is an important measure for rush planting and protecting young plants in summer during the severe spring drought . It has a positive role in agricultural production in the arid western region .

  15. 通过对夏粮、秋粮和油料作物降水的增减产效应分析,找出了降水对产量影响的关键时段。

    The drop 's key period of time for yield are found by analyzed the drop 's effect of increase and reduce for crops , it include summer grain crops , autumn crops and oil crops .

  16. 由于低温多雨和洪涝灾害影响,我国夏粮减产1460万吨,早稻减产530万吨。

    The output of summer grain declined by 14.6 million tons due to low temperature and rainy days during the growing period . Influenced by devastating flooding , the output of early rice declined by 5.3 million tons .