
  • 网络Private Clinic;Private Practice
  1. 《私人诊所》中的女星KateWalsh也将来到现场

    Also the star of Private Practice Kate Walsh is here .

  2. 本文作者埃里克•J•达曼博士是一名临床心理学家和心理分析学家,在曼哈顿拥有一家私人诊所。

    Eric J.Dammann , Ph.D.is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Manhattan .

  3. 他正在伦敦一家私人诊所接受治疗。

    He is being treated at the London clinic .

  4. inLondon'sEastEnd.三年后他的实习期满,便在伦敦东区的一家私人诊所里任职。6.

    At the end of three years he finished his internship and took a position with a private clinic

  5. 穿越动荡期(CoachingThroughChaos)是一家位于圣地亚哥的私人诊所,业主是心理学博士、家庭与婚姻治疗师柯林o穆伦。

    Coaching Through Chaos is a private practice located in San Diego and run by Colleen Mullen , Psy . D. , LMFT .

  6. 但对于48岁的工人SushantSingh来说,医院和私人诊所都太贵了。

    Butfor customers like Sushant Singh , 48 , a labourer , the hospitals and privatedental clinics are too costly .

  7. 他还说:过去两年,在自己位于切尔西(Chelsea)的私人诊所,要求去纹身者增加了50%。

    In the past two years , Mayou says , he has seen a 50 per cent increase in patients for tattoo removal at his Chelsea practice .

  8. 流动人口和CSW会首选私人诊所就医,他们不掌握区分有牌诊所和无牌诊所的技巧;

    The migrants and CSW ' first choose for health care facilities is the private clinics , but they cannot tell the licensed ones from unlicensed ones .

  9. 治疗上瘾症和抑郁症的伦敦私人诊所Lifeworks的高级临床医师菲利普•约瑟琳(PhilipJoslin)相信,裁员不仅仅是一个经济生存问题。

    Philip Joslin , a senior clinician at Lifeworks , a private clinic in London dealing with addictions and depression , believes redundancy is not just a matter of economic survival .

  10. 她于5月6日在Luwero区Zirobwe镇的一家私人诊所求医,当时已连续5天急性发热且伴有出血症状。

    On6 May she presented to a private clinic in Zirobwe town , Luwero district , with a5-day history of an acute febrile illness with haemorrhagic manifestations .

  11. 她决定离开医院,然后去一家私人诊所工作。

    She decided to leave the hospital and join a private practice .

  12. 基于私人诊所构建农民工门诊医疗保障体系

    Off-farm workers ' clinical service system based on private clinics

  13. 再析温州市鹿城区私人诊所现状与前景

    An Investigation and Analysis on Private Clinics in Lucheng District of Wenzhou

  14. 注射器来源主要是私人诊所和药店;

    IDUs bought syringes mainly from private clinics and pharmacies ;

  15. 他在一家私人诊所呆了数月才得以康复。

    He spent months recovering in a private health clinic .

  16. 他正在私人诊所接受治疗。

    He is being treated at a private clinic .

  17. 我开了一段时间的私人诊所

    I had a private practice for a while ,

  18. 他在一家私人诊所接受了治疗。

    He has been treated at a private clinic .

  19. 出于好奇,我决定去当地一家私人诊所看一看。

    Out of curiosity , I decided to visit a private clinic in Shenzhen .

  20. 报告表明,整形手术目前多半在私人诊所完成。

    The report indicates that cosmetic surgeries are now largely performed in private offices .

  21. 拉斯维加斯郊外有个私人诊所。

    There 's a private clinic outside vegas .

  22. 有些人喜欢去接受自费病人的私人诊所就医。

    Some prefer to consuh a doctor with a private practice who takes paying patients .

  23. 私人诊所存在医源性感染隐患。

    Besides , the danger of inducing the iatrogenic infection existed in the private clinics .

  24. 眼下,村民们还得以市场价格到村里的私人诊所就诊。

    For now they have to pay market rates at the village 's private clinics .

  25. 除了账单,只有不到一半的私人诊所医生会使用电脑做记录。

    Less than half of solo practitioners keep computer records for anything other than billing .

  26. 传统中医以私人诊所为行医空间,彼此封闭,互为对手。

    Traditionally , TCM doctors practiced in private clinics and were closed and opponent to one other .

  27. 他们可以到医院、政府医疗机构、学校医务室和私人诊所实习。

    Job openings are available in hospitals , government clinics , school systems , and private physicians'practices .

  28. 在私人诊所附近的停车场里,她吸引来了许多尖叫着的粉丝和拍照人员。

    She was met by dozens of screaming fans and photographers in the parking lot near the clinic .

  29. 当尼莎怀着米什蒂的时候,她去了一家私人诊所来接受产前护理。

    When Nisha was pregnant with Mishty , she went to a private clinic to receive prenatal care .

  30. 多数去私人诊所求医,大多向朋友、同学求助。

    Most of them saw a doctor in private clinique and asked their friends or classmates for help .