
  1. 他说,只要雅典方面拒绝向外国投资者开出有吸引力的条款、分享它的金饭碗,希腊就无法从企业比如他私人控股的中国太平洋建设集团(ChinaPacificConstructionGroup)那里吸引来资本。

    As long as Athens refused to share its golden bowl by offering foreign investors attractive terms , he said , it would fail to attract capital from companies such as his own privately held China Pacific Construction Group .

  2. 私人控股的JetAirways(India)是印度市场份额最大的国内航空公司,它还经营往返伦敦和纽约等海外城市的航班。

    Privately held Jet Airways is India 's top domestic airline by market share ; it also operates flights to overseas cities such as London and New York .

  3. 均富国际会计事务所(GrantThornton)2012年的一份报告显示,在全球范围内接受调查的私人控股和上市公司中,高级管理层的岗位有五分之一被女性占据。

    A 2012 report by accounting firm Grant Thornton showed that globally women held one in five senior management positions at privately held and public companies surveyed .

  4. 多种经营公司Cargill和其他股票不公开交易的大公司都在向美国证券交易委员会上报业绩,但依然维持着私人控股的地位。

    Cargill and other big companies without publicly traded equity file their results with the SEC but remain private .

  5. 私人控股公司复星集团(Fosun)计划斥资至多2亿美元投资于独立制片公司Studio8,后者由华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)前总裁杰夫圠宾诺夫(JeffRobinov)创立。

    Fosun , a privately held conglomerate , plans to spend up to $ 200m backing Studio 8 , an independent studio founded by Jeff Robinov , former head of Warner Brothers .

  6. 在宣布收购美国保险公司Ironshore后,中国复星国际(FosunInternational)股价周一上涨至两周内最高点。复星国际是中国最大私人控股集团的投资部门。

    Shares in Fosun International hit a two week high on Monday morning , a day after the investment arm of China 's largest privately held conglomerate announced a deal to buy US insurer Ironshore .

  7. 英国国防科技集团qinetiq正在谈判收购一家私人控股公司,该公司为美国情报服务机构提供顶级建议,此举将使qinetiq得以进入利润丰厚的美国国防市场的核心领域。

    QinetiQ , the UK defence technology group , is in talks to buy a privately held company that provides top-level advice to US intelligence services in a move that will give it access to the heart of the lucrative US defence market .

  8. 私人控股的Hinduja集团由4位印度亿万富翁兄弟经营,该集团还计划在房地产、汽车、电力和基础设施领域投入大笔资金,多数投资将集中于印度、欧洲和中东地区。

    The closely held group , run by four billionaire Indian brothers , is also planning large investments in real estate , automotives , power and infrastructure , mostly in India , Europe and the Middle East .

  9. 这家私人控股的公司不会透露具体要求移除的内容是什么。

    The privately owned company would not specify what content was being targeted .

  10. 华为是私人控股公司,没有披露财务状况的义务。

    Huawei is privately held , so has no obligation to disclose its finances .

  11. 外国私人控股公司税

    Foreign personal holding company tax

  12. 这家私人控股公司甚至准备首次进入债券市场融资。

    The privately held company is even preparing to tap the bond market for the first time .

  13. 但如果将私人控股公司也考虑在内,这种职场性别差异就没那么严重了。

    The workplace gender gap is less severe , however , when taking into account privately held companies .

  14. 原因之一,是那些私人控股的企业不愿在市场底部脱手。

    One reason is that privately controlled firms have been unwilling to sell at the bottom of the market .

  15. 阿里巴巴是私人控股公司,并不会公开其财务状况。但雅虎公司拥有阿里巴巴的股份(雅虎正在逐步减少其份额)。

    Privately held Alibaba does not discuss its finances , but Yahoo ! owns a stake ( which it is winding down ) .

  16. 布莱斯表示他是这个私人控股公司的大股东。11年前,还是大学生的布莱斯在宿舍成立了该公司。

    Price said he 's the majority owner of the privately-held firm , which he started in his college dorm room 11 years ago .

  17. 在深圳上市的渤海租赁是海航旗下子公司,海航是一家私人控股企业,从事航空、航运和旅游业务。

    Bohai , which is listed in Shenzhen , is a subsidiary of HNA , which is privately owned and focuses on aircraft , shipping and tourism .

  18. 这家私人控股的集团在2013年的上一轮募资中估值达到100亿美元。自2011年成立以来,该集团以其迅速的成长和非常规的市场营销模式吸引着人们的注意力。

    The privately owned group was valued at $ 10bn during its last fundraising round in 2013 , and has attracted attention for its swift growth and unconventional marketing since launching in 2011 .

  19. 将私人控股公司考虑在内的话,亚洲国家的女性高管比例要高于西方国家:在东南亚国家,将近三分之一的高级管理职位被女性占据,而北美和欧洲分别为18%和24%。

    In this case , Asian countries tend to have a higher proportion of women in senior management than in the West : In the Southeast Asian nations , nearly a third of senior management positions belong to women , compared to 18 % in North America and 24 % in Europe .

  20. 基于控制权私人收益控股股东侵害行为对盈余质量影响研究

    An Analysis of Controlling Shareholders Expropriation Impact on Earnings Quality Based on Private Benefits of Control

  21. 此举还表明,收购集团发现很难以分拆的方式出售企业,部分原因在于,欧洲缺少一个具有充分流动性的、面向私人股本所控股的企业的首次公开发行(ipo)市场。

    It also shows that buyout groups are finding it difficult to sell companies by breaking them up into pieces , partly due to the lack of a liquid market for private equity-backed initial public offerings in Europe .

  22. 如果私人股本集团控股麦当劳或时代华纳,它们很有可能采纳阿克曼和伊卡恩要求的那种重组。

    If a private equity group owned McDonald 's or Time Warner , it might well carry out the kind of restructuring that Mr Ackman and Mr Icahn seek .

  23. 这使得福特和通用汽车(gm)的重组变得更加困难,也使得私人股本集团cerberus控股的克莱斯勒向更小、更节油车型转变的过程陷入困境。

    That makes restructurings at Ford and General Motors tougher and leaves Chrysler , in the hands of the private equity group Cerberus , struggling to switch towards smaller , more fuel-efficient cars .

  24. 基于控制权私人收益理论,控股股东有动机和能力掏空上市公司,实现其私有收益。

    Base on private benefits of control theory controlling shareholders possess motivation and ability to tunnel listed companies in order to realize their private benefits .

  25. 大力发展中小金融机构,充当为中小企业专门服务的银行;允许设立或改制为民营银行,即是指由私人资本出资、控股经营的银行。

    Small and medium-sized financial institutions should be vigorously developed as the special banks serving for SMEs ; the private banks should be allowed to be set up or re-organized , which are invested , controlled and operated by private capital .