
  • 网络patent portfolio
  1. 摩托罗拉还拥有强大的专利组合,这将保护Android免受微软、苹果等竞争对手的威胁。

    Motorola also has a strong patent portfolio which will help protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft , Apple and other companies .

  2. 此后,公司继续扩大其对U盘和MP3播放器专利组合范围。

    The company has since continued to expand its range of USB Flash Drive and MP3 Player Patent Portfolio .

  3. 去年8月,谷歌(Google)以125亿美元收购了摩托罗拉移动(MotorolaMobility),也大大强化了其专利组合。

    Google ( GOOG ) boosted its patent cache by acquiring Motorola mobility for $ 12.5 billion last August .

  4. 竞购北电的专利组合将能为Android带来一些法律保障,不过当竞标进入白热化时,谷歌却开始玩起游戏来。

    And when bidding for the patents that would have bought Android some legal protection got serious , Google started playing games .

  5. •EMC据称投入4千万美元,获得了专利组合中与存储业务相关的部分。

    • EMC ( EMC ) reportedly paid $ 400 million in a side deal for a subset of patents related to its storage business .

  6. 华为、诺基亚(Nokia)和爱立信(Ericsson)等科技集团获利于各自庞大的专利组合,其他公司需要这些专利来制造智能手机。

    Technology groups such as Huawei , Nokia and Ericsson make money from their large portfolios of patents that other companies need to manufacture smartphones .

  7. 今夏早些时候,谷歌公司(Google)收购北电网络公司(NortelNetworks)专利组合的计划落空。彼时,有谁能预料到,它今天会斥资125亿美元现金收购摩托罗拉移动公司(MotorolaMobility)?

    When Google missed out on buying Nortel Networks'patent hoard earlier this summer , few could have predicted it would make a stunning $ 12.5 billion cash bid for Motorola Mobility .

  8. 据前述知情人士介绍,苹果对这家总部位于英国萨里郡沃金(Woking)的公司的兴趣集中于后者的技术、工程实力和专利组合。

    Apple 's interest in the Woking-based company centres on its technology , engineering prowess and patent portfolio , according to people briefed on the talks .

  9. 但该公司仍将产生营业亏损,受地图部门的糟糕业绩拖累&诺基亚将保留该部门、NSN以及自身的专利组合。

    But it would still have nursed an operating loss because of the poor performance of its mapping division , which it will keep along with NSN and its portfolio of patents .

  10. 诉讼涉及的关键内容是北电专利组合,这些专利在两年半前曾是谷歌和Rockstar奋力争夺的焦点。

    The Nortel patent portfolio at the center of the suits had been the subject of a high-stakes battle between Google and the Rockstar group 21 / 2 years ago .

  11. 授权的专利组合也可在二级市场上交易。

    ULRs are also expected to be traded on secondary markets .

  12. 专利组合;专利分析;技术情报分析;

    Patent portfolio ; Patent analysis ; Technology information analysis ;

  13. 这笔交易还包括微软购买诺基亚的专利组合。

    The deal also included Microsoft buying Nokia 's patents .

  14. 基于多维标度的专利组合图谱绘制及应用

    Drawing and application of patent portfolio based on multidimensional scaling

  15. 米勒认为,亚马逊的专利组合弱于谷歌。

    Amazon has a weaker patent portfolio than Google , argues Mr. Mueller .

  16. 专利组合薄弱迄今阻碍着小米扩大出口的努力。

    A lean patent portfolio has hindered Xiaomi 's efforts to ramp up exports .

  17. 如今,该公司正忙于出售其专利组合,避免破产。

    Now it is engaged in a desperate scramble to liquidate its patent portfolio and stave off bankruptcy .

  18. 基于专利组合分析的技术并购对象甑选研究&美国生物制药技术型企业的实证

    Targeting of Technological Acquisitions based on the Patent Portfolio Analysis & An Empirical Study on American Bio-Pharmaceutical Technological Enterprises

  19. 黑莓拥有强大的专利组合以及23亿美元的现金,尽管它也曾向潜在收购者伸出过橄榄枝,但却徒劳无功。

    BlackBerry had courted suitors to no avail , despite a robust patent portfolio and $ 2.3 billion in cash .

  20. 根据其周三的声明,苹果在2011年同意按许可证使用诺基亚专利组合中的一部分专利。

    According to its statement on Wednesday , Apple agreed to license some patents from Nokia 's portfolio in 2011 .

  21. 一个授权专利组合允许在单件产品上一次性使用某个技术:这就是说,一个新式的安全气囊传感器仅能用于一辆轿车。

    A ULR grants a one-time right to use a particular technology in a single product : a new type of airbag sensor in a car , say .

  22. 这种极具讽刺意味的事情发生在上周,苹果对代理诺基亚专利组合的两家公司提起了反垄断私人诉讼。

    That rather delicious irony emerged this week , as Apple filed a private antitrust suit against two companies that have acted as enforcers of Nokia 's patent portfolio .

  23. 此协议将授予微软和亚马逊访问彼此专利组合的权限,此外还包含广泛的产品和技术,其中就有亚马逊的电子书阅读器。

    The agreement will give Microsoft and Amazon access to each other 's patent portfolio and includes a broad range of products and technology , including Amazon 's Kindle electronic book reader .

  24. 作为国家实体,它们免受私人公民,在保护知识产权方面特别有用的联邦法院诉讼,既然有这么多的研究型大学拥有强大的专利组合。

    As state entities , they 're shielded from federal court suits by private citizens & a particularly useful protection in the IP context , since so many research universities have robust patent portfolios .

  25. 根据小米宣布的计划,明年小米将进军巴西和墨西哥市场,小米将扩展专利组合和研发范围,从而在今后的专利纠纷中获得更多的议价能力。

    By the time Xiaomi expands to Brazil and Mexico next year , as it has previously said it intends to , its patent portfolio and R & D could be expanded to give it more bargaining power in future patent lawsuits .

  26. 诺基亚表示:“自苹果公司在2011年同意从诺基亚专利组合中获取一部分专利的授权以来,该公司已经拒绝了诺基亚向其提出的获取其他专利发明授权的要求,这些专利被用于苹果公司的许多产品。”

    Nokia said : " Since agreeing a license covering some patents from the Nokia Technologies portfolio in 2011 , Apple has declined subsequent offers made by Nokia to license other of its patented inventions which are used by many of Apple 's products . "

  27. 但是,通过根据不同情况而构建不同的最优专利组合(专利长度和宽度的组合)来平衡社会收益与私人的收益,可以提高专利制度的效率,这一点对于专利制度的设计具有重要的意义。

    Despite that patent system isn 't the best way of resources allocation , one can construct optimal combination of patent length and breadth according to different conditions , so as to enhance the efficiency of patent system , which has an important implication for the design of patent system .

  28. 他编写了有关面向服务的体系结构空间的IBM红皮书,并为IBM专利产品组合做出了积极的贡献。

    He has authored IBM Redbooks in the service oriented architecture space and has actively contributed to IBM Patent Portfolio .

  29. 专利丛林、专利组合和专利联盟&从专利战略到专利群战略

    Patent Thicket , Patent Portfolios and Patent Alliance & From Patent Strategy to Patent Cluster Strategy

  30. 其中重点研究了通过知识产权产权组合加强对研究成果的保护力度,以及构建专利矩阵来评估专利组合中单项专利的价值,为专利技术的许可和转让提供依据。

    The thesis lays emphasis on intellectual property portfolio in order to strengthen the protection and evaluation of patent portfolio by means of patent portfolio weight matrix .