- individual labor

Individual labour and social labour
In the society of commodity economy , science-technological labor is an entia of contradiction between private labor and social labor .
Secondly , the " commodity value " is used firstly to explain the special kind of social nature and its manifestation form of the private labor .
In the eyes of Marx , with the materialization of social relationship and abruption of private and social labor , the relation of production is necessarily the relation of capital and employing .
The social relations of the private labour of the producer is not shown as direct social relations of their own work but as the relations among people in terms of goods and the social relations among goods .
The basic question that Marxist labour theory of value answers is that in a market economy , private labour is proved to be part of the aggregate labour of the society and because of the exchange of products , relations occur among producers .
The dual differentiation of labor value is the economic cause ;
Private Economics is the profit-oriented economy form based on production material privately owned and labor employment .