
  • 网络The Mysterious Universe
  1. 阿诺德·汤因比称,在神秘的宇宙中,人类总试图表达他们无法表达的东西。

    In a mysterious universe , says Arnold Toynbee , man tries to express what they can of the ineffable .

  2. 近代以来的古代诗歌研究从浪漫主义的角度,提炼出许多概念,比如神秘的宇宙意识、永恒、有我与无我等。

    The Chinese ancient poetry study from modern times put forward many concepts as cosmos conscious , eternal , ego , etc.

  3. 馆内展览及天象节目,带领孩子探索神秘的宇宙。

    Bring your children to the exhibition halls and Stanley Ho space theatre and explore the mysteries of the final frontier .

  4. 我们不单要从现在这个世界,而且要从无法估算的距离、从神秘莫测的宇宙来论述事物。

    We deal now not with things of this word alone , but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe .

  5. 神秘莫测的精神宇宙真元堂

    Mysterious space of spirit & The Zhenyuan Church

  6. 为什么这些神秘的感觉,被宇宙的伟大所触动的感觉

    Why does that sense of mystery , that sense of the dizzying scale of the universe ,

  7. 天体物理学家们首次绘制出了“暗物质”的三维立体图,这种神秘的物质占据了宇宙的大部分质量。一直以来,它是科学界最大的谜团之一。

    ASTROPHYSICISTS have unveiled the first atlas of " dark matter ", the strange substance that is believed to comprise most of the cosmos and presents one of the greatest puzzles in space science today .

  8. 爱情不是什么神秘的事,和宇宙万物一样必须遵循自然规律。飞机飞行要遵循地心引力,夫妻关系也有规律可循,你的行为决定了你的婚姻质量。

    Love is not a mystery . Just as there are physical laws of the universe like gravity , which governs flight there are also relationship laws that , depending on your behavior , dictate the outcome of your marriage .