
shè pínɡ
  • see also 社论
社评 [shè píng]
  • [editorial] 社论

  1. 他表示,在政界,只有付出才能有收获:不是所有人都赞同《纽约时报》(newyorktimes)社评的观点(这就是所谓的妥协)。

    In politics , he said , there has to be give and take : not everybody agrees with the editorial page of the New York Times ( quite a concession ) .

  2. 实际上,笔者在两年前就写过相应的社评“重构是必要的浪费”,而且InfoQ上面也经常会出现关于重构的讨论。

    In fact , this reporter wrote an editorial on the subject called Refactoring is a Necessary Waste two years ago , and the topic of refactoring has been covered by InfoQ on multiple occasions .

  3. 在周一的一篇头版文章和随发的社评中,《世界报》称萨科奇企图压制媒体对贝当古(bettencourt)事件的报道,这一报道动摇了法国政府。

    In a front page article and accompanying editorial on Monday , the paper claimed the president was trying to silence coverage of the Bettencourt affair , which has rocked the government .

  4. 商业社评广泛应用于现代商业中,它们代表着媒体(报纸、杂志等)的倾向与立场。

    Commercial editorials are widely used in commerce or business .

  5. 同时,它的社评也堪称美国保守主义的火车头。

    Meanwhile , its editorial pages are the engine of US conservatism .

  6. 当很多报纸把社评与新闻混在一起时,我们需要知道我们所需的信息已经被审查过了。

    When many newspapers mix up editorialising and news , we need information we know has been checked .

  7. 通过他在四十年的一些杂文及社评,肯定了萧乾为一名自由主义知识分子。

    Through some of his essays and editorials in the 1940s , Xiao Qian was affirmed as a liberal intellectual .

  8. 然而,贵刊社评却称:薪资上升看上去像是中国发展的自然后果

    However , your editorial claims that the rise in pay looks like a natural consequence of the country 's development

  9. 也许查查社评,你可以借此表明你知道你在说什么。

    Maybe check out some editorial reviews that you can " borrow " to make it appear that you know what you are talking about .

  10. 在社评版,我们可以非常自由地批评一国政府缺乏合法性,即使它采取了一些试探性的改革措施。

    On our editorial pages , we are perfectly at liberty to criticise a government , that even after tentative steps towards reform , lacks legitimacy .

  11. 官方新闻社的一篇社评称,饮水问题很可能升级,变成抗议导火线,该文还把长治的泄漏事故称为水门事件。

    One editorial in a state-run news service warned that water issues could easily escalate into a " flashpoint " for protest and dubbed the Changzhi incident " Watergate " .

  12. 这篇愤怒的社评署名钟声,这个笔名听上去像是中国之声,且被视为反映官方观点的权威声音。

    The angry editorial was published under the name Zhong Sheng , a pen-name that sounds the same as voice of China and is seen as authoritative representation of official views .

  13. 这是以环保为名义设置的贸易壁垒,对广大乘客利益和国际航空业都将造成打击,新华社在一篇社评中表示。

    This is a trade barrier in the name of environmental protection , and it constitutes an attack on the interests of travellers and the international aviation industry , it said in an editorial .

  14. 本文作者根据工作中的实际经验,从林业外资项目社会影响评估工作现状入手论述了林业项目活动中开展社评的可行性以及对如何开展好林业社评工作进行了探讨。

    Based on these experiences and analyzing trends of social effect evalua-tion , the author discusses feasibility of implementing social effect evaluation in forest project , and puts forward some measures to do the work .

  15. 社评写道:从善意出发,各国甚至可以确立起有助于界定和管束互联网活动的特定规则,以及在产生摩擦时化解分歧的机制。

    With good intentions , they can even work for the establishment of certain rules that help define and regulate Internet activities and mechanisms that can work out their differences when frictions do arise , it said .

  16. 据报道,默多克愿意在报纸边栏上设立社评专栏,但是他也申明将不会让班氏家族控制社评专栏。

    giving his reputation as the king of tabloids . Murdoch reportedly establish an editorial over side board for the paper , but he has also said he will not allow the Bancroft family to have editorial control .

  17. 在伊拉克战争爆发前夜,《旗帜周刊》的编辑在一份颇为自鸣得意的社评中写道:“在大规模杀伤武器问题上,战争本身将澄清谁是对的,谁是错的。”

    In a notably smug editorial written on the eve of the war with Iraq , the editors of the weekly standard wrote : " the war itself will clarify who was right and who was wrong about weapons of mass destruction . "

  18. 官方的《中国证券报》昨日在头版发表社评,淡化了外界对中国汇率政策有望很快变化的猜测。从目前经济形势来看,至少上半年人民币不具备大幅升值条件,该报表示。

    A front page editorial in the official China Securities Journal yesterday played down speculation of an imminent move on currency policy . Given the current situation , the conditions are not right for a big appreciation in at least the first half , the paper said .