
  • 网络social competence
  1. 农村弱势群体不仅经济贫困,而且社会地位低下,缺乏政治影响力和社会竞争力。

    Not only are rural vulnerable groups living in poverty , but also they are associated with low social status , lack of political influence and social competence .

  2. 桂林旅游业经过30多年的发展,已经发展形成最具城市优势、最具品牌效应、最具社会竞争力和最具发展潜力的产业。

    Through 30 years development , Guilin has already formed the most competitive industry .

  3. 大学开展五项修炼提高学生的社会竞争力

    The University Carry Out " The Fifth Discipline " to Enhance the Competitiveness of Students in the Community

  4. 父母作为过来人,要教儿女生存的手段,要给你读书受教育,提升你的社会竞争力。

    Parents should teach children n , as a means to give you reading education , improve your social competition .

  5. 使独立学院学生对自己的社会竞争力及前途充满困惑和惶恐,增大了独立学院学生的自我怀疑感。

    The confusion and fear that those Independent college students have about their competitiveness and future lead to the increase of self-doubt .

  6. 如何提高人的社会竞争力,培养学生学习的兴趣,已成为学校体育教学中的一个重要内容。

    It has become an important content of physical education how to increase the student 's social competition ability and study interests .

  7. 本文认为,工程管理专业的社会竞争力是本专业发展的立足点,是专业定位的依据。

    This article believed that , the project management specialized society competitive power is this career development standpoint , is the specialized localization basis .

  8. 提高教学质量是教育部门各方共同努力所期望的,也是学校提高社会竞争力的重要手段之一。

    Improving the teaching quality is the common expection of the education departments , and also the important element of social competitive force of school .

  9. 对于中船重工某研究所而言,同样需要一套信息化的系统来帮助提高自身的研究工作效率以期增强社会竞争力。

    The Institute of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry also needs an information system to improve the efficiency of their researching work in order to enhance the social competitiveness .

  10. 它表明一个人的鲜明印记,代表一种信誉度,同时它也是一种社会竞争力和一种不断流传的口碑。

    One 's distinctive quality and prestige are also reflected in his personal credit , which can be also viewed as a sort of social competitive strength and long-lasting fame .

  11. 本文从经济收入、外部风险承受能力、社会竞争力和生产生活等方面分析了我国渔民弱势群体的外部特征;

    In the paper , the exterior characteristics of fisherfolk vulnerable group are analyzed at aspects of income , external risk bearing capability , social competition ability , producing and living quality ;

  12. 区域技术创新能力的强弱是评价一个区域技术创新实力的重要标准是区域经济增长和区域社会竞争力的关键性因素。

    The strength of the regional technological innovation ability is an important criterion for evaluation of a regional technical innovation strength is a key factor for regional economic growth and regional social competitiveness .

  13. 与此同时,通过《园林景观设计》课程的学习,可以让学生掌握一项专业技能,从而增加学生的社会竞争力;对其个人的审美、怡情也将起到积极地影响。

    At the same time , through the " Landscape Design " course , allowing students to master a professional skill , thereby increasing their vocational competitiveness ; and giving a positive influence in their personal aesthetic-building .

  14. 因此我们建议,大学生除了专业的知识和技能培训外,应更注重通过各种途径来提高其情商水平,从而提高高校毕业生的社会竞争力和就业质量。

    Therefore we suggest emphasizing improving the university students ' EQ level through diversified ways as well as doing training and education on knowledge and techniques of their major fields to improve their social competitive position and employment quality .

  15. 英语远程教育是把英语语言的学习建立在计算机网络上的一种教学形式,使人们有终身学习英语的机会和条件,不断提高自身素质和社会竞争力。

    English distance learning is a kind of teaching that makes English language learning based on computer network , which can provide a life-long learning opportunity and condition for all people and increasingly improve their own attainments and social competitiveness .

  16. 现代,理想,丰富的色彩,柔和的色调,增加了不女性在现代社会的竞争力。

    Ever modern , ever desirable , its rich palette of warm inviting tones and accents cannot be rivalled .

  17. 良好的自主学习习惯地养成可以很大程度地提升学生在未来社会的竞争力和发展力,这也正是教育的真正意义所在。

    Good autonomous learning habits can greatly improve students ' competitiveness and development potential in the future society which is the real meaning of education .

  18. 从而产生了本文定义的企业社会责任竞争力,即把企业履行社会责任的能力看成企业的社会责任竞争力。

    Resulting the corporate social responsibility competitiveness of the article defines , and that is the ability of enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility as to the competitiveness of corporate social responsibility .

  19. 准确识别并选择出主导产业、确定最优的供地模式,对实现开发区的比较优势、提高开发区乃至地方经济社会的竞争力至关重要。

    To Accurately identify leading industries and select the optimal land supply policy , it is very important for highlighting the comparative advantages of Development Zone and improving the competitiveness of Development Zone and even Local economy and society .

  20. 高等学校的经济责任制就是实现高等学校的内部控制方式,通过会计控制和管理控制,达到学校发展,提高学校的社会经济竞争力,是建立高等学校经济责任制的目的。

    It is , namely , the way of realizing the inner control of higher education and achieving the development of universities through accounting and managing control . And that is the purpose of establishment of the economic responsibility system .

  21. 同时,倡导人道与公正、促进人与自然和谐共生、提升公民道德素质、追求和实现政府善治、增强社会核心竞争力等是民间组织道德整合的价值取向。

    Meanwhile , proposing humanity and fairness , advancing the harmonious relationships between human beings and nature , promoting moral qualities of citizens , pursuing effective government management , strengthening social competition ability are value orientations of moral integration of NGOs .

  22. 高校人文社会科学研究竞争力评价

    Evaluation on Research Competitiveness of Social Sciences and Humanities among Universities

  23. 它像旗帜一样,象征着现代社会中对竞争力的重新审视和对高效率的推崇。

    Resembling with a flagship , the figure also symbolizes the modern society 's reexamination on competitiveness and its advocation on high efficiency .

  24. 现今社会,公司竞争力的提高越来越依赖于技术进步,这使得研究开发支出在企业中占有重要地位。

    Nowadays , technology is more important for a company 's competition in market , so expense on research and development is more important in a company .

  25. 综合横向比较与纵向比较的评价结果,指出西安市城市空间结构缺乏竞争力的原因为:城市空间结构的社会和环境竞争力落后,从而导致城市处于竞争劣势。

    The result is : Because the social effects and environment effects of urban spatial structure were drop behind , xi'an situated competitiveness inferior position in the sample cities .

  26. 因此,基础教育改革关系着国家未来,关系着中国未来在国际社会中的竞争力,关系着千千万万人民群众的根本利益。

    So , basic education reform relates to the future of our country , the competitive strength of our country in international society , and fundamental interests of thousands of masses .

  27. 在作好了评价方法与评价工具这两项准备之后,作者便利用层次分析法这一针对多层次、多目标规划决策问题的有效决策方法开始构造高校人文社会科学研究竞争力评价指标体系。

    After preparing the evaluation methodology and tools , the author constructed an evaluation indicator system of social sciences and humanities research competitiveness among Chinese universities with the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) .

  28. 运营管理是企业为实现组织目标,为向社会提供具有竞争力的产品或服务而进行的一系列决策和行动。

    Production and Operation Management is in fact a series of policy making and acts which serve for the enterprises to realize their organization goals to provide the society with competitive products and services .

  29. “哈立德国王责任竞争力奖”于2008年由哈立德国王基金会设立,是沙特首个也是唯一一个专注于企业社会责任与竞争力领域的重要奖项,华为是首个在该奖项获得第一名的信息和通信技术公司。

    Launched in 2008 , the King Khalid Responsible Competitiveness Award is the first and only award focused on responsible competitiveness and corporate responsibility in the kingdom , and Huawei is the first ICT company to win the first place in the award 's history .

  30. 地方特色资源数据库的建立可以树立省级公共图书馆的品牌地位,以增强其在信息社会中的竞争力,同时也是省级公共图书馆在信息化社会中的立足之本。

    The establishment of the local characteristics of the resource database can establish the brand position of the provincial public libraries , enhance its competitiveness in the information society , but also the based on the book of the provincial public libraries is in the information society .