
  • 网络Community Policing
  1. 社区警务和多国:合并,还是彼此对立?

    Community Policing and CompStat : Merged , or Mutually Exclusive ?

  2. 论建立以人为本的社区警务服务理念

    On Building up Community Policing with The Theory of People Foremost

  3. 司法项目办公室(OJP)和社区警务办公室(COPS)领导、援助各州、地方、族群政府。

    The Office of Justice Programs ( OJP ) and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services ( COPS ) provide leadership and assistance to State , local , and tribal governments .

  4. 刑事政策视角下的社区警务预防工作研究

    Study of Community Police Guard Work in View of Criminal Policy

  5. 推进新时期社区警务工作的思考

    A Reflection upon Advancing Community Policing Work in the New Period

  6. 试论农村社区警务方式之转变

    On the Change of Patterns of Police Service in Rural Community

  7. 社区警务被称为第四次警务革命。

    The community policing were called the fourth time policing revolution .

  8. 浅析社区警务绩效评估中的公民参与问题

    Analysis on the Citizen Participation and Evaluation of Community Police Performance

  9. 关于加强我国社区警务室建设的思考

    Thinking on Reinforce the Community Policing Room Construction in Our Country

  10. 论社区警务与社区文化的互动

    Comment on the Interaction between The Community Guide and Its Culture

  11. 我国社区警务模式的渐进性多样性建构

    Progressive and Diversified Setup of Community Policing Model in Our Country

  12. 市民社会视野中的社区警务战略

    The Community Policing Stratagem in the View of the Civil Society

  13. 社区警务源于社区管理,而且是其中的一部分。

    The police duty of community is part of community management .

  14. 中外社区警务计划与实验

    Programs and Experiments in Community Police Service at Home and Abroad

  15. 构建我国农村社区警务的理性思考

    Study on the Construction of the Countryside Community Policing in China

  16. 对完善我国社区警务工作的几点思考

    Pondering over Further Perfection towards Community Police Affairs in our country

  17. 农村社区警务建设存在的问题及对策分析

    An Analysis of Solutions and Problems of Rural Community Policing Buildup

  18. 从治安学的研究看社区警务

    Viewing on Community Policing from the Security Research Point of View

  19. 五是加强社区警务建设的领导。农业产业化龙头企业集团建设初探

    Preliminary Study on The Construction of The Agriculture Industrialized Leading Enterprise Group

  20. 中西社区警务之比较研究警务公开&中国警务工作的战略变革

    Community Policing Affairs between China and West Publicity of Policing

  21. 论社区警务的价值取向及运作机制

    On the Value and the System of the Community Police

  22. 实施社区警务战略若干问题的思考

    Thought on Several Problems about Implementing Strategy of Community Policing

  23. 建立交通管理社区警务体制刍议

    A Tentative Study on the Foundation of Community-Police System in Traffic Control

  24. 构建现代社区警务机制应把握好的几个关系

    Research on Relations of Constructing the Modern Community Policing Mechanism

  25. 谈新形势下人口管理与社区警务的改革

    Population Administration and Reformation of Police Service in Communities under New Conditions

  26. 建立科学的社区警务机制的探讨

    On Setting Up of Scientific Police Service Mechanism of Community

  27. 新时期社区警务战略的实践价值

    Considerations on the Community Policing Strategies in the New Era

  28. 新时期社区警务战略初探

    On Perfect of Community Police Service Strategy in New Period

  29. 社区警务建设应处理好五个关系

    It must handle well five relations in community policing building

  30. 关于西方国家社区警务理论与实践的探讨

    A Probe into the Community Policing Theory and Practice in the West