
  • 网络Social Evolution;the evolution of societies
  1. 对历史唯物主义的重建,同样是在凸显社会进化过程中,理性共识层面本身的发展逻辑。

    Reconstructing historical materialism means stressing the logic of communicative ration along with social evolution process .

  2. 这是过程本体论对社会进化的本质的审视和剖析。

    That is the survey and analysis on the process ontology to the essence of social evolution .

  3. 这种持续更新是社会进化以及人类进步的核心。

    This constant renewal is the very essence of evolution and human progress .

  4. 社会进化就像逆水行舟,不进则退。

    Human society keeps moving forward as new things replace those dying out .

  5. 陈独秀的社会进化思想述评

    Comments On CHEN Du-xiu 's Social Evolutional Thought

  6. 第二部分研究社会进化论与法律的一般关系。

    This part also briefly analyzes the legal evolution conflict in the dispute between courtesy and law .

  7. 儿童不能纯粹地被看作是社会进化过程的被动目标。

    Children should not be seen purely as a passive object in the process of social evolution .

  8. 复杂科学的兴起是物质、生命和人类社会进化的必然。

    The rise of complexity science is an inevitable outcome of evolution of substance , life and human being .

  9. 人类社会进化也是由低级向高级发展的,在进化的过程中人类对社会发展的干预将会毫无作用。

    Human society evolutes from low-level to senior , in this process human intervention on social development will be useless .

  10. 而其意义并不仅仅在于锦上添花。我认为这是社会进化的必然过程。

    And this isn 't even just a " nice to have . " I think it 's a social imperative .

  11. 19、20世纪之交西方思想家社会进化论述评

    The Commentary of Western Thinker 's Social Darwinism in the 19 ~ ( th ) 20 ~ ( th ) Century Bargain

  12. 汉代虽有罢黜百家,独尊儒术,但并没有抛弃法家的社会进化的历史观。

    Although Han dynasty has " ousted hundred , confucian-communist societies ", but did not abandon the social evolution of legalism of history .

  13. 他运用进化论理论分析指出:道德随社会进化而进化,道德进化就意味着道德革命。

    Based on the evolution theory , he proposed that morals evolve as the society evolves and that moral evolution mean moral revolution .

  14. 历史变化的观点是法家社会进化历史观的核心。

    The historical changes of the views is the core of the social evolution history legalism , and advocated to reform the old system .

  15. 西方的社会进化理论倾向于把变革看成是一个自然的、累积的和有目标的过程,带来人类文明阶段性的前进。

    Western theories of social evolution have tended to see change as natural , cumulative , and purposeful , with civilization advancing by stages .

  16. 社会进化论通过解释当下的危机处境和描绘未来的美好图景,激发了中国人的进取精神。

    The societal evolution theory , through explaining the extant crises and depicting the promising future , inspired the spirit of enterprise of the Chinese people .

  17. 社会进化和儿童成长的过程是互动的,儿童在其中既顺应着社会的发展,也在社会发展中演绎着自己的角色。

    The processes of social evolution and child development are interactive , children in which not only played a submissive role but also a role by nature .

  18. 为克服进化计算自身的早熟收敛缺陷,受自然界和人类社会进化现象的启发,文中研究得到了一种新的进化计算算法模型&种群竞争消亡算法。

    Inspired by the phenomena of evolution in nature and society , a new model for evolutionary algorithms to conquer its limitation of premature convergence was put forward .

  19. 严复建立在社会进化论基础上的政治哲学理论使他有力地解释了近代中国落后的原因,但这一理论的内在逻辑又不断削弱着严复寻求强国之梦的努力。

    On the one hand , Yan Fu 's political philosophy theory which is based on social evolutionism explained the reasons of the backward situation in modern China .

  20. 它有两种基本的理论解释模型:一是社会进化理论,二是社会转型理论。

    At that time , two basic theoretic explanative models were distinguished : one is the theory of social evolution ; the other is the theory of social transformation .

  21. 把拉兹洛的广义综合进化论和产业技术特别是主导产业技术进步结合起来,是阐明社会进化动力机制的一个新视角。

    It provides a new perspective for interpreting the power of social evolution , by adopting Laszlo 's General Synthetic Theory of Evolution to industrial technology , especially to leading industry .

  22. 第一,法律进化理论的孕育与萌芽时期,介绍18世纪初亚当·斯密、大卫·休谟、孟德斯鸠等思想家对社会进化及法律进化问题的早期洞见。

    Firstly , introduce the birth of the legal evolutionary theories . In the early 18th century , some thinkers have concerned about the legal evolutionary theories , such as Adam .

  23. 在对现代性问题的思想史脉络加以简略地梳理之后,着重讨论了他的交往理论概念,以及通过重建历史唯物主义而提出的社会进化理论。

    After simply giving thought history of Modernity , it emphasizes his concept of communicative ration , moreover it tries to discuss his social evolution theory putted forward by reconstructed historical materialism .

  24. 真正的艺术作为最精致的文化造物是人的自由自主的本质的最深刻的体现,以及人类社会进化的重要的内在驱动力。

    As the most exquisite cultural creation , real art is both the most profound embodiment of man 's free and unrestrained nature , and an important inner drive for human socialization .

  25. 结合社会进化所提出的以目的为取向的回应型法律发展目标,侦查现代化的基本趋向将是一条回应社会、以实现社会秩序、安全和自由为方向的进化路径。

    Act in accordance with the objective of responsive law that required by social development , basic tendency of modernization of investigation is a route of responsive society , maintain order and achieve freedom .

  26. 性别等级是在人类社会进化的过程中,主要由男权文化不断解释与不断塑造的结果,社会性别这一概念是探求这一原因最好的分析工具。

    The sex classes results from the continuous interpretation and construction by the male supremacy culture in the course of human evolution , and gender is the best tool to probe the cause of it .

  27. 宋代王安石的变法实践与变法思想都受到了先秦法家思想的影响,继承了法家的变法理论及社会进化历史观。

    Song dynasty Wang Anshi political reform practice and reform are subject to the influence of the Pre-Qin legalists ' thought , and inherited the reform of the legalist school theory and social evolution history .

  28. 本文主要分析我国先秦法家社会进化的历史观,通过对法家主要代表人物的主张和论述进行介绍,得出法家社会进化历史观的主要内容。

    This article mainly analyzes the social evolution of legalism in China history , through to the main representative figure of legalism advocated and introduced , main content concludes that social evolution history of legalism .

  29. 历史哲学研究范式以社会进化论为本体论,强调法律理性主义,具有法律发展的历史感,适合法制现代化研究。

    Regarding social evolution as ontology in historical philosophy and valuing legal rationalism , historical and philosophical paradigm has a historical sense of legal development , and is therefore suitable for the study of legal system modernization .

  30. 前半部分,通过生物进化、社会进化概念,界定法律进化概念,同时辨析法律发展、法律演进等概念与法律进化概念的区别。

    In the first half part , by learning the concept of biological evolution and social evolution , try to definite the concept of legal evolution . Then discriminate the legal evolution from the legal development and the legal improvement .