
  • 网络social ideal
  1. 荀子的社会理想及其局限性

    Hs ü n Tzu ' Social Ideal and Its Limit

  2. 个体与社会理想形态的现代化想象&论中国文学现代化中的两种价值取向

    The Modernization Imagination about the Individual and Social Ideal Pattern

  3. 谭峭及其《化书》的和谐社会理想

    Tan Qiao and His Ideal for Harmonious Society in Hua Shu

  4. 木星与冥王星之间的对分相显示对社会理想主义的质疑。

    The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto shows questioning of social ideology .

  5. 岑参与道教社会理想不同。

    Cen Shen and Taoism Different society ideal Art Character ;

  6. 因而,它是值得我们为之奋斗的社会理想。

    Therefore , it is worth fighting for our human .

  7. 任何一种社会理想的实现都无法割断传统而成为无本之木。

    Realizing any social ideal , human beings can not sever historical tradition .

  8. 马克思的审美情愫与社会理想

    Karl Marx 's Aesthetic Feelings and Social Ideal

  9. 孟子思想体系的核心是仁政思想,他的圣人理想是为其王道的社会理想服务的。

    The core of Mencius ' system is his ideality of " Kingcraft " .

  10. 徐志摩用基督教文化价值观来建构其社会理想,显示了一个现代文人在生命追问历程中的重新认识与思索。

    Xu built his social ideals with Christian values which showed his reconsideration to society .

  11. 《阿霞》中的爱情描写是屠格涅夫关于社会理想的一个文化隐喻。

    The love story in Asya is Turgenev 's culture metaphor about the societal future .

  12. 论马克思的社会理想

    Talk about Marx 's Social Ideal

  13. 简论李大钊的社会理想

    On Li Dazhao 's Social Ideal

  14. 大学生的社会理想之所以存在问题和偏差有着深刻的内因和外因。

    There are deep internal and external causes of students ' social ideal problems and deviation .

  15. 简评李二曲的社会理想

    On LI Er-qu 's Idealistic Society

  16. 社会理想不同。

    Different society ideal Art Character ;

  17. 他致力于个体独立人格与社会理想的统一。

    He was committed to the unity of the individual and independent personality and social ideals .

  18. 而四有新人是当今我国社会理想人格的集中体现。

    The new persons with four-haves embody the ideal personality in the current society of China .

  19. 马克思恩格斯美育思想的特质主要表现在三个方面:一,其立足点是社会理想与人的理想的统一;

    The speciality of Marx and Engels'ideas on aesthetic education is primarily embodied in the three sides .

  20. 狄更斯将自己的社会理想通过对这三类人的塑造表现出来。

    In the history , a lot of people continuously went after and research the ideal society .

  21. 传统大同、小康曾是炎黄子孙世代希冀向往的社会理想。

    The traditional Great Harmony and well-off Society is what the Chinese people have long been looking for .

  22. 《道德经》第八十章新释&重评老子的社会理想

    New Annotations on Chapter 80 of Tao Te Ching & A Review of Lao Zi 's Social Ideal

  23. 小国寡民是社会理想的基本框架结构;

    " Sparse Population in a Small Country " is the basic structure of the ideas of society .

  24. 法治是一种社会理想与追求这种理想状态的现实运动的统一,只讲理想不看现实,法治只能是空想;

    Legal system is a realistic unity of the social ideal and the realistic movement to this ideal .

  25. 自春秋时期起,中国古代就出现了完整形态的社会理想体系。

    From the Spring and Autumn Time on , integrated idea system of society was formed in ancient China .

  26. 为了正义这一社会理想,他可以从骑士变成法外人。

    For justice as a social ideal , he can become a " law outsider " from a knight .

  27. 中国近代化过程明显存在着社会理想的“大同”化倾向。

    As a result , Chinese modernization has been characterized with a strong orientation of " great harmony " .

  28. 儒家、墨家和道家的和平社会理想无疑都印证在东方和平主义的社会理想之中。

    The social ideals on peace of Confucianism , Mohism and Daoism are no doubt confirmed in the Oriental Pacifism .

  29. 借着对这种真的刻画与阐释,他们也寄托了自己社会理想。

    They had also placed their social ideal in the descriptions and explanations of " truth " ( nature ) .

  30. 但由于新文化运动的先驱们具有不同的成长和教育背景,他们的社会理想、政治倾向与艺术追求也各不相同;

    But because of their different background , the pioneers held different social ideals , political inclination and artistic belief .