
  1. 在美国,不论是对陌生人、对朋友还是家人,人们都会在日常生活中使用这些礼貌用语。

    These polite expressions are used every day in America — among strangers , between friends or with family .

  2. 可是,在她那本最畅销的书《talktothehand》中,林恩争论说,像普通的礼貌用语“请原谅”几乎不再存在了。

    However , in her best-selling book Talk to the Hand , Lynne Truss argues that common good manners such as saying " Excuse me " almost no longer exist .

  3. 如果他们遵守指南,预计将听到更多的中国人在海外旅游时会在对话中使用morning和sorry这样的礼貌用语。

    If they adhere to the guidelines , expect to hear more Chinese sprinkling their conversations with niceties such as ' Morning ' and ' Sorry ' overseas .

  4. 礼貌用语和举止实现LON网消息的显式寻址

    Polite Words and Manners Realizing explicit addressing of LON

  5. 英语和汉语中的礼貌用语及其文化价值

    Polite Expressions in English and Chinese Language and its Cultural Value

  6. 营造文明礼貌用语的环境,激发幼儿学说礼貌话。

    Keep a civilize environment and pay attention to kids manners .

  7. 英汉日常礼貌用语的语用差异

    The pragmatic Linguistic Difference between Chinese and English Daily Polite languages

  8. 英汉礼貌用语的语用差异对比研究(英文)

    Pragmatic Differences in Politeness Compared between English and Chinese ;

  9. 你知道汉语打电话时的礼貌用语吗?

    Do you know how to speak decently when you call someone ?

  10. 注意,这个词不是个礼貌用语。

    Notice , it 's not a very polite expression .

  11. 英汉礼貌用语对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Courtesy Language in English and Chinese

  12. 论跨文化交际中英汉礼貌用语的语用差异

    On Pragmatic Differences Between English and Chinese in Politeness Expressions

  13. 英汉礼貌用语的语用对比与文化价值差异

    On Pragmatic Contrast and Culture Difference Between English and Chinese in Politeness Expressions

  14. 务必使用礼貌用语,比如请、谢谢等。

    Make sure to use polite language such as please and thank you .

  15. 图书馆的礼貌用语英汉文化中礼貌用语比较

    On Cultural Differences between Chinese and English in the Use of Polite Language

  16. 俄语商务礼貌用语研究

    The Research on the Business Courtesy Phraseology in Russian

  17. 英语讲话中的礼貌用语似乎比中文使用得更普遍。

    In English politeness markers are more prevalent in speech than in Chinese .

  18. 抱歉地(礼貌用语)。

    With regret ( used in polite formulas ) .

  19. 先教给他们使用礼貌用语。

    The mother taught them to use polite language .

  20. 反意疑问句是一种礼貌用语。

    Tag questions are a form of polite speech .

  21. 在英语中,礼貌用语通常比非正式用语更不直接。

    In English , polite language is generally less direct than informal language .

  22. 论商业书信中的礼貌用语策略

    Pragmatic Strategies of Politeness in Business Letters

  23. 当跟客人和说话时,被要求使用礼貌用语和正式言语。

    They should use polite and formal languages when talking to the customers and supervisors .

  24. 清代三小说礼貌用语及其与现代的比较

    Polite Language of the Three Novels in the Qing Dynasty and Modern Language and Its Comparison

  25. 礼貌用语的文化内涵和俄汉会话语用结构对比分析

    Cultural Connotations of Polite Expression and a Comparison of Russian and Chinese Pragmatic Structures of Conversation

  26. 你先请,是礼貌用语。

    After you'is good manners .

  27. 所以,在礼貌用语中,我们有时会使用动词过去式来,让我们听起来不那么直接。

    So , in polite speech , we sometimes use past verb forms to sound less direct .

  28. 商品价格旁还标示着顾客点单时所要使用的特定礼貌用语。

    The prices are listed with the typical phrases a patron might use when placing their order .

  29. 礼貌用语和举止

    Polite Words and Manners

  30. 妈妈学英语的方法是把成串的礼貌用语背下来以应对各种社交场合。

    Mother 's approach was to memorize lists of polite phrases that would cover all possible social situations .