
lǐ zhì
  • rule by rites;rule of li
礼治 [lǐ zhì]
  • [the operation of government through social institutions; rule of the rites] 以礼仪制度和道德为准则,统治人民、处理国事,这是先秦儒家的政治主张

  1. 在一定程度上,礼治表现出尊重人的主体性及人的生命的人文主义特征和某种近代刑法原则的意味。

    To some extent ," Rule of Li " showed the characteristic of humanism of respecting human being and life .

  2. 貌离而神合:中国传统礼治与西方近代法治在法学价值上的契合

    Seemingly in Harmony but Actually at Variance : Correspondence between Traditional " Rule of Li " and the Western " Governing by Law "

  3. 论法与孔子的礼治思想

    The Exposition of Law and Confucian Ideology of Rule by Ceremony

  4. 礼治模式下中国传统法律的秩序观&以唐律中侵害皇权罪为中心

    The Order Concept of Chinese Traditional Law under Rule of Rites

  5. 晏子的礼治思想在这部著作中得到充分体现。

    His thought of Confucian management is fully reflected in this work .

  6. 礼治德治人治&试论先秦儒家法律思想

    The Law Thoughts of the Confucianists in Pre-Qin Days

  7. 礼治与传统农村社会秩序

    Rule of Rites and the Traditional Rural Social Order

  8. 论“礼治”对社会稳定的调节作用

    The Regulating Effect of the Doctrine of Governing through Rites on Social Stability

  9. 儒家礼治学说有助于当今时代的伦理建设。

    Confucian theory of ruling by etiquette will help today 's ethical construction .

  10. 现代法治建设也必须在扬弃传统礼治的基础上进行构建。

    Modern legal construction must be based on traditional " rule by ceremony " .

  11. 儒家所设计的小康社会,其政治前提正在于它是一个制度社会,其政治运作的根本是礼治。

    The political prerequisite of the well-off society that Confucians design is a system-based society .

  12. 商代宗教的世俗化特征及其礼治作用

    The Secular Characteristics and the Ethical Function of the Religious Activities in the Shang Dynasty

  13. 古代礼治的反思与当代和谐的构建

    Reflection of the Rule by Etiquette in the Ancient Times and Constructing Harmony at Present

  14. 孔子希望通过礼治来使社会有序,寄希望于仁人圣君来实现社会的安定与和谐。

    Confucius want to make the society orderly and harmonious depending on courtesy and the wise king .

  15. 然以礼治军、治兵虽渐淡出历史舞台,但其作为中国军事文化之源,仍对后世有重大影响。

    But as the root of Chinese military culture , it still influences the afterworld a lot .

  16. 第三章对传统礼治的现代价值进行了发掘。

    Chapter ⅲ of the traditional " ceremony administration " carried out to explore the modern value .

  17. 司马光强调礼治,主要是三代之礼。

    The etiquette and ethics advocated by Sima Guang mainly were that of the three ancient dynasties ' .

  18. 第二章梳理了礼治与法治的对立统一。

    Chapter ⅱ carding a " ceremony of government ," the unity of opposites and the rule of law .

  19. 中国传统服饰色彩,不仅起着装点服饰的作用,而且是体现“礼治”的重要方面。

    Traditional Chinese dress color not only adorns people 's dressing but also is an important part of courtesy .

  20. 小妾是一夫多妻社会中特有女性群体,她们承受着礼治社会多重的文化压迫。

    Concubines , a unique female school in the society of polygamy , endure cultural oppression ring upon ring .

  21. 中国法治的道路也包含了民间调节这种明显具有礼治色彩的方法。

    The rule of law in China the road also contains the civil regulation of this obvious rite color method .

  22. 论孔子礼治思想与晋国文化之冲突性

    On the Conflict between Confucius ' Thought of Administering a Country by Norm of Etiquette and the Culture of Jin State

  23. 从古至今,很多中外学者都对荀子礼治思想这一传统文化进行了不同程度上的理论研究。

    In all ages , a lot of scholars at home and abroad have studied the traditional culture in different degrees .

  24. 我们应该做的是,对传统礼治进行改造,发掘其现代价值,以期对现代法治建设有所裨益。

    We should explore the modern value of " rule by ceremony " and rebuild it to benefit modern legal construction .

  25. 略论中国古代社会的礼治秩序&一个法社会学的视角

    A Brief Discuss on the " Rule by Courteous " of Ancient society in China & From the dimension of Legal Sociology

  26. 中国传统文化对礼治的尊崇为官本位思想的发展提供了理论基石。

    Chinese traditional culture , venerating administration by morality , provides the theoretical cornerstone for the development of the officialdom standard thought .

  27. 小康社会的政治学诠释&儒家礼治传统及其现代转换孔子礼学思想的哲学诠释及其政治文化意义

    An Interpretation of Political Science on the Comparatively Well-off Society & On Confucian Idea of Governing with Courtesy and Its Modern Adaptation

  28. 我们认为儒家礼治话语传统在精神上是专制主义的,并不意味着它一无是处,也不意味着它不能参与对现实的指导和对未来的建设。

    But it does not mean that it can not be used as a guide in reality and in the construction of future .

  29. 第二阶段是殷周之际的类意识确立阶段,我们称之为礼治的社会。

    The second stage refers to the establishment of the quasi-consciousness in the Shang and Zhou dynasties , which is ruled with rituals .

  30. 周初制礼作乐,出于礼治文化的需要,对前代礼乐多所损益。

    At the beginning of Zhou dynasty , rite and music were created to meet the needs of the culture of ruling by rites .