- 【地】phosphorite deposit

The grindability of ball milling of phosphate ore bearing rare earths was determined by using a simplified test method of determing approximate work index . The work index of the ore was about 16.16kWh/t .
The enrichment characteristics of apatite from phosphorites in East Yunnan
The traits of phosphor block rock deposits and proposal on its survey and exploitation
At last , the sedimentary phosphate rock deposits in the geological exploration and prospecting premise signs .
Geological setting in which EARLY CAMBRIAN PHOSPHORITE deposits formed in the west region of the Yangtze Platform
Mofang phosphorite deposit in Fuquan is one of the main ore blocks of Wengfu phosphorite deposit .
The Baideng phosphorite deposit is of shallow-sea facies ; while the Qinglongshao phosphorite belongs to continental facies .
Affluent P-ore resources in west Hunan occurred mainly in phosphor block rock deposit of Doushantuo Group Upper Sinian System .
A primary researches on the geological features and cause of formation of sedimentary phosphorite deposits in Weng'an county , guizhou Province
The phosphorus reserves in Xifeng are a main composition of phosphorus rock deposit formed during the Sinian Period in the center of Guizhou .
An association relation occurs between the phosphor in phosphorite deposit and radioactive element uranium , that is the foundation for application of gamma-spectrometric survey to the prospecting of phosphor deposit .
The marine sedimentary P deposit mainly formed in Early Cambrian Period , the known P bearing areas , where were effected most by the sea water intrusion from South and West , where the intrusive distance were the shortest can be studied as the important phosphorite deposits areas ;
The phosphorites and genesis of industrial P deposits in East Yunnan
The weathered phosphorite is a new kind of P deposit different from the primary P deposit . A series of problems related to the exploration of the weathered phosphorite ore deposit must be studied .
The phosphorus-rich complexes provided not only minerogenic materials for the formation of supergiant phosphorite deposits , but also mineral nutrients for the propagation of oil-forming biota , thus creating material prerequisite for the formation of supergiant oil-gas and oil shale deposits .
Preliminary investigation of the paleogeographical sedimentary features of the phosphate deposits from later Sinian to Early Cambrian times , south China