
  • 网络Erosion Corrosion;Erosion-corrosion;corrosion wear
  1. 文中通过自行设计的管流动态模拟装置,研究了碳钢在质量分数为35%流动NaCl溶液中的磨损腐蚀。

    The erosion corrosion behavior of carbon steel in flowing solution of 3 5 % NaCl was studied with self designed and made flow loop simulating apparatus by means of weight loss and polarization curve method .

  2. 概述了钛合金生物医学材料体液耐蚀性能,包括均匀腐蚀,磨损腐蚀和腐蚀疲劳三种主要的腐蚀形式。

    The corrosion resistance of titanium biomedical materials in body fluids was reviewed . The main corrosion types , which include general corrosion , erosion corrosion and corrosion fatigue are introduced .

  3. Cr元素对铁合金抗热强碱磨损腐蚀性能的影响

    The Effect of Element Cr on Erosion Corrosion of Ferroalloy in Hot Concentrated Alkaline Solution

  4. 生物医用材料316L不锈钢的磨损腐蚀特性研究

    Wear-corrosion Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel for Biomedical Applications

  5. 双相不锈钢的磨损腐蚀与空泡腐蚀研究进展

    Research Progress on Erosion-corrosion and Cavitation Erosion of Duplex Stainless Steel

  6. 油田集输管道磨损腐蚀分析和预测

    Wearing Corrosion Analysis of Oilfield Gathering Line and Its Prediction

  7. 不锈钢堆焊层抗磨损腐蚀性能的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Stainless Steel Cladding Layer Corrosion Resistance and Wear Resistance

  8. 物料流动对环氧乙烷解析塔磨损腐蚀的影响

    Effect of the Flow to the Erosion-Corrosion of the EO Stripper Inwall

  9. 碳钢在流动氯化钠溶液中的磨损腐蚀行为

    Erosion-corrosion behavior of carbon steel in flowing solution of 3.5 % NaCl

  10. 不同流动体系中碳钢磨损腐蚀可比性的研究

    Erosion-Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel in Different Simulated Flowing Apparatuses

  11. 碳钢在液/固双相管流中的磨损腐蚀机理研究

    Erosion-corrosion of carbon steel in liquid / solid two phase flow through pipe

  12. 高铬钼不锈钢在湿法磷酸中磨损腐蚀行为

    Wear-corrosion behaviour of high Cr-Mo alloys in wet process for phosphoric acid production

  13. 生物医用奥氏体不锈钢磨损腐蚀问题

    Combined improvement in wear and corrosion resistance for bio - medical austenitic stainless steel

  14. 利用自行研制的管流动态模拟试验装置,研究了碳钢在液/固双相流中的磨损腐蚀。

    The electrochemical behavior in erosion-corrosion of carbon steel in flowing liquid-solid double-phase solution was studied with self-made flow loop simulating apparatus .

  15. 但在实际应用中,人工关节的摩擦和磨损腐蚀问题一直影响其植入关节的使用寿命。

    In actual application , however , corrosion wear problem and the friction of artificial joint always influence the service life of embeded joint .

  16. 为了解决两栖装甲车辆底盘、浮箱表面的磨损腐蚀问题,研制了新型的纯固态聚氨基甲酸乙酯涂料。

    A new-style rapid solidification 100 % solid polyurethane coating is manufactured to solve the remarkable erosion corrosion problem of the chassis and buoyancy compartment in amphibious armored vehicle .

  17. 氧化铝冶金工业是典型的热强碱腐蚀和磨损腐蚀环境,其生产设备需用良好耐碱蚀性能的钢铁材料。

    A typical hot concentrated alkaline corrosion environment exist in alumina metallurgical industry , so that steel materials with outstanding alkaline corrosion resistance are strongly demanded for its fabrication equipments .

  18. 在单相流数值计算的基础上,引入固相颗粒运动理论,对双相流中的碳钢磨损腐蚀进行了数值模拟。

    On the basis of single-phase flowing model , two-phase liquid / solid flowing theory was introduced to study numerically the flow induced corrosion of carbon steel in 3.5 % NaCl + 5 % sand .

  19. 粉尘污染对人类和环境的影响是多方面的,如对人造成毒害和刺激,降低能见度,引起设备磨损腐蚀,对农作物、草原、牲畜生长造成危害,对环境卫生影响突出。

    The dust pollution affects many aspects of human and environment , such as toxicological and sensory effects on humans , agricultural crops , grass and livestock , reduction of visibility , and abrasion and corrosion of materials .

  20. 两栖装甲车辆底盘、浮箱表面的磨损腐蚀情况严重,采用新型的快速固化100%固体含量聚氨基甲酸乙酯涂料技术对其进行综合防护,介绍了该涂料的特点、原理。

    A new-style rapid solidification 100 % solid polyurethane technology was put forward to solve the remarkably erosion-corrosion problem of amphibious armored vehicle chassis and buoyancy compartment . The characteristics , principle , and autoptic application of the coating technology was introduced in detail .

  21. 通过蒙耐尔合金在典型氟化工设备中的应用及腐蚀情况分析,说明温度对其腐蚀行为有很大影响,并在特定条件下会发生应力腐蚀破裂和磨损腐蚀。

    It was concluded that temperature had a severe influence on the corrosion behavior of Monel metal , and stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ) could occur under some conditions through an analysis of the applications and corrosion situation of Monel metal in fluorine equipment .

  22. 随着甲醇燃料在内燃机上使用越来越广泛,人们对甲醇燃料的多项性能都提出了质疑:动力性、排放、磨损腐蚀、冷起动性能等。

    The methanol fuel is used more and more in internal combustion engine , but there are lots of suspicion about the capability of the methanol fuel , for example : power performance , emission , wear and tear , corrosion , cold starting performance and so on .

  23. Ni-WC-RE组合粉喷焊层的磨损及腐蚀行为

    Abradibility and Corrosion Resistance of Spray-welding Layers of Ni-WC-RE Combination Powder

  24. PVC/Al2O3复合材料对金属和陶瓷混合部件的磨损与腐蚀研究

    Effect of pvc / al2o3 compound on abrasion and corrosion of mixed metal and ceramic parts

  25. 每组不锈钢边框都通过物理气相沉积法处理,打造出Apple定制的外观,优雅精致且抗磨损和腐蚀。

    Each band goes through a physical vapor deposition process to create an Apple-custom finish that is so elegant , yet incredibly resistant to abrasion and corrosion .

  26. 但是,CNG/汽油两用燃料发动机在使用过程中,出现了发动机异常磨损和腐蚀、润滑油使用寿命缩短等问题。

    But in the course of using natural gas as fuel , CNG / gasoline dual-fuel engine may appear some problems such as the engine wear and tear with corrosion , the decrease of engine oil service life etc.

  27. 随着H202介质溶液浓度的增大,粘着作用减弱,摩擦系数减小,高浓度H202介质溶液中,Si3N4陶瓷材料的磨损以腐蚀磨损和磨粒磨损为主,摩擦系数增大。

    With the increase of the concentrations of peroxide solutions , the degree of adhesive wear weakened and the friction coefficient decreased . In high concentration of peroxide solutions , the main wear mechanism of ceramic materials was corrosive wear , abrasive wear and the friction coefficient increased .

  28. 主要有机械磨损和腐蚀磨损。

    These factors main have mechanical wear and corrosion wear .

  29. 磨损、腐蚀和断裂是材料失效的三种主要形式。

    Wear , corrosion and fracture are primary forms of materials failure .

  30. 砂尘环境对军用装备磨损和腐蚀的影响

    Abrasion and Erosion on Military Equipment by Sand and Dust