
  • 网络Disk Array Technology
  1. 采用磁盘阵列技术是解决计算机CPU和I/O子系统之间速度不匹配的有效方法。

    It is an effective way to solve the speed problem between computer CPU and I / O subsystem by using disk array technology .

  2. 本文详细介绍了磁盘阵列技术的产生及其发展,重点介绍了目前较为流行的廉价磁盘冗余阵列RAID技术,通过对磁盘阵列技术的介绍,探讨了今后一些有发展前途的新型存储技术。

    The development process of disk array technology is discussed in detail in the paper , especially about the RAID ( Redundant Arrays of inexpensive Disks ) technology . Some advanced storage technologies are also introduced at last .

  3. RAID5磁盘阵列技术的性能分析

    The performance analysis of raid _5 disk arrays technology

  4. 本文在研究和分析容灾技术、网络存储技术、备份技术、磁盘阵列技术的基础上,设计并实现了一种基于SAN的远程镜像系统。

    Based on research and analysis of disaster recovery , network storages , backup and disk array technologies , this thesis designs and implements of a SAN-oriented remote mirroring system .

  5. 详细介绍了SAN的概念、特点和当前应用,并对其存储方式、物理架构以及逻辑架构进行了分析,并介绍了SAN的实现所涉及的一些技术,比如光纤通道技术、磁盘阵列技术等等。

    The following are my main achievements : First I introduced the concept , characteristic and application of SAN , and gave a detailed analyze of some important technologies in SAN , such as fiber channel and RAID .

  6. 首先分析了数字图书馆数据存储管理面临的主要问题及其设计原则,介绍了当前数据存储的主流技术,即磁盘阵列技术、光纤磁盘阵列技术、NAS技术和SAN技术。

    This paper analyzes the design principles and main problems about data-saving management for digital library , focuses on its essential technologies , i.e. array of diskette , array of optical fibered diskette , NAS and SAN .

  7. VA7100磁盘阵列技术的应用,为过程计算机系统的快速、安全切换提供了保障。

    The use of the VA7100 technology will ensure that the process computer system 's switchover can be done quickly and safely .

  8. 介绍了存储系统面临的挑战及I/O系统的瓶颈问题,讨论和比较了不同的磁盘阵列技术,重点论述了正交结构和Crosshatch结构磁盘阵列技术,最后对磁盘阵列技术的现状及前景进行了介绍。

    The article introduces the challenge that the storage system is facing and the blocking problem of the I / O system . It also discusses and compares the different disk array technologies . It 's the key gives us Upright-Cross structure and Crosshatch structure disk array technologies .

  9. 服务器容错与磁盘阵列技术的集成

    The Integration of Server Fault - tolerant and Disk Array Technique

  10. 小型高可靠磁盘阵列技术若干问题的研究

    Study of some major problems of small high reliable disk array

  11. 光纤通道磁盘阵列技术在过程计算机系统中的应用

    Application of Fibre Channel RAID Technology in the Process Computer System

  12. 图书馆磁盘阵列技术的需求分析

    The Requirement Analysis on Disk Array Technology of Libraries

  13. 一种基于磁盘阵列技术的记录/重演系统

    Record / replay system based on disk array technique

  14. 数据保护与廉价磁盘阵列技术

    Data Protection and Array Technology of Inexpensive Disk

  15. 磁盘阵列技术在测井数据存储中的应用

    Application of RAID in Log Data Storage

  16. 磁盘阵列技术及其发展趋势

    Tendency and Technology of Disk Array

  17. 不断发展的磁盘阵列技术

    Developing Disk Array Technique

  18. 磁盘阵列技术是当前信息海量存取方面最重要的一种技术。

    Disk array technology is a very important one of great capacity for information storage and tak ing currently .

  19. 在信息存储领域,磁盘阵列技术从产生起就一直发挥着重要的作用。

    RAID ( Redundant Array of Independent Disk ) technology played an important role in the field of information storage .

  20. 在微机高档服务器上应用磁盘阵列技术是保证系统连续运行、数据安全可靠的有效途径。

    The application of RAID on the PC-Server is an effective method to ensure the successive working of system and the safe of data .

  21. 首先分析了进行数据备份功能设计时所涉及到的一些数据安全防护技术,主要包括网络数据备份技术、磁盘阵列技术、集群技术和双机容错技术;

    First , we analyzed the data safety technology , which mostly includes the technology of network backup , disk array , cluster and fault tolerance etc.

  22. 本文介绍了如何在现有存储部件基础上,采用磁盘阵列技术,构建稳定可靠、实用、经济的医疗信息存储平台,实现海量医疗数据的集中存储。

    The thesis introduced how to use RAID technology to build up a stable , safe and reliable medical information storage platform based on current storage components , which implemented a collected storage of massive medical data .

  23. 为解决传统磁盘阵列技术受系统总线与设备通道制约的问题,采用树结构和单元控制器构建了新型的存储系统。

    In order to resolve the restricted system bus and the equipment channel based on the traditional redundant array of independent disks ( RAID ), a new simple tree structure storage system ( STSSS ) was constructed by RAID with unit controllers .

  24. 对基于SAN的存储管理系统的关键技术进行了逐一地陈述,包括磁盘冗余阵列技术、光纤通道技术、网络存储备份技术、文件共享技术等。

    Have carried on the statement one by one to the key technology based on storage management system , including disk array technology , fibre channel technology , network store and back up technology , file-sharing technology , etc.

  25. RAID(独立冗余磁盘阵列)技术的应用使硬盘播出系统的大容量存储及存储的可靠性不再成为问题,系统常用的RAID模式为RAID-3和RAID-5;

    RAID technique provide big storage capacity and data security , which are the requisite of HD play system . RAID-3 and RAID-5 is more useful .

  26. 介绍了磁盘阵列存储技术、配置方法及在测井数据存储中的应用。

    This article introduces the RAID storage technique , installing method and application in log data storage .

  27. 在遥测地面接收站中,过去通常采用磁带机来记录检前信号,随着高速数字采集和大容量磁盘阵列记录技术的发展,现在已可以采用直接中频采样和数字记录技术。

    At ground receiving station , magnetic tape was generally used to record the undetectable signal . With the development of the technologies of high-speed sampling and large capacity disk array recording , sampling at intermediate frequency and digital recording can be adopted .

  28. 对廉价磁盘冗余阵列技术的分析,利用其可以提高存储设备速度和容错等能力,提出的不同情况下的决策方案,以提高网络服务器的性能。

    Analyzing technology of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks ( RAID ), the author puts forward the decision schemes under the different conditions so that the property of the network server is improved by abilities of RAID 's fault tolerance and RAID 's enhancing speed of storage equipment .

  29. 磁盘阵列的RAID技术

    The Raid Technology about Disk array

  30. RAID(廉价磁盘冗余阵列)技术是提高存储子系统性能和可靠性的一种有效手段。

    RAID ( Inexpensive Disk Redundancy Array ) technology is an effective means to enhance performance and reliability of storage subsystem .