
suì zhǐ jī
  • Shredder;Paper Shredder;kneader
  1. 她努力说服我买一台自己的碎纸机。

    She tried to sell me the idea of buying my own paper shredder

  2. 她将文件放入碎纸机。

    She was feeding documents into a paper shredder .

  3. 他被指控把与案件有关的文件用碎纸机销毁了。

    He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case .

  4. 他吩咐员工将机密文件用碎纸机销毁。

    He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents .

  5. n.碎纸机我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。

    shredder Our shredder is broken , so I 'll tear these confidential documents up manually .

  6. 第二步:用智能手机启动具备WiFi无线功能的碎纸机。

    Step two : turn on WiFi-enabled shredder with smartphone .

  7. 上周六晚,班克西在自己的Ins页面上传了一个视频,视频中显示一个碎纸机被安装在画框中。

    On Saturday evening , Banksy posted a video on his Instagram page which showed a shredder being fitted to the frame of the painting .

  8. 设计爱好者讨厌苹果Passbook推出的“碎纸机”功能。

    Design lovers hated the paper " shredder " that Apple introduced with its passbook product .

  9. 新雇员站在碎纸机前,看上去很困惑。

    The new employee stood before the paper shredder looking confused .

  10. 操作碎纸机的时候不要穿宽松的衣服或者散发。

    Never wear loose clothes or hair when operating the shredder .

  11. 麦吉尔先生,您是指用碎纸机粉碎文件吧

    Mr. McGill , if you 're talking about shredding documents ,

  12. 比利:我猜想我们有了一个新的碎纸机。

    Billy : My guess is that we have a new shredder .

  13. 杰夫:不用,琼。我喜欢使用碎纸机。

    Jeff : No need Joan . I love using the shredder .

  14. 哦,现在我又可以用碎纸机了!

    Ooh , now I get to use my shredder !

  15. 现在可以用上我的碎纸机了!

    Now I 'll get to use my shredder !

  16. 把这些文件放进碎纸机好吗?

    Will you put these papers through the shredder ?

  17. 她看见他把文件放入碎纸机。

    She saw him feeding documents into the shredder .

  18. 他捡起那些会议议程散页,把它们送进了碎纸机。

    He picked up the agenda sheets and fed them into a shredder .

  19. 法官下令将某些证据放到碎纸机里销毁。

    The judge ordered that some evidence be shredded .

  20. 他拿起议程表并将其塞进了碎纸机。

    He picked up the agenda sheet and feed them into a shredder .

  21. 现实的是一些碎纸机是

    The reality of it is some shredders are

  22. 陈丽云创作的主要工具是杂志和碎纸机。

    Movana Chen 's main art production tools are magazines and the shredding machine .

  23. 碎纸机里面留下的唯一的东西。

    The only thing left in the shredder .

  24. 这是我一直想要的碎纸机啊

    The paper shredder I wanted , huh ?

  25. 因此,商业碎纸机是常见的商业的所有大小。

    As a result , commercial paper shredders are common in business of all sizes .

  26. 我写了这出轻快活泼的小独幕剧纯粹是为了试一哈我的新碎纸机。

    I wrote this sprightly little one-acter only to test out my new paper shredder .

  27. 我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。

    Our shredder is broken , so I 'll tear these confidential documents up manually .

  28. 利迪后来在他的自传中说,他本应该使用一台大一些的碎纸机。

    Liddy later opined in his autobiography that he could have used a much bigger shredder .

  29. 典型玛丽正在用碎纸机切碎绝密文件。

    Mary is shredding top-secret documents .

  30. 在大多数企业,碎纸机就像饮水机和档案橱柜一样随处可见。

    In most corporations , the shredder is now as common as water coolers and filing cabinets .