- 名frustule

For example , elongated siliceous structures and their localized enlargement occurred at the early stage of frustule development .
OA lowered the maximum photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate , reduced the inorganic carbon affinity and down-regulated the carbon concentrating mechanisms ( CCMs ) in both diatoms . 2 .
A diversity of structures of diatom frustules from the micro - to nano - scale provides a new interdisciplinary area of materials for its potential applications in nanotechnology .
On the one hand , a variety of organic and biological molecules , such as proteins , polysaccharides , organic amines and lipids , have been successfully separated and identified from cell-wall extracts of diatoms .
Cell abundance of planktonic diatoms in the survey area is relatively low , it is due to nutrient restriction , but there are two high concentration areas near northeast of Taiwan Island and 30 ° N , 127 ° E.
Temperature and light are two important environmental factors affecting the germination of resting stage cells . Temperature is indispensable for the germination of dinoflagellate cysts , and light is the triggering factor for the germination of diatom resting stage cells .
The cell number and species of Bacillariophyta account for an absolute predominance .
Geometric structures in two and three dimensions abound in the natural world , from complex crystal shapes to starfish , and unicellular organisms like diatoms .
In diatoms the vegetative cells are diploid , and are formed directly by the fusion of gametes .
Fe is the carrier of oxidation and deoxidization as well as the composition of coenzyme .