
lì shí
  • gravel;pebble;dirt;grail;whetstone
砾石 [lì shí]
  • [gravel; whestone] 碎小石块

砾石[lì shí]
  1. 两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。

    Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel

  2. 先铺上一层利于排水的砾石是个明智的做法。

    It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage .

  3. 砾石采掘坑已进行了景观美化并种上了草木,希望能吸引野禽的到来。

    The gravel pits have been landscaped and planted to make them attractive to wildfowl

  4. 需要更多的砾石来填平车道上的坑洼。

    More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the drive .

  5. 砾石常用来筑路。

    Gravel is much used for road-making .

  6. 含矿主岩整合地上覆于硅质燧石角砾石带之上。

    The host rock conformably overlies a band of siliceous chert breccia .

  7. 用高粘携砂液作业的砾石充填高Δn低粘度液晶的合成及性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties of High Birefringence and Low Viscosity Liquid Crystal

  8. 流速和水深等水力条件变化对砾石河床脱氮效果有较明显的影响:高流速,低水深的情况下,TN的去除效果最好;

    Nitrogen removal effects were influenced evidently by the changes of hydraulic condition .

  9. 浅谈TBM施工中豆砾石回填灌浆及其质量控制

    Pea Gravel Backfill Grouting and Its Quality Control in the Construction of TBM

  10. 用于砾石夹层钻进的新型PDC钻头的研制与使用

    Development and Application of a New Type of PDC Bit Drilling in Cobble Interbed

  11. 为使含水层导水性相近,将含水层按岩性分为A类(砾石-砂砾石类)、B类(砂砾石、砂类)和C类(砂类);

    In order to ensure the similar permeability , the water-bearing beds are classified by lithological character , which are A ( gravel , sand gravel ), B ( sand-gravel , sand ) and C ( sand ) .

  12. 鉴于此,针对含有砾石和软硬交错地层的特点,提出了混合切削结构设计,并制造了新型PDC钻头,在含砾石的地层和软硬交错地层中取得了较好的使用效果。

    Therefore a PDC bit with new compound cutting structure is developed in the light of the characteristics of gravel formation and soft-hard interbedded formation .

  13. 此外,为了便于实际应用,提高工作效率,在上述研究的基础上,利用可视化编程语言VISUALBASIC编写了水平井泡沫携砾石充填施工参数优化设计软件。

    In addition , in order to facilitate the practical application , to improve work efficiency , on the basis of the above studies , using visual programming language Visual Basic horizontal well prepared to carry gravel filling the bubble parameter optimization of construction design software .

  14. PDC钻头用于软到中硬的均质地层钻进具有钻速高、寿命长等特点,但不适合含砾石地层和软硬交错地层。

    PDC bits have been used to drill the homogeneous formation from soft to medium-hard , but they are not suitable for drilling in gravel and multi-interbedded formation .

  15. JSL-30型地震勘探砾石钻机的研究

    Research on JSL - 30 Seismic Exploration Gravel Drill Exploratory right

  16. 冶勒坝区卵砾石覆盖层厚约500m,且含强烈承压水,钻探难度很大。

    The pebble-gravel overburden in dam area of Yele Hydroelectric plant is some 500m with powerful artesian water , so it is very difficult to bore into it .

  17. 砾石是土壤中>2mm以上的粗骨部分,广泛存在于四川盆地山区的紫色土中。

    Rock fragments are the coarse fraction ( > 2 mm ) in soil , which widely exist in hilly purple soils of Sichuan basin .

  18. 结果表明,砾石廊道系统对微污染河水中的COD、氨氮、色度具有稳定的去除率,其去除率分别为70%、90%、75%;

    The results showed that the removal rate of COD_ Cr , NH_3-N , and chromaticity in micro-polluted river water purified by gravel corridor system was 70 % , 90 % and 75 % , which was a stable level .

  19. 工程实践表明:在卵砾石含量多、粒径大的地层中,选择钻进能力强的钻孔设备、采取跟管钻进和PVC管护壁技术,是确保高喷灌浆成功的重要条件。

    The engineering practice shows that the important condition for successful jet grouting into the stratum with high gravel content is to use the driller with high drilling capacity along with the techniques of follow-down drilling and wall protection of PVC pipe .

  20. 由于砾石荒漠区土壤和牧草中Fe、Cu、Mo含量极显著高于沙质荒漠区(P<0.01),导致两地双峰驼肝脏和肾脏Cu含量差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    The concentrations of copper in liver and kidney of bactrian camels from the two study areas have significant difference because the molybdenum and iron contents of soils and forages from gravel desert area were markedly higher than those from sandy desert area ( P < 0 01 ) .

  21. 化学组成以SiO2为主(平均含量>60%),其次是Al2O3,各类砾石间的Fe2O3、MgO和MnO的含量相对稳定,CaO和TiO2的含量变化较大。

    The chemical elements of purple rock fragments contained much SiO_2 ( average content > 60 % ), the next was Al_2O_3 ; The Fe_2O_3 , MgO , MnO contents were relatively stabilization , while the variation of CaO and TiO_2 contents were bigger .

  22. 应用排序(DCA)和回归分析方法对安西砾石戈壁荒漠植物群落及优势种的分布与环境的关系进行了研究。

    The ordination ( DCA ) and the regression analysis methods were used to study the relations between the Gobi desert plant communities as well as the distribution of the dominants and the environment in Anxi .

  23. JSL-30型卵砾石地层地震勘探孔钻机、钻具及钻进参数检测系统的的研究

    Research on JSL-30 Drill Rig and Tool of Seismic Exploration in Gravel Strata and the Test System of Drilling Parameters

  24. 在动态实验中,0.3g的活性TiO2和120g砾石可使150mL水样的除氟率达到90%以上。

    In the dynamic experiments , 0.3 g active TiO_2 and 120 g gravel can treat 150 mL groundwater , and the removal efficiency of F ~ - is also more than 90 % .

  25. 结果表明:北京市后备土地资源宜耕开垦的生产性指标临界值为海拔≤800米、坡度≤15°、土层厚度≥30cm和砾石含量≤15%。

    The result shows that the productivity index criteria of reserved land in Beijing is that altitude ≤ 800 m , slope ≤ 15 ° , soil depth ≥ 30 cm and gravel content ≤ 15 % .

  26. SFCW由于使所有水流不断与土壤层、砾石层和豆石层反复接触,生成难溶性磷酸盐的几率大大高于SFCW,能够比SFCW更加显著地促进磷沉积。

    W-SFCW system , which provides more interaction surfaces for wastewater to react with soil , oval stone and small-sized stone layers , showed higher chances to form insoluble phosphate than SFCW .

  27. 用此方法两次模拟直径为0.4~0.8mm砾石随机沉降的二维充填,结果砾石层孔喉尺寸分布不符合正态分布规律,需要进一步探索其分布规律。

    In the present experiment , the simulation was conducted twice on gravels of 0.4 0.8 mm in diameter . Both sets of data indicate that the throat size did not demonstrate normal distribution .

  28. 文章提出了以砾石颗粒的饱和面干含水量及相应的粒径小于5mm土粒的比重估算其Gs3,Gs2的方法,旨在简化土的最大干密度的校正工作。

    Method is proposed to estimate Gs 3 or Gs 2 by use of saturated surface dry water content and corresponding specific gravity of particles whose diameter is smaller than 5 mm .

  29. 测试结果表明:该机排泥性能好,适用范围广,不仅能排泥,还可排直径达5.4mm的砂砾石。

    The field data show that the machine has a fine function of draining mud and can drain both mud and sand or gravel whose diameter is less than 5.4mm ;

  30. 根据粗砾石的Balch效应和级配改良粗粒层自然对流效应,分析级配改良结构性路基保护多年冻土的热学工作机制;

    The embankment model was built , and the thermo-mechanism was studied to protect permafrost by the effects of Balch and natural convection in the coarse gravel layer .