
  • 网络Emerging from the cocoon;metamorphosis;the ClueTrain manifesto;A Mind at a Time;Break It Yourself
  1. 她当时并不出彩,但他仍然从她身上看到了一些试图破茧而出的东西,其他的教练在对她进行评估、挑剔她的缺陷时却忽略了这点。

    Her time were not exactly impressive , but even so , he seemed there was something trying to get out , something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking .

  2. 蝴蝶试图破茧而出。

    The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis .

  3. 另一方面,我在想Sheldon可能处于他这个物种的幼虫状态,有一天他会结一个茧,两个月后带着翅膀和外骨骼破茧而出。

    Leonard : On the other hand , I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his species , and someday he 'll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton .

  4. 中国锡业集团何时破茧而出?

    When the tin group of China break away from cocoon-like ?

  5. 但是本周,一位资深的政府经济家也暗示改革即将破茧而出。

    But this week a senior government economist also hinted at a coming shift .

  6. 于是,我会祈祷,祈祷我能破茧而出。

    So I pray * I could breakaway .

  7. 孕育中的生命,等待著破茧而出之前,总需要细心的呵护。

    A life being gestated and waiting to be born needs loving tender care .

  8. 现在德勤“破茧而出”的最大希望就寄托在两国政策制定机构能够达成和解。

    Deloitte 's best hope for getting out of its bind lies in a rapprochement between policymakers .

  9. 这是因为当蚕蛹蜕化为蛾子破茧而出时会咬断蚕丝。

    This is because the silkworm would break the silk if it began to emerge as a moth .

  10. 就算挣扎本身有多么痛苦,却始终相信自己会有破茧而出的一天。

    No matter how hard the struggle is , believing in your flying out of the cocoon someday in the future .

  11. 不到两周的时间,黄蜂幼虫便可发育成熟,破茧而出。接着又准备重复这一惊悚的繁殖之路。

    Less than two weeks later a fully grown Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga emerges , prepared to propagate in the same horrific way .

  12. 在咱们国家铁路网上化蛹后,我破茧而出变成了全世界最聪明的蝴蝶。

    And then after pupating in our nation 's railway system , I 've burst forth as the world 's smartest butterfly .

  13. 这位富有同情心的人所不知道的是,只有经过挣扎破茧而出,翅膀才能变得强壮,可以飞翔。

    What the compassionate person did not know was that only through the birth struggle can the wings grow strong enough for flight .

  14. 培养水温在17-19℃时,约经20天幼蚓就破茧而出,孵化率为80%。

    The larvae could be incubated with a incubation rate of 80 % under a water temperature of 17-19 ℃ for about 20 days .

  15. 如今,感觉这座首都城市就像一只破茧而出的蝴蝶,有点儿像柏林墙刚刚倒塌之后的柏林。

    Today , the capital has the feel of a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis , a bit like Berlin shortly after the fall of the wall .

  16. 我所指的是,每个人内在的阻碍,妨碍了你从一个有限意识的栅栏中破茧而出&如此你可以经验更高的意识。

    That which I refer to is the impediments within each which precludes you from breaking through the barriers of a limited consciousness that you may experience higher consciousness .

  17. 在他的行为先导下,中国的女性作家作为一个不容忽视的群体力量跨入文坛,从而掀起了中国女性文学的破茧而出。

    Under his leading , the Chinese feminine writers appeared in the literature field as a significant group power , and led the appearance of the Chinese Feminine Literature .

  18. 藏在硬硬的茧内时,蝴蝶需要竭尽所能避免被其他生物吃掉或者被寄生,否则就不能破茧而出。

    Trapped inside the hard shell , the insects need all the help they can get given that they are unable to flee from creatures looking to eat or parasitize them .

  19. 2009年10月酝酿了十年的创业板市场终于破茧而出了,创业板市场是完善投资融资体系的必然产物,是高科技企业发展的助推器。

    October 2009 brewing for years finally his breakthrough in the Growth Enterprise Market , GEM is to improve the investment and financing system , the inevitable product of high-tech enterprise development boosters .

  20. 当很多中国留学(微博)生选择将自己关在寝室、图书馆中,抑或是待在中国同伴扎堆的“自在地带”中消磨时光时,缪思早已破茧而出,成为外国同伴中的社交女王。

    While many Chinese studying abroad lock themselves in the dorm , library or the comfort zone of hanging out with fellow countrymen , Miao Si has broken the cocoon and emerged as a social butterflyamong her foreign peers 。

  21. 当很多中国留学生选择将自己关在寝室、图书馆中,抑或是待在中国同伴扎堆的自在地带中消磨时光时,缪思早已破茧而出,成为外国同伴中的社交女王。

    While many Chinese studying abroad lock themselves in the dorm , library or the comfort zone of hanging out with fellow countrymen , Miao Si has broken the cocoon and emerged as a social butterfly among her foreign peers .

  22. 我在路边的一棵小树上发现了一个蛹在不停地晃动,这唤起了我的好奇感,我前去看时发现那里面有一只正在破茧而出的蝶!

    I found a small tree in the side of the road where a pupa is constantly shaking , which aroused my sense of curiosity , I went ahead to see what inside it , oh , it 's a butterfly !

  23. 创新集群在最终形成前,要经过一段时间的积蓄,待时机成熟才能破茧而出,这个积蓄的过程就是产业集群经过发展,逐渐成熟的过程。

    Before the formation of innovation clusters in the end , over a period of time savings , the time is ripe to his breakthrough , the process of this savings is through the development of industrial clusters , and gradually mature .