- 网络Breaking Coal

According to the extensive use of the technology of the breaking coal by the water power and the action characteristics of drilling hole by the water power in coal seam , this paper puts forwards a new scheme of the orientation control of water power drilling .
Making use of the ANSYS / LS DYNA to simulate the process of coal impact , with different impact parameter schemes , stress result of impact blade in the coal body by computer 's calculation .
Calculation and influence factor analysis on coal cutting force of pick
Study on Coal Breaking Mechanism of Coal Getting by Impact
Theoretical Analysis of Energy Dissipation during Coal Impact Cutting
Experimental study on the tool shape of impact shearer
Numerical Simulation on Coal Breaking by High-pressure Water Injection cement-filled inflatable casing packer
The Experimental Analysis On Variation of Stress field in Coal Rock During Impact Coal Cutting
Experiment Introduction of Broken Coal with High-pressure Waterflood in the Pits in Pinghu Coal Mine
Computer Simulation on Coal Impact Process
Research on Parameters of Impact Coal-Cutting
In China , the high pressure water jet skill is quite new . T standard quite well .
Based on the theory of fracture mechanics , a basic mechanical model of coal cutting is established .
Numerical Simulation Analysis on Rock Pressure to Break of Coal Rule at Fully-mechanized Coal Winning Thin Seam Mining Face
The effect of each impact parameter to its working process was studied and its mathematic model was built .
Last , based on the analysis of breaking result of the top coal , the suitability of caving top coal mothod is pointed out .
The status of the impact coal technology was viewed combined with the matter of impact cutting coal machine and the research content and method have been reported .
The paper emphatically analyses the interaction between the wall stress characteristic and coal getting by impact on the longwall face , proposes the work pattern of coal breaking by impact .
In this paper , I will firstly discuss the cutting mechanism of cylinder coal cutters which are used widely now days and the development of theory on rock and coal cutting .
In addition , this thesis researches the dissipation of energy in process of compact mining , the split thickness of impact and the relationship between the useful energy and the impulsive force .
Coal body is watered by deep hole high pressure above mid-hard coal seam to soften the harder coal so as to improve the working efficience . It 's a new way for mechanization mining in harder seam .
When the structural size is magnified , the rotational inertia of drum is also increase just like the flywheel effect . It can keep the capacity , steady the rolling speed , boost the effect of coal and balance the load .