
pò zhé hào
  • dash;blank;em rule;em score;metal rule
破折号 [pò zhé hào]
  • (1) [dash]∶用于句中表示意思的突然转折

  • (2) [blank]∶写的或印的一长横,作为省略词的替代

破折号[pò zhé hào]
  1. 破折号比连字符稍长点。

    The dash is longer than the hyphen .

  2. 飞鸟的动作可由小写字母v变成破折号来模仿。

    Action by the birds into a dash lower case letters v to imitate .

  3. data()方法使用破折号创建驼峰格式。

    Data () method camel-cases data attributes with embedded dashes .

  4. 要撤消所选的短划线并阻止word以后将连字符转换为短划线,请单击“停止自动创建破折号”。

    To undo the selected dash and prevent word from converting future hyphens to dashes , click stop automatically creating dashes .

  5. 如果你写的是HTML格式的邮件,用破折号、星号和子弹号立出清单。

    Make lists with dashes , asterisks , or bullets if you use HTML email .

  6. 对于PVC透明材质的阀门,将型号中的破折号(-)用字母“C”替代,例如:S1500C05。

    For PVC Clear , replace dash ( - ) separator with the letter " C " in the part number ( e.g.S1500C05 ) .

  7. n.称谓我的问题是:称谓后面是要用冒号、逗点还是破折号。

    salutation My question is whether to use a colon , comma , or dash after the salutation .

  8. 破折号后表述euthanasia是指在无痛苦的状态下结束一个患绝症人生命的行为,即“安乐死”。

    The southern Europeans are sensitive to the topic of euthanasia-killing without pain a person who is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured .

  9. d表示目录,l表示链接,一个破折号表示一个文件。

    Ad denotes a directory , al denotes a link , a hyphen denotes a file .

  10. 对于带箭头位置指示器的阀门,在破折号之前加上字母“I”,例如:4423I-025。

    For valve with Arrow Position Indicator , add the letter " I " before the dash separator ( e.g. , 4423I-025 ) .

  11. AccountNumber列是按照满足以下条件的任意约定来验证的,即以三到五个字母开始,后跟五个数字,然后是一个破折号,最后又是三个数字。

    The AccountNumber column is validated against an arbitrary convention that begins with three to five letters followed by five numbers , then a dash , and finally three more numbers .

  12. 你可以试试在关键词上加上引号来得到准确的匹配结果,但是要记住这并不包括加上破折号写成“work-at-home”这样的形式,虽然在很多情况下是一种正确的语法表达。

    You could try putting the words in quotes to bring up only exact matches , but keep in mind that this excludes " work-at-home " ( with hyphens ), which in many cases is the grammatically correct usage .

  13. 这个破折号并不是类别名称的一部分;

    These dashed are not part of a category 's name ;

  14. 破折号:你爱炫耀、自命不凡。

    Em-dash ( & ): You 're stuck up and pretentious .

  15. 这里也是一样,应当在冒号后加破折号。

    Here , too , the colon must be followed by a dash .

  16. 这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号。

    Here , too , the colon must be followed by a dash .

  17. 点击编辑框内部并且输入四个破折号(-)。

    Click inside the edit box and type four dashes ( - ) .

  18. 根据语法网定义:破折号、分号和冒号都是有效的标点符号。

    According to Grammar Net : Dashes , semicolons and colons are potent punctuation .

  19. “,”无效的文件夹名。请使用字母和数字,下划线和破折号。

    Invalid folder name . Please , use alphanumeric characters , underscores and dashes .

  20. 试论英语破折号的修辞功能

    On the Rhetorical Functions of the English Dash

  21. 输入方括号插入零九个破折号将排除所有号码匹配。

    Typing square bracket caret zero dash nine will exclude all numbers from matching .

  22. 破折号:在句子内表示停顿的长度。

    Dash : An one em rule to mark a pause in a sentence .

  23. 浅析破折号之后的文字著录

    On the Literature Indexing behind a Dash

  24. 该脚本文件包括了用两个破折号(&)开头的几行。

    The script file includes several lines that start with two dashes ( & ) .

  25. 目录名称扫描只包含数字,字符,空格,句号,或破折号。

    Directory name scan only contain numbers , letters , spaces , periods , or dashes .

  26. 数字仪表电子:包括所有的电子产品,构成2电视破折号布局。

    Digital Dash Electronics : Include all the electronics that make up the2 tv dash layout .

  27. 称谓后面是要用冒号、逗点还是破折号。

    My question is whether to use a colon , comma , or dash after the salutation .

  28. 这里该用逗号、问号、破折号还是分号?

    Shall we put a comma , a question mark , a dash , or a semi-colon here ?

  29. 注意:还可以使用破折号-和下划线。

    Note : The dash { - } and the underscore { _ } may also be used .

  30. 破折号表达一种强有力的停顿,如果使用太频繁会破坏写作的流畅性。

    Dashes creat a powerful speed bump and can destroy the flow of writing if used too often .