
  • 网络grinding process;lapping process
  1. 确定了一套完整的54cmFS高真空电子器件金属零件化学研磨工艺。

    A kind of chemical grinding process for metal parts of 54 cm FS high-vacuum electronic devices was determined .

  2. 研磨工艺对生焦粉烧结性能的影响

    The effects of grinding process on the sintering of green coke

  3. APC技术在化学机械研磨工艺中的应用

    Application of APC Technique in CMP Craft

  4. 确定了最佳研磨工艺,从而制备了C.I.荧光增白剂199稳定的分散悬浮体系。

    The optimum milling condition and the stability suspension of C. I. FWA 199 were obtained .

  5. 其一是以UG为平台、研磨工艺特点为背景,采用UG-CAM进行研磨路径的规划,并开发相关软件将所生成的G代码转化为机器人识别代码。

    One is planning the tool path and generating the G-code file based on the UG-CAM software considering the actual grinding technics , then the G-code file was transferred to the required format file that can be run in the robot by the developing software in the paper .

  6. 高真空电子器件金属零件化学研磨工艺

    Chemical grinding process for metal parts of high-vacuum electronic devices

  7. 研磨工艺对工件表面粗糙度及残余应力的影响

    Effect of Lapping Process on Surface Roughness and Residual Stress of Part

  8. 彩色显像管电子枪零件化学研磨工艺研究

    Development of Chemical Polishing Process for Electronic Guns Parts of color Kinescope

  9. 微型氮化硅陶瓷球研磨工艺的基础研究

    Fundamental Study on Lapping Process for Micro Silicon Nitride Balls

  10. 曲面容器磁力电解研磨工艺及机械的研究

    Study ON The Magnetic Electrolytic Abrading Process And Machine In Curved Container

  11. 超细重质碳酸钙湿法研磨工艺简介

    Brief introduction of wet-grinding technology of ultrafine ground calcium

  12. 金刚石刀具的研磨工艺参数模型

    Study on lapping process of diamond cutting tool

  13. 着重于玻璃质光学元件表面强度变化最大的研磨工艺过程。

    Focus on the grinding process which concludes the biggest changes of surface strength .

  14. 单晶金刚石刀具的研磨工艺

    Grinding Technology for Single crystal Diamond cutters

  15. 研究了研磨工艺条件对颜料粒径及其粒度分布的影响。

    The effect of process conditions on pigment particle size and its distribution were investigated .

  16. 大直径回转平面研磨工艺探讨

    Study on Large - diameter Rotary Grinding

  17. 巴氏合金轴瓦研磨工艺分析

    Analyses of Babbit Metal Bearing Grinding Process

  18. 氧化铝工程陶瓷研磨工艺研究

    Research on the Technology of Grinding Al_2O_3

  19. 氮化硅陶瓷球的研磨工艺

    Lapping method for silicon nitride balls

  20. 面向快速制造车身模具的机器人软质工具研磨工艺研究

    The Process Research of Robotic Grinding with Soft Grinding Tools Facing Rapid Manufacturing Autobody Panel Moulds

  21. 磁极形状对磁粒研磨工艺影响的数值分析

    The numerical analyzing for the effects of magnetic pole shape to the process of magnetic abrasive finishing

  22. 不锈钢精密薄壁件外表面磁力研磨工艺研究

    The researches on magnetic abrasive finishing of technology for austenitic stainless steel precise parts on the surface

  23. 金刚石刀具的研磨工艺和设备;以及刀具严格的质量控制。

    Osaka Japan , geometrical parameters , lapping process and devices , and strict quality control of the tools .

  24. 碳酸钙研磨工艺中的电机拖动问题&一个电气拖动设计错误的案例分析

    On The Hauling of A Motor in Grinding Technique of Calcium Carbonate & An Analysis of The Mistake of A Electrical Hauling Design

  25. 介绍了超精密研磨工艺的一般原则和批量制造00级量块的超精密研磨工艺。

    General rules of ultra-precision lapping process and its application to batch production of grade 00 guage block are presented in this paper .

  26. 做为一种高效率的金属表面光整加工方法,离心式自由磨粒研磨工艺及设备在小型异形零件的去毛刺和光整加工生产领域得到广泛应用。

    As a high-efficiency piece of equipment , the centrifugal free lapping is used extensively for finishing and burring of some small , abnormal parts .

  27. 研究确定了较为合理的研磨工艺及加工参数:(1)磨液:水基研磨液;

    The reasonable lapping process and parameters can be fixed as follows : ( 1 ) The lapping fluid can be chosen as water-based fluid ;

  28. 提出了一种新的磁力研磨工艺磁粒喷洒加工系统。

    A new technology of magnetic abrasive finishing ( MAF ) has been theoretically discussed in the article , which is a magnetic abrasive jet machining system .

  29. 按照优化配方重复试验,结果表明配方是可靠的、操作条件是合理的、砂磨罐一步研磨工艺是可行的。

    According to the selected optimum recipe , the results are , the formulation is reliable , condition is rational and one step grinding with sand-mill is practicable .

  30. 利用导静电纳米级金属氧化物颗粒,以水为分散介质,通过选用不同分散助剂,改变分散研磨工艺,进行纳米级导静电水分散浆料的制备研究。

    Preparation of static conducting water dispersing nano slurry was made based on water as dispersion medium , selection of different dispersing aids and change of grinding process by means of static conducting nano sized metal oxides .