
  • 网络polishing pad
  1. 抛光垫是CMP系统的重要组成部分,也是CMP的主要消耗品。

    Polishing pad is the main consumables of the CMP .

  2. 抛光垫是化学机械抛光(CMP)系统的重要组成部分。

    Polishing pad is a very important component of the chemical-mechanical polishing ( CMP ) system .

  3. 抛光垫的表面结构和组织直接影响抛光垫的性能,进而影响CMP过程及加工效果。

    The surface texture and constituent of the pad directly affects its performances and even the CMP process .

  4. 主要结论归纳如下:1、使用Al2O3溶胶―凝胶抛光垫加工硅片时,当抛光压力达到一定的重量后,硅片的表面质量将不会有所增加;

    In the procedure of polishing silicon wafer by the sol-gel polishing pad made of Al2O3 micro powder , after the pressure force reaches given weight , the processing effect will not increase ;

  5. 其中混合润滑模型中包括了极坐标下的平均Reynolds方程、接触压力方程、抛光垫变形方程、平均膜厚方程、总载荷平衡方程和总转矩平衡方程。

    The hydrodynamic model involves the average Reynolds equation , the contact equation , the elastic deformation equation , the fluid film thickness equation , the balance equations of load and moments .

  6. 本文首先基于随机表面的G-W接触模型和赫兹弹性理论分析了抛光垫与晶片的接触情况,从单颗磨料的磨削作用出发,推导出抛光过程中材料去除率的数学模型。

    Based on the G-W contact model and Hertz theory , the contact status between polishing pad and wafer is analyzed at first . A mathematic model of material removal in polishing is obtained by means of the grinding action of single abrasive .

  7. 固结磨料抛光垫抛光硅片的探索研究

    Research on the Polishing of Silicon Wafer by Fixed Abrasive Pad

  8. 抛光垫在蓝宝石衬底化学机械抛光中的应用研究

    Study the application of pad in chemical mechanical polishing for sapphire wafer

  9. 固结磨料抛光垫作用下的材料去除速率模型

    A model of material removal rate with fixed abrasive pad

  10. 实验室中制备了一个完整的固结磨料抛光垫样品,配置相应的抛光液,在高速研磨抛光机上进行了抛光试验探索。

    The fixed abrasive polishing pad and the relevant slurry were prepared .

  11. 如有必要,请用金属抛光垫再次清理曲轴法兰。

    Clean the camshaft flange again using the metal-polishing pad , if necessary .

  12. 随着抛光垫转速的增加,硅片的磨抛加工表面状况会逐渐变好;

    With the increase of rotational speed , the superficial quality will get better gradually ;

  13. 当玻璃盘与抛光垫间隙较小时,抛光垫转动时,有液体从抛光垫边缘进入中心。

    When polishing pad rotates , some liquid in the fringe can enter the center .

  14. 大直径无蜡抛光垫的研制

    Development of Large Diameter Wax-Free Polishing Mat

  15. 基于这一背景,开展了固结磨料抛光垫的制备以及抛光工艺等方面的探索研究。

    Based on this background , first , and the preparation mechanism of this technology was studied .

  16. 抛光垫粗糙的表面有利于提高材料去除率。

    Using the polishing pad with grooves or rougher surfaces can increase the material removal and planarization rate .

  17. 应用接触力学理论,建立了硅片表面与抛光垫之间的接触力学模型。

    According to the contact mechanics theory , the contact model between the wafer and the pad was built .

  18. 采用表面合理开槽的抛光垫,可提高材料去除率,降低晶片表面的不均匀性;

    The summarization shows that the material removal rate increases with lower shear modulus and higher compressibility of the polishing pad .

  19. 分别采用聚氨酯抛光垫、聚四氟乙烯抛光垫、无纺布抛光垫抛光钽酸锂晶片,研究抛光垫材料性能对抛光效果影响。

    To study the influence of pad material on polishing effect in polishing , polytetrafluoroethylene pad , non-woven fabric pad and polyurethane pad are selected .

  20. 抛光垫表面特性能可大大改变抛光液的流动情况,从而影响化学机械抛光的抛光性能。

    Slurry flow weighs heavily on the performances of chemical mechanical polishing ( CMP ) process , wherein the pad surface will alter the flow features considerably .

  21. 距离较小时,抛光垫受流体动压发生弹性变形,弹性变形影响液体厚度以及液体流动。

    When the distance is very small , elastic deformation of the polishing pad will occur . The elastic deformation will influence the thickness and the flow of liquid .

  22. 抛光垫的性能主要由抛光垫的材料种类、材料性能、表面结构与状态以及修整参数等决定。

    The performances of a polishing pad are determined by the type and properties of pad materials , the surface structure and state as well as the conditioning parameters .

  23. 抛光垫对硬度较小的石材(如雪花白)具有较好的抛光效果,效率也比较高,而对硬度比较大的石材(如山西黑和枫叶红)的抛光效果并不理想。

    There is a better polishing effect and a higher efficiency to polish low-hardness stone , but the effect is worse and the efficiency is lower to polish high-hardness stone .

  24. 进行了抛光垫修整实验,研究了抛光垫特性与修整参数之间的关系,分析了修整参数对抛光垫性能的影响,进而优化了修整工艺参数。

    The conditioning tests of the diamond conditioners are conducted on a polishing machine . Through analyzing the relationships between pad performances and conditioning parameters , the conditioning parameters are optimized .

  25. 工作如下:开发了荧光测试实验台,实验台采用玻璃盘和抛光垫构成摩擦副,用来模拟化学机械抛光过程中的抛光垫和盘片的运动过程;

    It mainly includes : The test rig for performing fluorescent analysis of was established , glass disk and polishing pad can rotate to simulate the pad and the wafer in CMP progress .

  26. 本文中设计制作了一种新型葵花籽粒结构仿生抛光垫,将葵花籽粒排列分布形式应用到抛光垫设计制作中。

    In this article , a kind of the bionic polishing pad with sunflower seed pattern has been designed based on phyllotaxis theory , The sunflower seed pattern will be applied in the designing and making of polishing pad .

  27. 结果显示,硅片的运动轨迹主要分布在抛光垫中部的环状范围内,造成抛光垫中部的集中磨损严重,影响硅片连续抛光时的稳定性。

    According to the results , it is concluded that the trajectory is mainly distributed in the middle of the polishing pad , which would result in the severe worn of the polishing pad and affect the stability of the wafer polishing .

  28. 本文在仿生学的基础上,提出了一种向日葵籽粒结构的仿生抛光垫,该抛光垫的表面是由相互独立的磨料块组成,并制造出类似于葵花籽粒分布形式的抛光垫。

    The paper , on the basis of the bionic , a new kind of bionic polishing pad with sunflower seed pattern is proposed , the polishing pad surface is made of independent grain blocks , and create polishing pad similar to the distribution of sunflower seed pattern .

  29. 化学机械抛光用抛光垫的修整对修整效果的影响因素

    Influencing Factors of Conditioning Effect about Polishing Pad Conditioning for Chemical Mechanical Polishing

  30. 本文通过理论研究与实验分析相结合,对化学机械抛光中抛光垫特性进行系统研究。

    Based on the theoretical research and experimental analysis , the property of polishing pad is studied systematically in the paper .