- 网络short term external debt;short-term external debt

Like other emerging market economies with current account deficits and short-term external debt , Korea will have difficulty rolling over its borrowings .
Total external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private no guaranteed long-term debt , use of IMF credit , and short-term debt .
In addition , Probit Model is used in the empirical analysis of developing countries ' currency crises in 1990s , and it is showed that the capital inflows in the countries of high short-term foreign debt ratio are inclined to reverse .
A Research of the Dynamic Relationship between China 's Long-term and Short-term External Debts
In most East Asian economies the ratio of reserves to short-term foreign currency debt is four or five to one .
Although in general the indicators measuring foreign debt risk illustrate the risks being within the secure boundary , the potential risks can 't be neglected .
The structure of foreign debt is far from reasonable , the ratio for short-term foreign debt is still high , the whole economy is fragile to the shock of hot money so on and so forth .
Q : it seems many of the factors that contributed to the last emerging markets crisis , including currencies linked to the US dollar , short-term foreign currency borrowings and poor banking regulations , are no longer prevalent .
Traditional view , the foreign exchange reserves should not be less than 3-4 months of imports and payment of the Asian financial crisis , has proposed a foreign currency reserve should not be less than the size of short-term foreign debt .
This paper presents a simple theoretic model that account for the abundance of short-term foreign debt in emerging market countries afflicted by currency crises , and argues that the over-inflows of short-term foreign debt in emerging markets result from governments ' guarantee on private investment .
Short-term external debts on a remaining maturity basis , which includes the current portion of long-term debt , stood at $ 194bn at the end of 2008 . That compares with $ 200bn of foreign exchange reserves , giving Korea one of Asia 's skimpiest coverage ratios .
The key vulnerability arose as banks and corporations in the region took on too much short-term , foreign currency external debt .
Some theorists hold that short-term debt is an important factor that causes international financial crisis and the policy of restricting or banning the short-term capital by imposing taxes on its influx should be adopted to guard against the financial crisis .