
  • 网络fall in love at an early age;momentary love
  1. 我不知道为什么还是不能割舍这段短暂的爱情。

    Sometimes it was clear , I can see the distant mountains covering with white snows .

  2. 你我之间,如果连短暂的爱情也无法存在,不如放开彼此。

    Between you and me , if even the short-term love can not exist , not open them .

  3. 而在这时,却邂逅了一位红颜知己,发生了一段短暂的爱情,钱也随之花完,最终不过背起行囊郁郁的终老他乡罢了。

    At this time , but encounter of a confidante , a short occurred in love , the money also will spend the end , the end of the day they die , but packed up depressed Bale afar .

  4. 短暂的分离加深爱情,长期的分离扼杀爱情。

    Temporary love deepens love , while long separating strangles love .