
  1. 广泛传开的,通常是短暂的热情或狂热。

    A contagious , usually short-lived enthusiasm or craze .

  2. 广泛传开的、通常是短暂的热情或狂热.它在所有的器件中是传导延时最短的。

    " a contagious , usually short-lived enthusiasm or craze : " ECL offers the lowest propagation delay of all the families .

  3. 《拉客》车站外拉客的人,殷勤地为过路旅客打伞遮雨,但这只是短暂的热情。

    Attract tourist The man who wants to attract tourists is opening an umbrella for passersby , but it is just temporary passion .

  4. 我常常感受我的心跳和脉搏,计算我的生命之河有多少次起伏,要让短暂的生命迸发出热情的火花。

    I often feel my beating heart and bounding pulse , counting how many waves my life of river can roll up . I will make my transient life throw off sparks .